All characters have the same wound levels as a starting base:

From this point, the number of O’s under each can change based on the characters Attributes, Gifts, Faults, and other Traits. But the minimum can never be lower than one O per wound level.
The number of O’s are adjusted by using the plus or minus value of the characters Attributes. Strength modifies the number of O’s in the Scratched column. Health modifies the number of O’s in the Hurt column. While Willpower modifies the number of O’s in the Very Hurt column.
no wounds at all. The character is not necessarily healthy – he may be sick, for example. But he doesn’t have a combat wound that’s recent enough to be bothering him.
no real game effect, except to create tension. This may eventually lead to being Hurt if the character is hit again. This term comes from the famous movie line, “I’m okay, it’s only a scratch.” The actual wound itself may be a graze, bruise, cut, abrasion, etc., and the GM whose game is more serious in tone may choose to use one of these terms instead.
the character is wounded significantly, enough to slow him down: -1 to all traits which would logically be affected. A Hurt result in combat can also be called a Light Wound.
Very Hurt:
the character is seriously hurt, possibly stumbling: -2 to all traits which would logically be affected. A Very Hurt result can also be called a Severe Wound.
the character is so badly wounded as to be incapable of any actions, except possibly dragging himself a few feet every now and then or gasping out an important message. A lenient GM can allow an Incapacitated character to perform such elaborate actions as opening a door or grabbing a gem . . .
Near Death:
the character is not only unconscious, he’ll die in less than an hour – maybe a lot less – without medical help. No one recovers from Near Death on their own unless very lucky.
he has no more use for his possessions, unless he belongs to a culture that believes he’ll need them in the afterlife . . .