This order of wizards holds great power within the Kingdom of Adan and everyplace that kingdom has influence. The order is named for their use of colors to denote rank, status, and power.
Even if a Spectral Magician character has the necessary requirements to be a certain color they may not automatically rise to it. Each level requires the magician to pass certain tests before they are granted the change in rank, status, and color.
Every Spectral Magician is treated with the highest honors within Adan. Some of this is out of fear but mostly out of respect for the Order. For the Order holds the Kingdom together even more so than any monarch has ever done. And when the monarchy failed the Kingdom 100 years ago, the Spectral Magicians committed regicide and ended the line of its founding House.
But the Kingdom endures without a King on the throne. Now ruled directly by the Spectral Magicians.
All members of the Spectral Magicians are address as Lord or Lady Magus regardless of rank or color.
The Order maintains it’s privacy and membership is secret. Members do not usually publicly display their status as Spectral Magicians. There have been a few notable exceptions out of every generation. Most of their identities are hidden behind magic and their hooded robes. Even the common folk think that the colors of the robes represent some sort of training in magic and not rank.
The robes of a Spectral Magician are simple. It is basically an outer hooded cloak. The main body of the robe is in the color of the magician’s rank and status. And it is trimmed in a complementing color.
These robes are enchanted to obscure the face and identity of the wearer when the hood is raised and also provides protection against physical and magical attacks. Thus armor is rarely necessary when donning the robe. Additionally once raised, the hood can only be taken off by the Spectral Magician wearing the robe.
When in public view the hood is usually raised to hide the identity of the Spectral Magician.
White – an initiate of the Order.
To qualify the mage must have the Magical Aptitude Gift
Know a combination of at least 3 colleges and realms
All magical skills must be at least Mediocre in rank.
Yellow – To qualify the mage must know a combination of at least 5 colleges and realms.
Orange – To qualify the mage must know a combination of at least 7 colleges and realms.
Green – a full member of the Order.
To qualify the mage must have a Mana Limit of 15
Know a combination of at least 9 colleges and realms
All magical skills must be at least Fair in rank.
Blue – To qualify the mage must know a combination of at least 11 colleges and realms.
Indigo – To qualify the mage must know a combination of at least 13 colleges and realms.
Violet – To qualify the mage must know a combination of at least 15 colleges
All magical skills must be at least Good in rank.
Red – a master of the Order.
To qualify the mage must have a Mana Threshold of 30 and Mana Limit of 21
All magical skills must be at least Great in rank.
Black – To qualify the mage must have all magical skills at Superb rank.