Merasha is a potion much dreaded by all who use psionics. Merasha has the effect of deadening mental abilities. It comes in two forms. A lesser preparation mixed with a drink of wine or some alcholoic beverage leaves a psionic person psionically defenseless for 2d6 hours (though he will not know it unless he attempts to use his powers and finds that they are gone). The full-strength merasha, whether ingested or injected (in any measurable quantity of one-quarter ounce or more) has the effect of rendering a psionic helpless: his mind is confused, his psionic powers are blocked, his Strength and Dexterity are reduced to 3's, along with a generally stupified state of mind. This lasts for 4d4 hours. A Fort Save applies in both cases, DC 15 for the lesser and DC 20 for the greater. Success indicates either no effect for the lesser or half effect for the greater. Merasha is used in healing as a major means of treating a psionic whose mind must be sedated, but it is also a potent narcotic capable of being used for mischievous purposes. It has little effect on a non-psionic, save for being a slight sedative. But it can effect a Sorcerer or other user of psionic like abilities the same as it effects a psionic character. One of the most dangerous aspects of merasha is that it can effect other psionics by "jumping" the neural synapse between two linked minds. Anytime a psionic makes any kind of telepathic contact with someone who has merasha in their system must make a Fort Save DC 15 or be effected as if they were the original target.