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Episode 58

Started by Bynw, 08 November 2006, 18:54:35

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 [19:32:56] <.Bynw> ****************************************
[19:32:58] <.Bynw> **
[19:32:59] <.Bynw> ** "The World Changes" - Session 58
[19:33:01] <.Bynw> **
[19:33:02] <.Bynw> ** Begnning recap of the previous session
[19:33:04] <.Bynw> **
[19:33:05] <.Bynw> ****************************************
[19:33:07] <.Bynw> **
[19:33:08] <.Bynw> ** Several days have past since Nym's recovery
[19:33:10] <.Bynw> ** and the party has followed the Uthani
[19:33:11] <.Bynw> ** to the next village along the road. James
[19:33:13] <.Bynw> ** has just returned from his scouting
[19:33:14] <.Bynw> ** mission of the village.
[19:33:16] <.Bynw> **
[19:33:17] <.Bynw> ** The Uthani have broken into 2 groups. The
[19:33:19] <.Bynw> ** largest is controlled by the priests and the
[19:33:20] <.Bynw> ** other is controlled by the Anadari Knights.
[19:33:22] <.Bynw> **
[19:33:23] <.Bynw> ****************************************
[19:33:25] <.Bynw> ** 
[19:33:26] <.Bynw> ** End of Recap
[19:33:28] <.Bynw> **
[19:33:29] <.Bynw> ****************************************
* Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[19:33:36] <.Bynw> !! you are just a few hours from the village
[19:33:45] * +Paladin lights a cigar.
[19:34:08] <+James> "The next village is pro-Valimari."
[19:34:21] <+Paladin> ?? what time of day is it ??
[19:34:53] <.Bynw> !! around midday
[19:35:27] <+Paladin> "We have our uniforms.. should we risk going in?"
[19:35:36] <+_Nym_> "Maybe it's best if we avoid it then." 
[19:35:51] <+T_Shaw> "Do we need to go to the village?"
[19:36:18] * +Paladin eyes his pistols.
[19:36:31] <+Paladin> "I only wish I had more ammunition."
[19:36:44] <+James> "Yes, why go in at all.  We still have supplies."
[19:36:58] <+Bredock> "Aye."\
[19:37:31] * +Paladin nods. "Aye.. I should be fine, at least for awhile."
[19:37:33] <.Bynw> *Alec* "I agree. Best to avoid them and go around.  Shouldnt be more than a few hours "
[19:38:17] <+_Nym_> ??What are the sizes of the 2 groups and which is ahead of the other?? 
[19:38:36] <.Bynw> !! about 20 men each ...give or take
[19:39:05] <+Paladin> ?? How far apart from each other are the two groups??
[19:40:22] <.Bynw> !!only a few hours from one an other ... our party is closer to the Anadari group
[19:41:00] <+Paladin> "I'd pay Satan for the chance to cut down the numbers of at least one of the groups.. "
[19:41:39] <+_Nym_> ??how far are we from the temple?? 
[19:41:44] <+Paladin> "I dont relish the thought of fighting all the Uthani as a unified force."
[19:42:26] <+_Nym_> "They wont unify, more likely once they get close to the temple they will set on each other." 
[19:42:39] <+T_Shaw> "Paladin is right. A split force can work to our advantage if we decide to press the issue."
[19:42:47] <+Bredock> ((BRB))
[19:42:52] <+Paladin> "I hope your right, Nym."
[19:42:56] <+James> "Or they may create an uneasy truce for the good of the mission when they get there."
[19:43:47] <+_Nym_> "We are very close to the Temple now. We could ignite tensions between the two groups. Any Ideas?" 
[19:43:53] <+Paladin> "James... is there any sort of power you have over nature that could work to our advantage?"
[19:45:11] <.Bynw> *Alec* "Yes when we are closer to the ruins of the temple I want to make contact with the Anadari."
[19:45:47] <+Paladin> :: Turning to Alec :: "Do you think you can sway them, Alec?"
[19:45:48] <+James> "Not at this point, I haven't prepared anything like that.  Maybe tomorrow I could call an ice storm or something like that."
[19:45:54] <+_Nym_> ::Looks to Alec with suspicion:: "You think they would follow you?" 
[19:46:26] <+Paladin> "I would start praying now, James." :: Paladin says outloud. ::
[19:46:40] <.Bynw> *Alec looks back at Nym* "Why not ... I did train them."
[19:47:02] <+T_Shaw> "Master Alec, the question then becomes whether they will acknowledge that fact."
[19:47:14] <+Paladin> "Its a long shot, Alec.. I don't like the chances."
[19:47:45] <+Paladin> "We need an advantage over them, force them to join, if thats the plan."
[19:48:11] <+_Nym_> "And when you are weak from fighting Michael, you think they wouldn't take the oppertunity to kill you and take your place? You are stripped of rank and the people of Utha would not mind or even know the details." 
[19:48:38] <+Paladin> "I would rather thin their ranks."
[19:48:41] <+James> "They won't join us, Paladin, even if they acknowledge Master Alec.  Best we could hope for is a truce od sorts."
[19:49:47] <+Paladin> "and promise them what, James?"
[19:49:59] <+T_Shaw> "A truce is better than a funeral."
[19:50:22] <.Bynw> *Alec* "One doesn't need to fight in order to win a battle Paladin"
[19:51:18] <+Paladin> "That may be so, Alec. At some point, we are going to have to fight, though. It is inevitable."
[19:51:28] <+_Nym_> @roll d20+10+4 
[19:51:28] <+BoxCars> _Nym_: 1d20+10+4 = ( 3+10+4 ) = 17
[19:51:36] <+James> "We and the Uthani Anadari would have a common cause -- the defeat of Michael and promoting Master Alec's claim to the throne."
[19:52:32] <+Paladin> "Aye, it does make sense, James. Its certain we cant defeat the Priests alone."
[19:52:36] <+_Nym_> "Why would the Anadari want Alec on the throne?" 
[19:52:54] <+James> "He's one of them.  He'd increase their power."
[19:53:20] <+T_Shaw> "And Valimarians love power."
[19:53:21] <+Paladin> "With those Anadari on our side.. we would have a good chance of winning the war."
[19:53:22] <+James> "An Anadari Kinh of Utha."
[19:53:29] <.Bynw> "If  I convince them, they will follow me. And we wouldn't have to fight against them." *alec states*
[19:54:33] <+Paladin> "So, whats it going to be? Will you ride alone to parley with them, Alec, or do you want us to come with you?"
[19:54:52] <.Bynw> "When the time comes, I will go alone."
[19:55:14] <+_Nym_> ::Shakes his head negative to Alec:: "I think not." 
[19:55:14] <+Paladin> "Then we should set out now."
[19:55:34] <+James> "That's a given.  Master Alec must establish control of them before introducing his allies."
[19:56:04] <+Bredock> "I agree with James.:
[19:56:13] <+_Nym_> "We have a common goal Alec, but I have not mistaken that for friendship. You can easily betray us." 
[19:56:42] <+Paladin> "Nym, what reason does Alec have to betray us?"
[19:57:11] <+James> "Nym, as long as we support Alec's cause, as we have been doing, he has no reason to betray us.  If that happens, it will be after the showdown with Michael."
[19:58:10] <+_Nym_> "After the fighting is done Alec could use those Anadari to wipe us out and take the bloodpool." 
[19:58:41] <+Paladin> "Thats a chance I'm willing to take. All this conjecture is just wasting time."
[19:58:44] <+T_Shaw> "For what purpose, Master Nym?"
[19:59:14] * +Paladin pulls on his cigar, then tosses it away.
[19:59:43] <+_Nym_> ::Looks about and see's he is out-numbered in opinion. he shrugs and sighs:: "Okay, then we move on. I will go with the popular opinion." 
[20:00:06] <+_Nym_> ::Again takes the lead towards the Temple:: 
[20:00:11] <+T_Shaw> "Master Nym, I pray you are wrong, but will prepare as  though you're not."
[20:00:25] <+Paladin> "Thats the spirit Nym.. dont worry man, I have your back."
[20:00:43] * Superstition has joined #Teara-Adan
[20:00:49] <+James> "Agreed, Master Shaw.  Good to be prepared in any account."
[20:01:14] <.Bynw> *Alec rides up beside Nym* "I understand your lack of trust. But I have no ill will against the son of my brother."
[20:01:18] <+Paladin> (( man = sir ))
[20:02:11] * +Paladin spits
[20:02:12] * +Bredock sets off and trails behind
[20:02:47] * Superstition has left #Teara-Adan
[20:02:54] <+Paladin> "Shall we then?" :: Paladin waves his hand in the direction of the Anadari ::
[20:03:54] <.Bynw> "In fact," *Alec continues* "I wish to give you something Nym Gibran."
[20:04:05] <+_Nym_> ::Meets Alec's eyes:: "You talk a good story Alec. I hope it is true, but I can not trust mere words from you. Not while you hold to your tradition and your aliegence with Utha. You forget I have seen the horror of that place. The weak are treated without mercy." 
[20:04:40] * +Paladin sighs.
[20:05:02] <+James> ::to Nym:: @@ The big question is whether we defend Alec if the Uthani Anadari turn on him.@@
[20:05:40] <+Paladin> "Have we not conjected long enough? I for one am ready to put this matter to the test."
[20:06:05] <+_Nym_> @@::To James:: "Without question I would. So long as he holds his bargain he is under my protection."@@ 
[20:06:26] <+James> ::to Nym:: @@ Agreed, then.@@
[20:06:47] <.Bynw> *alec pulls off the riding glove of his right hand and removes the ring his wears there and hands it across to Nym* "This is yours now, as it should be."
[20:07:08] <+_Nym_> ::Muttering a bit to himself, he straightens and turns to Alec while still riding:: "Another Gift?" 
[20:07:35] <+_Nym_> ::Takes the ring and examines it:: 
[20:07:53] <.Bynw> "From the same source as the first gift I gave to you so many years ago in this nation"
[20:09:26] <.Bynw> ! the ring is easily identified as a signet ring
[20:10:04] <+_Nym_> ::Looks back to Alec:: "A Signet? Of what?" 
[20:11:16] <.Bynw> *Alec looks across at Nym* "The Barony of Kes in Flora. You are its rightful heir after all."
[20:12:55] * +Paladin looks down at Nym's ring and then at Nym.
[20:13:17] <+Paladin> "I'll buy you a keg of the finest wine when this is all done, Nym "
[20:13:21] <+T_Shaw> me looks at Nym.
[20:13:26] * +T_Shaw looks at Nym.
[20:13:34] <+_Nym_> ::Nods to Alec and Smiles:: "Thank you, it is my Fathers ring and so I will cherish it." 
[20:14:38] <+Paladin> "A cask of Amontiado sounds in order.." :: Paladin winks at Nym ::
[20:15:26] <+Paladin> (( CASK OF AMONTILLADO 
[20:15:50] <+_Nym_> ::Reaches deep inside his shirts and pulls out a thin chain necklace. From the end of it dangles the signet ring of the house of Tennes, the only thing he owns of his mother. He threads the chain through both signets and replaces it under his shirt:: 
[20:15:58] <+T_Shaw> (( Poe reference. Cool. <g>))
[20:16:21] <+Paladin> (( :) ))
[20:16:57] <+T_Shaw> "Master Nym, it looks as though Alec is on the up and up."
[20:19:01] <+Paladin> "I agree with Shaw.. we should begin to really trust one another."
[20:19:20] <+_Nym_> ::Raises an eyebrow at Master Shaw:: "....appears that way...." 
[20:19:56] <+Bredock> "Aye"
[20:19:59] <+_Nym_> ::His face returns to stone and he makes no other comment:: 
[20:20:30] * Kosty has joined #Teara-Adan
[20:20:44] <+Paladin> "Come on Nym.. no one lives forever. Its time to get this over with."
[20:20:47] <+T_Shaw> "I agree with Paladin. I trust you all with the knowledge of my bloodline, and I expect you all to trust me in combat."
[20:21:35] <+T_Shaw> "And, God willing, I will not betray that trust."
[20:21:35] <+Paladin> "Aye Shaw.. my guns will serve us all."
[20:21:47] <.Bynw> (( hi kosty ))
[20:21:53] * +Paladin bows his head and crosses himself.
[20:22:20] <+_Nym_> ::fingers the two signet rings under his shirt for a bit in thought:: 
[20:22:27] <+_Nym_> (('ello Kosty)) 
[20:22:40] <.Bynw> *the party rides on into the afternoon, going around the village as they planned
[20:22:42] <Kosty> ((hi all))
[20:23:26] <+T_Shaw> (( Greetings Kosty ))
[20:23:40] <+Paladin> (( hello Kosty ))
[20:24:14] <+Paladin> ?? How long until we sight the Anadari group ??
[20:24:19] <+Bredock> ((yo kosty))
[20:24:36] <.Bynw> @roll 1d20+8
[20:24:36] <+BoxCars> Bynw: 1d20+8 = ( 8+8 ) = 16
[20:25:36] <+Paladin> (( I hope thats not hours ))
[20:27:05] <Zombus> ((someone gonna die!))
[20:28:29] <.Bynw> *evening comes, and the summer sun is long and has not yet set
[20:30:04] <+T_Shaw> "Do you think we should set up Wards for the night?"
[20:30:24] <+_Nym_> ::Looks about for a suitable place to make camp and stops for the night:: 
[20:30:40] <.Bynw> *Alec shakes his head at Shaw*
[20:30:56] <+Paladin> "We should keep riding, should'nt we?"
[20:31:12] <+_Nym_> "We will come on the Temple tomorrow or the next day at the latest I think. Alec what is your plan?" 
[20:31:44] <+_Nym_> @roll d20+13+4 
[20:31:45] <+BoxCars> _Nym_: 1d20+13+4 = ( 20+13+4 ) = 37
[20:32:07] <.Bynw> *Alec looks up to the sky and around a bit* "When the time is right ... I shall goto my Anadari brothers."
[20:32:49] <.Bynw> *Alec dismounts* "But until then. This is a good place to camp"
[20:33:27] * +Paladin grumbles about wasting more time.. but grudgingly makes camp.
[20:34:01] * +T_Shaw dismounts and takes out trail rations
[20:34:24] <+_Nym_> ::Nods to Alec:: "If you are not back by dawn we'll assume you are dead and move on, Alec." 
[20:34:28] * +Bredock dismounts, sets up his portion of camp, and then gets out his trail rations
[20:34:29] <+_Nym_> ::Dismounts:: 
[20:34:35] * +Paladin begins to feel better once he eats of some cheese and beef jerky.
[20:35:01] <+_Nym_> ::Makes his simple camp and gets something to eat:: 
[20:35:12] * +James eats too.
[20:36:15] <+Paladin> :: Paladin looks up at the vastness of the manifold stars in the sky. He seems to be in deep thought for a bit. ::
[20:36:31] <.Bynw> *alec walks up behind Paladin and places his hand on the gunfighter's shoulder* "Perhaps, your impatients is the cause of your limited training in the Way"
[20:36:58] * +Paladin stirs out of his revere at the hand on his shoulder.
[20:37:06] <+Paladin> "What?"
[20:37:27] * +Paladin turns to face Alec.
[20:37:57] <.Bynw> *alec moves on* "and your lack of attention as well."
[20:38:03] <+Paladin> "I only want to get this over with, Alec."
[20:38:48] * +Paladin watches Alec walk away, and shrugs.
[20:39:57] <+Paladin> "And just what have I missed, Alec?" :: Paladin calls to the man's back ::
[20:41:32] * +Paladin lets his eyes wander back to the monument of the stars.
[20:41:35] <.Bynw> *he turns back* "The fact that I could have killed you while you were staring off into the heavens just then. Your mind was not on where you were."
[20:42:01] * +Paladin looks back, angerly, at Alec.
[20:42:46] <+Paladin> "I find it peaceful to let my mind go to places ... outside of 'here'.."
[20:42:51] * +T_Shaw puts a hand on Paladin's shoulder
[20:43:06] <+_Nym_> ::Huffs at Alec but says nothing:: 
[20:43:10] <+T_Shaw> "Ease up, Paladin. No need to shed blood within the party."
[20:43:38] <+Paladin> "Shed blood? Have I drawn a weapon?"
[20:44:14] * +Paladin lets the tension flow away from himself.
[20:44:41] <+Paladin> "Maybe I'm only mad at myself, Shaw.. no need to worry, sir."
[20:45:12] <+T_Shaw> "Save that fire for the battlefield." :: smiles at Paladin ::
[20:45:28] <.Bynw> *Alec* "You have been given the gift to see other men's souls. See the beauty of the heavens but leave a little of yourself here and now. It can save your life"
[20:46:14] <+Paladin> "You are, of course, correct Alec." :: turning to Shaw :: "Thats why I was angered.. he is right."
[20:46:50] <+_Nym_> ::Stands and walks slowly to Paladin:: "He is only half right." 
[20:47:09] <+T_Shaw> "A moment of weakness amongst friends in safety is nothing to be ashamed of."
[20:47:29] <+Paladin> "What of it Nym?"
[20:48:09] * +Paladin nods to Shaw.
[20:48:49] <+_Nym_> "You can be at peace within yourself and still be on guard. It is not as easy to learn as letting your emotions keep you on edge, but it is the greater path." 
[20:49:42] <+Paladin> "I hear your wisdom , Nym.. but, as Shaw said, I only sought to let my tension go."
[20:49:44] <+James> "Sometimes the gravity of the situation steals or capacity to just experience life.  Maybe Paladin is the fortunate one here . . ."
[20:49:58] <+James> ((steals our capacity))
[20:50:06] <+Paladin> "Excactly, James."
[20:50:11] <+T_Shaw> "Besides, I would have Paladin's back in a heartbeat."
[20:50:23] <+_Nym_> ::Returns to his meal:: 
[20:50:32] * +T_Shaw produces his Star Sword faster than the eye can follow
[20:50:36] <.Bynw> *alec settles down with the others and looks into the flames of the night's camp fire*
[20:50:49] * +Paladin smiles.
[20:51:28] <+Paladin> "Alec.. you would consider your own words.. staring into the fire will blind your eyes to the night. It is best to face away from the flames."
[20:51:29] <+T_Shaw> :: looks to Paladin :: "How's THAT for a fast draw?"
[20:51:52] <+Paladin> "Very impressive, Master Shaw."
[20:52:03] * +T_Shaw puts his Star Sword away
[20:52:12] <+T_Shaw> :: smiles :: "Clean livin." 
[20:52:28] * +Paladin pulls out a cigar and lights it.
[20:52:55] <+_Nym_> ::Smiles to Shaw:: "I am faster I think..." 
[20:52:59] <+Paladin> "I never fully believed in that, Shaw." :: Paladin says as he lights the cigar, and gives a wink to Master Shaw ::
[20:53:33] <.Bynw> @roll d20+18
[20:53:34] <+BoxCars> Bynw: 1d20+18 = ( 18+18 ) = 36
[20:54:18] <+_Nym_> ::Puts his hands behind him and pushes to a Stand and moves close to Shaw:: "Watch, my hand I think you'll see for yourself." 
[20:55:05] <+T_Shaw> "Master Nym, I know you're faster. You are more experienced than I."
[20:55:28] <+Paladin> "I think you boys need the company of a woman" :: Paladin says with a grin ::
[20:56:47] <+_Nym_> ::Holds up his other hand. It holds a small dart:: "I meant only to make the point that miss direction can sometimes make up for many things. In all truth, I think you maybe faster Master Shaw." 
[20:57:35] <+_Nym_> ::Replaces the dart in a belt pouch in the small of his back and takes a seat:: 
[20:57:40] * +Paladin performs a Road Agent Spin. Paladin holds his pistols out butt-first, as though surrendering to his opponent. Then, he quickly spins and flips the smokewagons, turning them on Nym and Shaw as a free action.
[20:58:07] <+T_Shaw> :: looks to Nym with a smile ::
[20:58:28] <+T_Shaw> "He's good."
[20:58:29] <+Paladin> "Looks like I have the drop on you fellows."
[20:58:41] <+_Nym_> ::Nods to Paladin and Master Shaw:: "Yes, that he is." 
[20:58:56] <+_Nym_> ::Returns to eating his meal:: 
[20:58:58] * +Paladin grins, and puts his pistols back.
[21:00:01] * +James finishes eating and prepares spells.
[21:00:34] * +Paladin takes out all of his guns, and begins cleaning each in turn.
[21:00:43] <+T_Shaw> :: sits down and continues eating ::
[21:01:45] <+_Nym_> ::Takes a meditative siting position against a tree trunk:: 
[21:02:38] <+Paladin> "I suppose I'll take a watch" :: he says without looking away from his task at hand ::
[21:03:09] <+Bredock> "I'll take it nex then"
[21:03:13] <+Bredock> ((next))
[21:03:45] <+Paladin> "Get yourself some rest then , Bredock. I'll wake you in a few hours."
[21:03:46] * DarkSir has joined #Teara-Adan
[21:03:46] * chat.psionics.net sets mode: +o DarkSir
[21:03:46] * DarkSir sets mode: +v DarkSir
[21:03:46] * DarkSir sets mode: -o DarkSir
[21:04:10] <+T_Shaw> "I will take an early morning watch."
[21:04:19] <+Bredock> "Alright."
[21:04:28] * +Bredock starts to sleep
[21:04:40] <+James> "I'll take one in the middle, then."
[21:05:25] * +Paladin rubs a light coat of oil on his guns, and wipes them down. He then walks to a point about 10 yards outside of camp, and slowly circles, looking out into the night.
[21:06:30] * +T_Shaw rolls out his bedroll and gets comfy
[21:06:52] * +James finishes spell prep and goes to bed.
[21:06:53] * +Paladin lets the Uthani uniform drop from his body as he paces.. and pulls his normal clothing back into shape.
[21:07:25] <+James> ((We still wearing the Uthani uniforms?))
[21:07:34] <+Paladin> (( Im not ))
[21:07:41] <.Bynw> (( no those should have been dropped sometime ago ))
[21:07:52] <+Paladin> (( k, I just wanted to make sure ))
[21:08:00] <+James> ((That's what I figured.))
[21:08:11] <.Bynw> (( Bredock ... see the PM ))
[21:08:20] * Tika has joined #Teara-Adan
[21:08:20] * chat.psionics.net sets mode: +q Tika
[21:08:26] * Tika sets mode: -q Tika
[21:08:26] * Tika sets mode: -o Tika
[21:08:40] <+Paladin> (( :: waves to Tika :: ))
[21:09:06] <Tika> (( hi all ))
[21:09:26] <+T_Shaw> (( Howdy Teeker! ))
[21:09:30] <+_Nym_> (('ello Tika)) 
[21:09:36] <+Paladin> (( brb ))
[21:10:49] <.Bynw> (( hiyas my love ))
[21:11:42] <+Paladin> (( not in public Bynw.. you know how I feel when you talk to me like that ))
[21:11:55] <+_Nym_> ((lol)) 
[21:12:07] <+Paladin> (( :P ))
[21:12:15] <+T_Shaw> (( LOL ))
[21:12:38] <+T_Shaw> (( :: sings :: "You're a heartbreaker...dream maker...love taker...." ))
[21:12:48] <+James> ((It's his server and his channel.  He can talk however the hell he wants . . . ))
[21:13:22] * +Paladin after taking watch for 3 uneventful hours, wakes Bredock for his turn.
[21:14:01] * +Bredock promptly gets up and goes out and takes his watch
[21:14:06] * +Paladin lays down for some sleep.
[21:14:54] <+_Nym_> ::Sometime after midnight he rises from his meditation and sits next to the dying fire and keeping the sentry's company:: 
[21:15:10] <+James> ((2 hour watches should be enough.  James said he would take a middle one, and Shaw has the early morning watch.))
[21:15:51] * +Bredock goes and wakes James after his watch is over
[21:16:04] * +James wakes and takes over the watch.
[21:16:34] <+_Nym_> ::Keeps James Company during his watch:: 
[21:16:52] <+James> "Trouble sleeping, Nym?"
[21:17:16] <.Bynw> !! spot check Nym and James
[21:17:39] <+James> @roll 1d20+7 for spot
[21:17:40] <+BoxCars> James: 1d20+7 = ( 11+7 ) = 18 for spot
[21:17:48] <+_Nym_> ::Smiles:: "Yes and no. I need little sleep when I choose. But yes, I am troubled." 
[21:18:04] <+_Nym_> @roll d20+9 
[21:18:05] <+BoxCars> _Nym_: 1d20+9 = ( 18+9 ) = 27
[21:19:31] <.Bynw> *nym and james both notice that Ambria and her rider Alec are missing
[21:20:19] <+James> "You see Alec leave?"
[21:20:47] <+_Nym_> "No. But I wasn't up at all times." 
[21:22:17] <+_Nym_> "It is a simple trick to move without being seen, you have witnessed me do it several times I think." 
[21:23:41] <+_Nym_> "He must be with his pupils, bargaining." 
[21:24:53] <+James> "Yes, that's what I was thinking, too."
[21:25:15] <+James> "Good luck to him, then."
[21:26:08] <+_Nym_> ::He makes no comment:: 
[21:26:59] <+James> "Well, we shall see in the morning."
[21:27:11] <.Bynw> *the rest of the night passes without incident
[21:27:48] * +Paladin wakes up at dawn and prepares to ride.
[21:27:59] <+_Nym_> ::camp is broken and horse saddled when the other wake:: 
[21:28:13] <+_Nym_> ((others)) 
[21:28:26] <.Bynw> *the others would notice in the morning that Alec is not present
[21:28:48] * +James wakes and gets his horse ready.
[21:28:49] * +T_Shaw stretches a bit to work out any kinks from the watch
[21:29:24] * +Paladin notices Alec is gone, but only gives acknowledgement of it by his stare.
[21:29:26] * +Bredock gets up, gathers his stuff and eats some cheese and jeekt
[21:29:37] <+Bredock> ((jerky))
[21:31:02] <+Paladin> :: Paladin eats some bread and chases it with water ::
[21:31:09] * Tika has quit IRC (User has been mind-ripped)
[21:31:09] * +T_Shaw takes out some trail rations and eats them
[21:31:19] <+James> "Well, do we wait for Alec a bit or move on?"
[21:31:34] <+Paladin> "I think we should wait, James."
[21:31:41] <+T_Shaw> "I'd say we wait for Master Alec."
[21:31:43] <+_Nym_> ::to everyone present:: "Seems Alec is staying with the Anadari to lead them. We should move on and stay close to the Uthani today. We should reach the temple today and we don't want to be late to the party." 
[21:32:15] <+James> "Okay. let's move, then."
[21:32:23] * +Paladin stares out onto the plain.. and gets on his horse.
[21:32:59] * +T_Shaw shrugs and mounts up
[21:33:09] * +James mounts his horse.
[21:33:16] <+Paladin> "Lead on, Nym."
[21:33:26] * Tika has joined #Teara-Adan
[21:33:27] * chat.psionics.net sets mode: +q Tika
[21:33:31] * Tika sets mode: -q Tika
[21:33:32] * Tika sets mode: -o Tika
[21:33:35] <+_Nym_> ::Mounts up and again takes the lead towards the temple, moving to close the gap between the priests and the group:: 
[21:33:43] * +Bredock mounts up and heads off
[21:34:04] <+_Nym_> @roll d20+13+4 
[21:34:04] <+BoxCars> _Nym_: 1d20+13+4 = ( 4+13+4 ) = 21
[21:35:55] <.Bynw> *as the party rides out at a fast pace that Nym sets ... they ride through the plain which changes back to forest
[21:36:24] <+_Nym_> ::closes his eyes a moment while riding, then opens them again:: "I can sense it ahead, by the end of this day we will arrive." 
[21:37:05] * +Paladin grits his teeth and rides a bit harder.
[21:37:30] <+James> " . . . and then we shall see this resolved . . . for better or worse."
[21:38:44] <+_Nym_> ::Makes a gesture for Paladin to hold the pace to his own:: "I am taking us as close to the rear as I dare go Paladin. Keep this pace, no faster." 
[21:39:30] <+Paladin> "Aye, Nym.. I'm only anxious to arrive:" :: he says as he slackens his mount's pace a bit ::
[21:41:01] <+_Nym_> ::Continues on taking lunch in the saddle:: 
[21:41:44] * +James follows Nym's lead and eats a bit while riding.
[21:42:19] * +T_Shaw nibbles on trail rations in the saddle while keeping pace with the others
[21:42:49] <.Bynw> *by late afternoon the forest gives way again to open plains and begins to sweep the party into a valley
[21:44:37] * +Paladin finally feels a hunger pain , and eats a hunk of salted aged beef
[21:48:45] <.Bynw> @roll 1d6
[21:48:45] <+BoxCars> Bynw: 1d6 = ( 1 ) = 1
[21:49:25] <.Bynw> *on a slight bluff overlooking the valley below is an encampment ... the banner of Utha flies in a breeze outside of one of the tents being raised 
[21:50:38] <+James> "Which group is that?  The priests or the Anadari?"
[21:50:39] * +Paladin raises his hand and points towards the encampment
[21:50:40] <+_Nym_> ::Reins in and rides back down the bluff to stop the others before they are spotted:: 
[21:50:58] * +Paladin reigns in alongside Nym
[21:51:10] * +T_Shaw follows suit
[21:51:14] <+James> ::reigns in as well.
[21:51:42] <+Paladin> "Finally."
[21:52:49] <.Bynw> @roll 1d20+6
[21:52:49] <+BoxCars> Bynw: 1d20+6 = ( 15+6 ) = 21
[21:52:57] <.Bynw> ?? what do you do 
[21:53:02] <+_Nym_> ::Dismounts:: "We are in luck. The Priests are making camp for the night. We can, if we choose, hit them tonight and dwindle their numbers" 
[21:53:38] <+T_Shaw> "Agreed. We should try to hit them from long range if possible and from multiple positions."
[21:53:42] * +Paladin dismounts. He goes over to stand by Nym, to take a survey of the encampment, and the landscape.
[21:53:49] * +T_Shaw dismounts
[21:54:00] <+James> "You're sure that's not where the bloodpool is?"
[21:54:01] <+_Nym_> "If we attack it will drive them into the Temple and keep them from mounting a entrenched defense." 
[21:54:11] <.Bynw> @roll 1d20+6
[21:54:11] <+BoxCars> Bynw: 1d20+6 = ( 10+6 ) = 16
[21:54:13] <+Paladin> "I can use my rifle, Nym."
[21:55:04] <+_Nym_> ::Closes his eyes for a moment in concentration:: 
[21:55:40] <.Bynw> !there are no buildings ... just open plains ... and the party is on one of several rolling hills over looking the encampment
[21:56:14] <+Paladin> ?? the Blood Pool is not to be seen ??
[21:56:28] <.Bynw> !! nope 
[21:56:45] <+_Nym_> @roll d20+13+4 
[21:56:46] <+BoxCars> _Nym_: 1d20+13+4 = ( 2+13+4 ) = 19
[21:56:46] <+James> ?? How about a temple??
[21:56:54] <.Bynw> !there are no buildings ... just open plains ... and the party is on one of several rolling hills over looking the encampment
[21:57:06] <+James> ((ahhhh . . .))
[21:57:09] <Tika> ((oh look honey, there's the exit for the Blood Pool, we can have lunch there! ))
[21:58:46] <+Paladin> "I'll need to get in to about 40 or so yards to get a good shot at any of them."
[21:59:28] <+_Nym_> ::Opens his eyes in a flash and gags:: 
[21:59:34] <+James> "I have can hit them from a lot farther than that with an ice storm."
[21:59:49] * +Paladin cringes at Nym
[22:00:03] <+Paladin> "are you alright?"
[22:00:16] <+James> "You okay, Nym??"
[22:00:32] <+T_Shaw> "Maybe we can combine our efforts. The ice storm can drive them out and we can shoot them from range."
[22:00:52] <+_Nym_> ::Wipes his mouth and washes his mouth out with a swig from his canteen:: "I'm alright...it's just this place....it's vile beyond my ability with words." 
[22:01:03] <.Bynw> !! the range is currently 10x or more than that 40 yards there Paladin
[22:01:15] <+_Nym_> "We are on top of the temple." 
[22:01:45] * +James looks down and raises eyebrows.
[22:01:52] <+_Nym_> "The Uthani are at the entrance I think." 
[22:02:09] <+Paladin> (( so, we are about 1/6 of a mile away ))
[22:02:19] <+James> "Where are the Uthani Anadari?"
[22:02:31] <.Bynw> (( or more ))
[22:03:40] <+Paladin> (( its just that my range is 120.. I want to get a good shot without a negative to my to hit ))
[22:03:50] <+James> "Are they already in the temple, or on the way?"
[22:04:09] <.Bynw> !! any shot from the safety of the bluff will be at a negative 
[22:04:28] <+Paladin> "I'm going to have to move in on them, Nym."
[22:05:17] <+Paladin> "You can contact me .. I will let you through my shields."
[22:06:16] <+Paladin> "You as well" :: Paladin says to James and Shaw. ::
[22:06:25] <+James> "I want to know where the pther Uthani party is before we attack, Paladin.  We could end up surrounded."
[22:06:42] <+T_Shaw> "James is right. We need a lay of the land."
[22:07:04] <+Paladin> "Certainly... why not make like a bird and scope it out, James?"
[22:07:31] <+_Nym_> ::To Paladin:; "And we need your guns once we get into the Temple. Not on the hills above it Master Gunslinger." 
[22:07:52] <+James> "I've been considering that.  Nym, any reason I shouldn't get a view from the air?"
[22:08:29] <+Paladin> "Nym. My plan is to take as many out as I can with my rifle. Once you all are ready, I'll make my way down to meet you. We can then meet the Utha as a group."
[22:09:19] <.Bynw> *the sounds of the encampment indicate that they too are restless and waiting as their tents are raised and sentries are posted as afternoon wanes to a still lit evening
[22:09:59] * +Paladin looks thoughtful.
[22:10:21] <+Paladin> "It might be best to throw them off.. "
[22:11:11] <+Paladin> "If I give my shotgun to one of you, fire a few blast to make it harder for them to focus in on me."
[22:13:04] <+_Nym_> ::Closes his eyes again in mental concentration:: 
[22:13:18] * DarkSeren has joined #Teara-Adan
[22:13:27] <+_Nym_> @roll d20+16 
[22:13:27] <+BoxCars> _Nym_: 1d20+16 = ( 15+16 ) = 31
[22:15:09] <+_Nym_> ::Opens his eyes and smiles:: "I have the floor plans of the temple once we are inside." 
[22:15:28] <+Bredock> "I have a gun so I can help."
[22:15:30] <.Bynw> *a scream echos up from the encampment, the sound of a man dying by a blade
[22:15:46] <+Paladin> "So much the better, Bredock"
[22:16:19] <+Paladin> "In fact, since you do Bredock, I can take my shotgun with me."
[22:16:55] <+_Nym_> ::His head whips around at the sound:: "Past time to move I think." 
[22:17:03] * +Paladin grins at Nym.
[22:17:11] * +James nods.
[22:17:35] <+Paladin> "What say you Nym? Shall I move to the flank of the camp, and start taking them out?"
[22:17:47] * +T_Shaw starts moving out of sight of the people down below
[22:17:55] <.Bynw> *the night sky darkens as the sunsets over the hills of the valley below ...
[22:18:08] <.Bynw> (( end of session ... yes i know i'm a bastard ))
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member