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session 6

Started by Bynw, 01 February 2012, 20:35:55

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20:18 <~bynw> The four have been hiding out in a tavern's cellar for what seems like days. Athough its just been a few long hours in the dark. Sunrise has come to the Imperial Capital of Southwind. But this time the sun's rays touch a very different city. One with fires, looting, people attempting to flee in every direction as the attackers who shelled the city from the harbor yesterday afternoon and last night press into the city looking for survivors.
20:18 <~bynw> The sounds of movement can be heard even in the dim of the cellar.
20:20 <~bynw> *Ri'am is still sleeping off his exploits from the night before while Johannes has taken most of the watch while Mirina and Luc have slept
20:23 <~bynw> *there is shouting that can be heard as Johannes looks up as the sounds grow louder
20:30 <~bynw> *the shouting is mixed. cana and the foregin tongue of the sea-born attackers, but it's too jumbled together with growing sounds of a fight to really tell what is being said
20:30 < Mirina> "Shit.  Do you think I should try to heal him again, so we can get him up and out of here?"
20:30 <~bynw> *swords clashing right above, inside the tavern itself
20:31 < Luc> "That would probably be a good idea. There is also whether we should abandon the city, or try to help the combatants above us."
20:31 <~bynw> *Johannes* "Shhhh. We can't let them know we are here ..."
20:32 < Mirina> ::to Johannes::  "Can your horse-creature get us out of here, out of the city entirely?"
20:34 < Luc> "Even if you heal him completely, he's going to need time to recover blood and such before he is combat worthy, right?"
20:34 <~bynw> *Johannes* "Yes. Right now he is scouting the city to see how wide spread the attack is and just how far we may have to travel to get to safety"
20:35 <~bynw> *something crashes to the floor above them sending dust everywhere in the cellar*
20:36 < Luc> *quietly* "My lord, I can't begin to understand what has happened to you, but if he can get us away long enough to heal our compatriot, we should be away before they find the doors to our current location."
20:39 <~bynw> *another crash from above again sending dust everywhere in the cellar as Johannes covers his mouth to hold back a caugh or even a sneeze
20:42 <~bynw> *the sounds of the fighting end with a thud directly overhead
20:42 < Mirina> ::very quietly:: "Shit shit shit."
20:43 <~bynw> *then silence and something being dragged away followed by more silence
20:44 < Luc> "My lord, we need to be away this instant, or prepare for a battle. You need to make a choice, now."
20:46 <~bynw> "I fear that Palamon is unable to transport us anywhere at this point. But I think I may have something for you that may prove useful." *Johannes says to Luc, and he reaches into his cloak*
20:48 < Luc> "Unless it is a mobile transfer portal, or something that will make my spells work on these misbegotten mad men attacking my homeland, I doubt it will do much good, my friend."
20:48 <~bynw> *he pulls out what appears to be a copper arm bracer, engraved with arcane symbols.
20:50 <~bynw> "I took this off of a mage who was using spells while we made our escape from the beach last night"
20:53 <~bynw> *there is a moan from above and another thud with the sound of metal hitting wood*
20:54 < Mirina> ::still very quietly:: "Oh frak.  Can we please sort out a way to get the hell out of here?  We'
20:54 < Mirina> "We've still got an injured person here."
20:55 <~bynw> *and then the faint cry of weak voice calling for help, in Cana
20:55  * Luc stares at the bracer, recognizing several of the symbols and the combinations of them on the bracer. "This....This might prove useful. This could very well be what caused my spells to be ineffective."
20:55 < Mirina> "Shit.  Now it sounds like there's somebody up there injured."
20:57 < Luc> "Let me try something. If this spell works, I can see who is out there without us worrying much. If it doesn't, we're no worse for wear."
21:00  * Luc chants briefly, tossing a small amount of dust from a pouch on top of himself.
21:01 < Luc> *after slipping on the bracer
21:02 <~bynw> *luc vanishes
21:04 < Luc> "Now that emperical evidence has proved that it IS in fact something useful, I suggest that I go try and see what is going on outside this room. Stand back from the door, and don't make a sound."
21:05  * Luc walks up to the steps, stepping lightly and quietly up them to the door, and attempts to open it gently just an inch or so in order to see outside.
21:05 <~bynw> *the cellar door is not far away and is accessed via a ladder
21:08  * Luc lifts it just a tid bit to see if he can tell what is going on.
21:10 <~bynw> *the door is heavy due to debris being on top of it and it will take a good shove to clear it
21:11  * Luc whispers to the others "Come over here to the ladder. I may need assistance if this goes badly."
21:12 < Luc> *as the others come closer to the ladder, Luc counts to himself to ten, and then shoves hard against the heavy door*
21:12  * Mirina tiptoes over to the ladder, hand over her sword hilt, still wearing a torn chemise and no tunic.
21:13 <~bynw> "What of Ri'am?" *Johannes says as he too makes his way towards the ladder
21:14 < Luc> "If we are attacked, he will die anyway. He is stable for now. We need to see what is happening above us to determine if we, all of us, are at least temporarily safe."
21:19 < Luc> !df 4
21:19 <@ChanServ> Result: ( )(+)(+)(+)
21:22 <~bynw> *Luc easily pushed hard on the trap door causing the debris to go crashing off of it and opening into the inside of the tavern behind the bar itself ... sunlight pours into the building from the missing doors and unshuttered and glassless windows
21:22 <~bynw> *not a soul is seen behind the bar
21:23 < Luc> ??What kind of debris was on top of the door? And does the building still have intact walls and a roof? ??
21:27 <~bynw> !! parts of the bar, glass bottles and a keg or two ... yes the building other than the doors and windows is intact ... just everything is messed up ... looks like there was a lot of fighting here
21:32 <~bynw> *there also is the smell of death ... something is dead in the tavern beyond the bar itself
21:32  * Luc climbs up all the way, looking around, still invisible.
21:34 <~bynw> *beyond the bar, in the light that makes it through the open windows and missing door are several bodies ... none wearing the soldiers uniforms of the invaders ...
21:35  * Luc looks around for what made the metal on wood sound
21:36 <~bynw> *there is the body of a young man laying on the floor with a sword not far from his hand ... it looks like the blade was not made for him, its too big or he is too small ... he is face down on the floor ...
21:36 <~bynw> barely breathing ...
21:38  * Luc looks over, sees the young man, and then runs back to the cellar door and calls down, but quietly, to Mirina and Johannes, calling them up to help and whispering to them about the young man.
21:39 < Luc> "My lady, you have another patient besides our friend."
21:39  * Mirina climbs the ladder, comes over to the young man, and begins to examine him.
21:41 <~bynw> *he is badly cut, multiple sword wounds. he is dying. and he's also not a young man. but a boy, probably no older than 13 or 14
21:43 < Luc> "My lady, if needs be, draw on me for strength so the boy might survive."
21:44 < Mirina> "Oh shit."  ::sinks almost immediately into Healing trance::
21:45 < Mirina> !df 4
21:45 <@ChanServ> Result: (+)(+)(+)( )
21:46 <~bynw> *the boy takes a deep breath and opens his eyes looking up at Mirina
21:47  * Mirina comes up from trance and regards the boy.
21:47 <~bynw> *most of his wounds are closed but he still lost a good deal of blood, he is tired but otherwise will now survive and is not in danger of dying
21:48 <~bynw> *boy* "who are you?" *he says as he reaches for his sword*
21:48  * Luc cancels his spell.
21:49 < Mirina> "My name is Mirina, and I'm a Healer, so just don't even go for the sword.  We're not the invaders and we're not going to hurt you."
21:49 < Luc> "My young Lord, if that action in and of itself does not answer who I am, my robes should. Your benefactor has explained who she is. We have two more beneath us in the cellar of this place. Can you stand, or crawl, so we may retreat briefly?"
21:50 <~bynw> *he looks at her* "We must flee or they will kill us all. They killed my parents and my brothers and sisters!"
21:51 < Mirina> "They do seem to be inclined to kill anybody and everybody, yes, but hysteria won't help.  Let's get back into the cellar and regroup and figure out what next."
21:52 < Luc> *looks at the boy, now visible to him and Mirina again* "Young sir, panic will kill us before the invaders will. I will not be gentle with you, as you are old enough to think for yourself. Come with us and we will explain." *motions to mirina and Johannes to help the boy into the cellar*
21:53 <~bynw> *the boy follows the two into the cellar*
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member