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Episode 22

Started by Bynw, 07 February 2008, 23:25:20

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[19:45:24] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #teara-adan with 1300ms delay
[19:45:26] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:45:27] <~Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 22
[19:45:28] <~Bynw> |       Beginning Adventure Recap
[19:45:30] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:45:31] <~Bynw> | The Anadari and the King's men have,
[19:45:32] <~Bynw> | for the most part, ironed out their
[19:45:34] <~Bynw> | differences. And now are preparing to
[19:45:35] <~Bynw> | continue the hunt for the druid
[19:45:36] <~Bynw> | named Chadwick.
[19:45:38] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:45:39] <~Bynw> |  Today's Game Date: 28 Avril 464 NE
[19:45:40] <~Bynw> |        Game Time: late afternoon
[19:45:42] <~Bynw> |         End of Adventure Recap
[19:45:43] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:45:43] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[19:49:11] * +Regan dismounts his horse, slaps Llanth on the shoulder in commeraderie and go up the slope to the cave to retrieve some of his equipment
[19:49:37] * +Llanth shakes his head. "That was a bloody fool thing to do."
[19:50:10] * +Nath nods "Yes it was... IS he always like that?"
[19:50:44] <+Llanth> "Dunno."
[19:52:18] <+Daine> ::Stands from having made a ward over Mark with Taenor:: "Well Pagan, which one of us will stay with Mark and the healer Risira?"
[19:52:50] <+Taenor> ::Valmaari::"Which do you think, Heathen brother of mine?"
[19:52:52] * +Risira says quietly, "Perhaps you will need a Healer with you?"
[19:53:03] <+Nath> :: To Daine:: "If you wish I can assign Knos to guard the cave."
[19:54:12] <+Daine> ::rubs his chin in thought, and weighs the options:: "I think it might be best Captain. We might need a healer if we do run afoul of this mad druid."
[19:54:43] * +Nath nods "Which is why Risira is along."
[19:55:55] * +Regan returns to his horse, staff in hand and bow slung across his shoulder and his StarSword in its sheath at his hip. Full quiver on his back. "I feel like an Armory today"
[19:56:01] <+Llanth> "I think we shall need more than a healer should we run afoul of this druid."
[19:57:08] <+Taenor> "Thus there being no point in either of us going. You're screwed if you screw up."
[19:57:45] <+Daine> ::Glances at Llanth and nods. Looks thoughtful:: "I think Knos would be a good choice to stand guard over our brother."
[19:58:05] <+Nath> "I offer to assign Knos and Risira, if she thinks it wise she remain."
[19:58:32] <+Risira> "A Healer should stay with him, in case he worsens or needs more Healing when he awakens."
[19:59:06] <+Taenor> "And more than one person who can use a weapon decently."
[19:59:24] <+Risira> "I will admit, I am very little use in that area."
[19:59:24] <+Taenor> "I volunteer myself."
[20:00:29] <+Daine> ::Rolls his eyes and sighs:: "I will stay with mark then. Risira do you speak Cana or Valmari?"
[20:00:43] <+Nath> "Keep in mind that Knos speak only Solice... He will defend teh cave and yourseoves to the best of his ability."
[20:00:47] <+Risira> "No, only Solice."
[20:00:55] * +Regan mounts Raider easily
[20:01:16] <+Llanth> "Don't get too excited Regan."
[20:01:30] <+Taenor> ::Valmaari::"Brother, go with the group. Knos will stay to defend us. And you know I can use this blade decently."
[20:01:32] <+Risira> "Perhaps your friend might be persuaded to leave behind his medallion so we can understand one another?"
[20:02:01] * +Regan looks to Risira thoughtfully.
[20:02:13] <+Daine> ::Looks at Taenor in disgust, then mutters to himself in Valmari:: "If their is no gods, why is it I feel that mear coincidence doesn't account for being stuck with the Pagan?"
[20:02:36] <+Taenor> *laughs at his brother*
[20:03:32] <+Daine> "Captain Nath, do you have a coin?"
[20:03:45] <+Nath> "yes I do..."
[20:04:00] * +Nath digs a coin out of his pouch
[20:04:20] <+Daine> "Pagan, choose a side of it. Captain if you would please."
[20:04:41] * +Taenor chooses the bottom side
[20:04:55] * +Nath flips the coin into the air, catches it and slaps on the back of his other hand
[20:05:25] <+Taenor> roll 1d2
[20:05:26] <+BoxCars> Taenor rolls 1D2 and gets (1)
[20:05:37] <+Nath> roll 1d2
[20:05:38] <+BoxCars> Nath rolls 1D2 and gets (2)
[20:06:51] <+Nath> "Tails, I guess that would be the bottom...."
[20:07:09] <+Taenor> "Aye, it would."
[20:07:34] <+Daine> ::Again in Valmari:: "The gods conspire I swear."
[20:08:17] <+Taenor> ::Valmaari::"Usually, brother. Otherwise the world would not exist."
[20:09:15] <+Daine> ::sniffs at Taenor in disgust, in Valmari:: "There are no gods Pagan."
[20:09:42] <+Llanth> "Or they are crazy."
[20:10:08] <+Taenor> ::Val::"Only to those with no faith, Heathen."
[20:10:14] <+Daine> ::Looks at Llanth as if he'd said something truly profound instead of jokinly::
[20:11:31] <+Daine> ::Valmari:: "If I get on my knees and prostrate myself to your heathen gods do you think they will take your voice as I would pray they would?"
[20:12:36] <+Daine> ::Takes a seat against the cave wall and begins cleaning his pistol, not so much that it needs it, but to give himself something to do.::
[20:12:45] <+Taenor> ::V::"Nay,brother,the gods enjoy my voice, or I would not be a priest."
[20:13:24] <+Daine> ::Looks to Llanth, Cana:: "You where right." ::grins at Taenor::
[20:14:10] * +Taenor laughs again and tosses a stone at Daine indirectly
[20:14:11] <+Llanth> "Hmm?"
[20:15:21] <+Llanth> "I was right about what?"
[20:16:26] <+Daine> "Ah nothing. Just Taenor hanging himself again. It looks like I'll have the burden of his company. Take care of the others and contact me if I'm needed."
[20:21:02] * +Daine has quit IRC (Software caused connection abort)
[20:22:49] * Kagi has joined #teara-adan
[20:24:21] * Kagi is now known as Daine
[20:24:35] * Bynw sets mode: +v Daine
[20:33:16] * +Llanth eyes Regan prancing around impatiently.
[20:33:27] <+Llanth> "You got a lot of hate in you boy."
[20:34:00] * +Regan looks at Llanth. He pats Raider. "He's anxious."
[20:34:05] <+Nath> "Fall in! Standard sweep Tirl and Rus! Knos with Risira!"
[20:35:27] * +Regan eyes Nath. "Shouldn't Risira ride along with me?"
[20:35:59] * +Nath mounts up "Risira has her own horse.. Ceadda was riding yours."
[20:36:18] <+Nath> "Ceadda? Do you require a mount?"
[20:37:01] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "A mount would be appriciated" *he states in Solice*
[20:37:22] * +Regan points behind him and says to Llanth. "You can ride bitch."
[20:38:02] * +Nath dismounts and in Solice "here take mine if it will help in your sweep."
[20:38:48] * +Daine just shakes his head and continues cleaning his gun
[20:39:13] <~Bynw> *Ceadda takes the mount offered to him*
[20:39:23] <+Nath> ::In Solice stroking his chin :: "I will walk with these Anadari.. Get to know them  a little better."
[20:40:20] <+Llanth> "I will go on foot, your horses are likely to scare up all kinds of trouble.. And the smell.."
[20:40:55] * +Risira mounts her grey mare; her dress almost blends in to the grey's coat and makes her look like she's part of the horse instead of a rider.
[20:41:13] * +Regan rolls his eyes. "Very well, my friend."
[20:43:21] <+Nath> :: In cana :: "I was going to do a standard sweep of all the caves, Have you checked any yourselves
[20:43:22] <+Nath> "
[20:44:41] * +Regan turns to Nath and points up the slope. "There is a fairly large cage up in that direction that I believe would be a good starting place. We can then work our way across and down from there."
[20:45:08] <+Regan> *cave
[20:45:44] * +Nath nods "Very well, Ceadda, Tirl and Rus you know what to do."
[20:47:41] * +Nath watches as Tirl and Rus sweep out to teh sides and then parallel the path of the main group slightly in front bu about 90 yards or so sweeping for tracks or other signs.
[20:50:07] <~Bynw> *the king's men and several of the anadari spread out from the campsite and begin searching the surrounding cave for signs of the druid Chadwick*
[20:51:14] <+Daine> ::Pieces his pistol back together and holsters it, to Taenor:: "I suppose one of us should keep on look out, least those owlbears come looking to make a meal out of you."
[20:52:14] <+Taenor> "Like they wouldnt enjoy a Valmaari snack too."
[20:52:48] <+Daine> ::chuckles and pats Taenor on the back:: "I run faster than you Pagan."
[20:53:27] <+Daine> ::Walks out of the cave and climbs a tree to get a good look out position::
[20:53:56] <+Taenor> "Then I'd best trip you to start with, Heathen."
[20:54:44] <~Bynw> *by late afternoon mark's connection again drops ... his breathing weakens and his heart races*
[20:56:37] * +Taenor checks and frowns, and looks to Daine
[20:56:46] <+Taenor> "I need to try to heal him again."
[20:59:02] <+Taenor> roll 7df+ for Healing
[20:59:02] <+BoxCars> Taenor rolls 7df+ for Healing and gets ( )(+)(+)(-)(+)(+)(+) Epic
[21:00:05] <+Daine> ::Drops down from the tree looking worried. He takes a knee next to Taenor:: "if you need my strength..."
[21:00:36] <~Bynw> *mark's condition again stablizes after an exhausting effort from Taenor*
[21:01:12] * +Taenor raises his eyes and leans against Daine....."He will live....for now."
[21:02:46] <+Daine> ::Sighs and looks worriedly at Mark:: "Rest Pagan. I'll keep watch and wake you if anything approches."
[21:03:02] * +Taenor collapses and falls asleep.
[21:03:31] <+Daine> ::Lays his blanket over Taenor then resumes his post atop the tree::
[21:03:49] <~Bynw> *the king's men find a cave that smells foul ...
[21:04:38] * +Nath watches as Rus comes back towards the group.
[21:05:15] * Elf is now known as Rus
[21:05:42] * +Risira pulls her horse from its walking pace behind Nath to a stop.
[21:06:13] * +Regan notices Rus's expression and knocks an arrow while snapping up his shields
[21:06:32] * +Llanth unslings his bow and reddies an arrow.
[21:06:54] <Rus> "Captain That cave is an animal den but not a bear den. I think we should leave it be." bear's den
[21:09:06] * +Nath lloks at he others "Well, should we leave it or assume Chadwick could be sleeping in an animal den?"
[21:09:34] * +Regan looks askance at Llanth and shrugs as if unsure
[21:10:50] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "If you wanted to hide. This would be an ideal place."
[21:11:12] <+Regan> "I'd hate to leave it and have the druid come in from behind us after we leave."
[21:11:23] <+Nath> "Rus can you determine if the animal is home or what it is exactly?"
[21:11:36] <+Llanth> "I am not too fond of the idea of going in there, but we would be amiss if we didn't see what was in there.
[21:12:22] <+Regan> "I agree."
[21:13:57] <Rus> roll 4df
[21:13:57] <+BoxCars> Rus rolls 4df and gets (+)(+)( )(+) Superb
[21:14:40] * Rus eyes unfocus
[21:15:32] * Rus eyes focus again "There are hundreds of bats in that cave."
[21:15:48] * +Regan shudders
[21:16:08] * +Risira shudders as well, making her skirts shake atop the horse's rump.
[21:17:53] <+Llanth> "Makes great fertalizer I hear. Some places it is worth it's weight in silver I understand."
[21:18:03] <+Nath> "well I agree... what better place to hide, none of us would go in there."
[21:18:21] <+Llanth> "Guano that is."
[21:18:51] * +Regan looks to Rus. "Sense anything else in there alive?"
[21:19:20] * Rus looks at Regan "Yes hundreds of bats!"
[21:19:36] <+Llanth> "You should have seen that one comming."
[21:20:03] * +Regan smiles. "I said anything else? Besides the bats?"
[21:21:20] <Rus> "I would have told you if I did."
[21:21:29] * +Regan nods
[21:22:56] <+Llanth> "Masterful execution there friend. Perhaps in a moment you will amaze us further with your deductive reasoning."
[21:25:06] <+Nath> "Well do we investiagte or not?"
[21:25:22] <+Regan> "I think we should."
[21:26:17] <+Llanth> "Regan can lead us in."
[21:26:21] * +Nath caws like a crow twice.
[21:27:01] * +Nath watches as Tirl and Ceadda return to the main group.
[21:28:21] <+Nath> "Ceadda any suggestions?"
[21:31:15] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "What do we have?"
[21:32:05] <+Nath> "Hundreds of bats and we wish to be sure that this Chadwick is not hiding himself in there"
[21:33:24] <+Nath> "Rus only detects bats"
[21:35:00] <~Bynw> "I would move carefully. If they are awoken we will overran"
[21:35:58] <+Nath> "I would send Rus then, he and yourself are the least likely to disturb the bats but he is better at stealth."
[21:37:47] <+Nath> "Do we send more than one?"
[21:39:32] <+Regan> "I'll go with him"
[21:40:59] <+Nath> "Very well, Rus and Regan."
[21:41:02] * +Regan dismounts and hands Raider's reins to Llanth. He then whispers in the horses ear: "Take care of him."
[21:41:45] * +Llanth takes the reins with a look of mixed dismay and disgust.
[21:42:57] * Rus dismounts
[21:45:46] <Rus> Roll 5df+ for stealthy entrance to cave
[21:45:48] <+BoxCars> Rus rolls 5df+ for stealthy entrance to cave and gets ( )( )(-)(-)(-) Poor
[21:48:27] <+Regan> Roll 6df+ for Stealth
[21:48:28] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 6df+ for Stealth and gets (+)(+)(-)(+)(-)(-) Great
[21:50:07] * +Regan unslings his bow and quiver and leaves it behind at the cave entrance
[21:51:05] <~Bynw> *regan is quiet as a mouse entering the cave. rus on the other hand is not.
[21:51:08] * Rus moves forward but trips on a rock as he moves forward not used to having someone else with him
[21:51:43] <~Bynw> *the bats awake up and begin to screech and move*
[21:51:52] * +Regan whispers "Quiet! You want to get killed."
[21:51:56] * Rus drops and covers his head
[21:52:09] * +Regan backs against the cave wall
[21:52:50] * +Regan slips a knife into his hand
[21:53:00] <~Bynw> *bats swarm out of the cave, anyone standing in the cave will be hit and bitten by them*
[21:53:47] * +Risira backs her horse up, shuddering again.
[21:53:52] * +Regan tucks and rolls out of the entrance
[21:54:20] * +Nath nath backs up  and so does Tirl
[21:54:28] <~Bynw> *the bats poor out of the cave screeching all the way and into the late afternoon sky*
[21:55:01] <+Regan> "Yeah, that was fun."
[21:55:38] <+Llanth> "Well, now that they have scared the bats away, everyone within a mile knows we're here."
[21:55:56] * +Nath watches as Knos places himself between Risira and the bats
[21:57:41] * Rus gets up after bats have left and cleans himself off
[21:57:55] <~Bynw> *both Regan and Rus are covered in guano*
[21:58:43] * Rus heads for the river immediately shucking his outer layer of clothing as he goes
[22:00:08] <+Nath> "Well if he's in there he knows we are coming! Let's go!"
[22:00:31] <+Nath> "Rus follow up when able!"
[22:01:31] * +Regan removes his cloak and shudders. Leaving it on the ground. "Ack."
[22:02:50] * +Regan picks out what little guano got in his hair.
[22:04:16] * +Regan stomps his boots, trying to remove the ugly stuff
[22:04:30] <~Bynw> (( end for now ))
[22:04:31] * Rus washes himself off as thouroughly as possible and then washes his clothes
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member