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Episode 7

Started by Bynw, 21 September 2007, 18:20:52

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[19:50:05] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #teara-adan with 1300ms delay
[19:50:07] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:50:08] <~Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 7
[19:50:09] <~Bynw> |      Beginning Adventure Recap
[19:50:11] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:50:12] <~Bynw> | Having spent the day in their normal
[19:50:13] <~Bynw> | studies the apprentices once again are
[19:50:15] <~Bynw> | summoned before Michon.
[19:50:16] <~Bynw> |
[19:50:17] <~Bynw> | He announces that they will all be
[19:50:18] <~Bynw> | leaving the fortress this evening on
[19:50:20] <~Bynw> | a mission to fully scout and
[19:50:21] <~Bynw> | investigate the attack of Regan's
[19:50:22] <~Bynw> | logging camp before the events grow
[19:50:24] <~Bynw> | too cold.
[19:50:25] <~Bynw> |
[19:50:26] <~Bynw> | Michon clearly states that they are not
[19:50:28] <~Bynw> | to engage the creatures that attacked
[19:50:29] <~Bynw> | the camp if they are encountered. Flee
[19:50:30] <~Bynw> | the area if the beasts show up. He
[19:50:32] <~Bynw> | states that this is not cowardice but
[19:50:33] <~Bynw> | prudence in not knowing yet the full
[19:50:34] <~Bynw> | details of what we are dealing with.
[19:50:36] <~Bynw> |
[19:50:37] <~Bynw> | Dennis, being in the infirmary, will
[19:50:38] <~Bynw> | not be going along with the others.
[19:50:39] <~Bynw> | However, Regan will be going with them.
[19:50:41] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:50:42] <~Bynw> | Today's Game Date: 13 Avril 464 NE
[19:50:43] <~Bynw> |     Game Time: just before dusk
[19:50:45] <~Bynw> |        End of Adventure Recap
[19:50:46] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:50:46] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[19:54:09] * +Llanth can be found checking his weapons.
[19:54:25] <+Daine> ::Nod to Master Michon, then turns to the group of assembled apprentices:: "Can anyone here track or sneak well?"
[19:54:52] <~Bynw> *Michon* "Make sure Regan is outfitted with whatever weapon he desires from our stores."
[19:56:13] <+Regan> :: "Thank you Michon" Regan says with appreciation...
[19:56:19] <+Daine> ::Looks to Regan a bit curious about his choice of weapon, he responds in Cana:: "I'll show him the way."
[19:56:30] * +Taenor checks on Dennis one more time, then readies his longblade and daggers.
[19:56:39] <~Bynw> "And Regan." *Michon interjects*
[19:57:04] * +Regan follows Daine to the armory
[19:57:17] <+Regan> "Yes, sir?"
[19:57:52] <~Bynw> "The medallion stays here."
[19:58:28] <+Regan> "May I ask why, sir?"
[19:59:09] <+Regan> "I've never been without it since I left Kylemore."
[19:59:37] <+Daine> ::stares gawked mouth at the open defiance of Master Michon, his eyes dart between regan and Michon as if waiting for lightning to strike Regan::
[20:00:38] <+Regan> "No disrepect sir, but I would at least wish to know why. "
[20:01:01] <~Bynw> "My instincts tell me it would be dangerous back in those woods. Logic tells me, by the description of the events you gave and the report of its aftermath by Daine ... that it was a planned attack. You might have been setup for a robbery."
[20:01:16] * +Taenor has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[20:02:04] * Taenor has joined #teara-adan
[20:02:27] <+Regan> "Hmmm, I would not wish to put anyone in due peril. I will leave it in your care,,,,and only yours......sir"
[20:03:10] <~Bynw> *Michon nods and holds out his hand for the medallion*
[20:03:48] * +Regan hands the medallion to Michon...."I do expect it back"
[20:04:20] * +Regan smiles apprehensively
[20:04:41] <+Daine> ::Closes his mouth as he realizes he's gawking like a child:: "If we are going out into the desert and facing a potential hostile force I think we have a right to know anything that might put us in danger. Do you care to share what this medallion is Regan? Dennis may have forgotten his place and suffered for it, but it has hurt one of our brothers, perhaps you's care to explain?"
[20:05:20] <+Daine> ::That said in Cana::
[20:05:43] <~Bynw> *Michon takes the medallion, but does not place it around his neck.* "You shall have it when you return Regan."
[20:06:11] <~Bynw> *Michon heads for his own chambers in the fortress*
[20:06:20] * Bynw sets mode: +v Taenor
[20:06:57] <+Regan> "No, I don't, Daine" "But I will say that I did not know that Dennjis would be injured."
[20:07:10] <+Regan> *Dennis*
[20:08:06] <+Regan> "Anyone can TruthRead my words, if they think it is nessasary..."
[20:09:28] * +Llanth wanders through. "That probably won't be required."
[20:09:41] * +Regan straightens his back in challenge of his word
[20:09:55] * +Regan relaxes at Llanth's words
[20:11:13] <+Daine> ::Frowns at Regan, but says nothing more on the subject:: "Follow me."
[20:11:43] <+Regan> ::"Thank you, Daine."::
[20:12:00] <+Daine> "I'll meet you all in the courtyard when you are ready to depart" ::in Cana, said to the others::
[20:13:26] <+Daine> ::sniffs at Regan:: "You are a guest, no need for thank you's" ::turns and begins walking towards the armory::
[20:16:12] * +Llanth follows Regan.
[20:16:13] <+Regan> ::Regan catches up to Daine: "You don't understand Daine, I really know none of you well....I'm trying guide myself by the seat of my pants." "I have to be cautious."
[20:17:09] * +Regan turns his head over his shoulder and nods at Llanth
[20:18:42] <+Daine> ::Stops for a moment and turns, his face stoic as he faces Regan:: "We saved you from certain death at the hands of the desert. We've shared our food, or water, and our home. We've extended you every possible respect. We could've left you to die in the desert if we wished you harm...."
[20:19:18] <+Daine> "Now we are venturing forth partly to avenge your village and hopefully find your friends..."
[20:19:50] <+Daine> "You on the other hand have, unintentionally, hurt one of our brothers and yet we still show you every respect.."
[20:20:13] <+Llanth> "Daine, he has done nothing to deserve this treatment. You have your secrets, I have mine, let him have his."
[20:20:19] <+Daine> "You may do as you wish, but do not ask me to agree with you." ::he eyes the man for a moment::
[20:20:48] <+Regan> "If you were other than Anadari, I would have fled as soon as I was able. I respect Anadari. So I stayed, though I am truely greatful for saving my life."
[20:21:31] <+Daine> ::He makes that odd gesture of respect to Llanth, touching his heart then his chin then waving absently to the man:: "As you say Llanth. I will not press the man, it is his choice to make."
[20:22:52] <+Daine> ::Eyes Regan for a second, but makes good on his word as he turns and continues walking towards the armory::
[20:22:53] * +Taenor packs his Healer's satchel well, packs his weapons, and waits at the gate.
[20:23:34] <+Regan> "I've been told that Anadari will never deny a man water." I see this to be more than true, but then again....it's an old saying" "So I hope someday to repay my thanks."
[20:24:13] <+Regan> "Even to you, Lunkhead." he says with a smile
[20:28:25] <+Daine> ::Slows his pace a moment as the man bandies his insults his hand twitches and touches the sandlewood grip on his revolver, it seems more an absent gesture then threat. He makes no comment and continues to walk, his hands clinching and unclinching at his side as he moves::
[20:29:25] * +Regan shakes his head
[20:30:35] * +Llanth rolls his eyes.
[20:32:53] <+Daine> ::Stops in front of a large steel bound oak door and opens it onto a large stone room lined with racks. Most of the racks are empty but a modest selection of weapons abounds::
[20:33:24] <+Daine> ::Steps in and lights a ball of Purple handfire to illuminate the room::
[20:34:05] <+Daine> "Choose your weapon, funny man."
[20:34:22] * +Regan rolls his eyes
[20:35:46] * +Regan steps into the room and inspects 4 or 5 quarterstaffs against the wall.
[20:36:48] * +Regan lifts a light ash staff but replaces it as it is too heavy....
[20:37:55] <+Daine> ::Tries not to appear interested, but fails as he eyes Regan as he browses. He seems insatiably curious, though he seems to take interest in anything on the subject of martial training::
[20:39:27] * +Regan then notices a 6' black ash quarterstaff and inspects it. "This will do." He then picks 3 throwing knives out of six. "These too." "I'm ready"
[20:40:45] <+Daine> ::Nods and waves Regan to move out:: "I'll close up."
[20:40:52] * +Regan grabs a ivory hilted dagger fom a rack on the way out....
[20:41:02] <+Regan> *from*
[20:43:36] <+Daine> ::In Valmari:: "Makes sense. Toothpicks and silverware. He must be a sheperd."
[20:44:35] <+Daine> ::Closes the door behind Regan and hurries to the courtyard::
[20:45:06] <+Regan> ::In Larenthian to Llanth: "I don't know what he said....but I'll surprise him."
[20:45:49] <~Bynw> *Marc and Caime have gathered in the courtyard with Taenor. As the other 3 arrive Michon appears on one of the battlements overlooking the courtyard*
[20:46:17] * +Regan looks up at Michon
[20:46:20] <+Daine> ::Looks up to Michon::
[20:46:59] <~Bynw> "Some of you already know this but even at night the Glass Desert is unforgiving. It's day's ride to the south and mountains, but you shall be walking. If you can find mounts for the return trip ... do so.
[20:47:45] <+Llanth> ::In Larenthian:: "Ignore him."
[20:48:14] <~Bynw> "I shall become concerned if you dont return after five days. I shall be disappointed if you return before three."
[20:49:20] * +Regan plays with a throwing knife along his knuckles.....back and forth fluidly. "What? no horses?"
[20:49:36] <+Daine> ::Nods to Michon and takes a knee checking the steel sole's that fit over his ordinary shoes as well as the chainmail lined gloves he wears as 'standard' walking gear to protect against the sharp glass everywhere in the glass desert::
[20:50:24] <~Bynw> "Find out all you can at the place of the attack. These mountains are riddles with caves. Be mindful of them they can be dangerous. The Akasa will guide you."
[20:50:44] <~Bynw> *he says stepping back into the shadows of the battlements and the gates open*
[20:50:59] <+Daine> ::Stands and makes his odd jester of respect to Michon::
[20:52:19] * +Regan takes a deep breath and reties the laces on his hard soled soft leather shoes. "Figures." he says with a chuckle....
[20:52:49] * +Taenor kicks a pebble towards Daine. "Come, Lunkhead. We have work, as badly as you Heathens dispise real hardships."
[20:52:51] <+Daine> ::Nods to each of the assembled apprentices, a sly smile on his face in anticipation of being out on their first mission together::
[20:53:17] * +Regan raises an eyebrow
[20:53:34] <+Regan> "Shaw we?...."
[20:53:45] <+Regan> Shall
[20:54:13] <+Daine> ::Frowns at Taenor:: "Try to keep up Taenor." ::begins at a lite jog as he exits the fortress and into the desert::
[20:54:36] <~Bynw> *the apprentices enter the night air of the glass desert and the gates close behind them.
[20:54:47] * +Regan grabs a few water skins on the way out
[20:55:56] <+Regan> Be Right Back
[20:56:05] <~Bynw> *the desert air is cold at night, causing some to see their breath ... but the moonlight makes the glass shards sparkle on the ground before them everywhere
[20:56:28] <~Bynw> roll 4df
[20:56:29] <+BoxCars> Bynw rolls 4df and gets (-)(-)( )(-) Terrible
[20:57:08] * otter has joined #teara-adan
[20:57:16] * otter is now known as Mark
[20:57:22] * Bynw sets mode: +v Mark
[20:57:29] <+Daine> "We'll have to find shelter for the day. I don't want to be out in the full heat of the desert."
[20:57:34] <~Bynw> (( this is an intermission i will catch mark up ))
[21:01:33] <+Regan> "For tomorrow yes, but I think we should make most of the night right now."
[21:02:03] <+Mark> "Aye."
[21:03:46] <+Regan> "I think a jog would be sufficient, and we need to spead out some....a walking train might not be such a good idea."
[21:04:11] <~Bynw> *the apprentices have travelled through the night and now dawn is only a short time away. the mountains, and their safety, are still out on the horizon ... at the pace of the large group they shall not reach them until midday*
[21:04:12] <+Taenor> "Agreed. We should make the most of the night, finding shelter, and moving as far as possible. But, since we seem to be agreed upon on that point, we might as well take the day and rest, or at least figure out what our next move is, once we find shelter. Possibly trying to find our next point of shelter, setting a goal."
[21:04:27] * elf has left #teara-adan
[21:09:16] <+Regan> roll 5df+
[21:09:17] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(-)( )( )(-) Fair
[21:11:22] <~Bynw> *while they are walking Regan steps and all hear the cracking sound of the earth as the sand and glass under Regan caves in sending Regan falling down into a sink hole some 30 feet
[21:12:30] <+Regan> "Ar! That hurt!"
[21:12:50] * +Regan voice seems to echo slightly
[21:12:59] <+Taenor> "Ya think? How badly are you hurt?"
[21:13:51] <+Regan> "A couple scrapes, but I think I twisted my ankle."
[21:14:36] <+Regan> "I think I cut my forehead too, but not badly."
[21:15:07] <+Mark> "I think you may of found us a resting hole, too."
[21:15:10] <+Regan> "It's cooler down here though, I must say."
[21:15:10] <+Llanth> "Should I put you out of yor misery?"
[21:15:26] <+Regan> "You could try..."
[21:15:38] <+Daine> ::stays well back from the edge of the hole, cups his hands to be heard:: "Good job, you just found us our shelter."
[21:16:11] <+Regan> "You don't day...?"
[21:16:15] <+Regan> say
[21:16:24] <+Taenor> "Can you get us some light? And do any of you have any rope?"
[21:17:12] <+Daine> ::shakes his head and shrugs::
[21:17:39] <+Taenor> "Oh he of the pointiest ears?"
[21:18:11] <+Llanth> "I swear that there were some deryni here..."
[21:18:34] <+Llanth> "Don't you people have that handy glow in the dark thing going on?"
[21:18:51] <+Taenor> "I was meaning the rope."
[21:19:11] <+Regan> "Hold on a minute" Regan calls up
[21:19:14] <+Taenor> "And Regan, can you get us that light?"
[21:21:13] * elf has joined #teara-adan
[21:21:14] * +Regan opens his balled hand and produces a silver ball of handfire....illuminating the sink hole
[21:21:33] <+Regan> "No critters"
[21:22:34] <+Regan> "Actually, it's quite roomy."
[21:22:59] <+Llanth> Great now, how abotu finding a cover for it...
[21:23:21] <+Regan> "We could always use Lunkhead?"
[21:23:38] <+Llanth> "I think he would object just a little.
[21:23:43] <+Llanth> "Though I am all for it."
[21:23:57] <+Taenor> "He's full of enough hot air, he might just inflate and we could use him as a covering."
[21:24:16] <+Regan> "Well...can't have everything I suppose"
[21:25:36] <+Daine> ::Looks at the other with a frown:: "We can use a ward."
[21:26:04] <+Llanth> "That could work."
[21:26:28] <+Regan> "Actually, we may not need to cover it." I'm pretty far down here I think....but a ward would be good for protection."
[21:26:48] <+Daine> ::Sniffs:: "And I'm supposed to be the brawn here..."
[21:27:17] <+Llanth> "You are?"
[21:27:22] * +Regan hears some kind of rumbling
[21:27:38] <+Llanth> "I thought you were just bait."
[21:27:59] * +Regan heres a soft whisper that a storm is coming
[21:28:10] <+Regan> hears
[21:28:33] * +Regan shakes his head..."What?"
[21:28:51] <+Daine> "No that's the outsiders job" ::nods to Regan and seems completely serious missing Llanth's sarcasm completely::
[21:29:06] <~Bynw> *Caime jumps into the pit and rolls with the fall*
[21:29:14] <~Bynw> roll 5df-
[21:29:15] <+BoxCars> Bynw rolls 5df- and gets (+)(+)( )(-)(+) Good
[21:29:42] <~Bynw> *he comes up and brushes sand off him and nods to Regan in the pit*
[21:29:56] <+Regan> "Nice roll Caime. I wasn't so lucky." pointing to his ankle
[21:30:39] <+Regan> "Um...guys...I think you might want to hurry."
[21:31:07] <+Daine> ::eyes the pit where just moments before Caime jumped into it:: "I think it would be wise to use our powers to assist in the drop."
[21:31:34] <~Bynw> *there is no predawn light ... and a rumble can be heard in the distance from the west*
[21:31:37] <+Taenor> "Llanth, rope, please,if you have some.....otherwise, I'm gonna need some help."
[21:31:49] <+Regan> "Make it quick Daine, there's a sand storm coming."
[21:32:04] <+Mark> "Aye. I will help whoever needs it."
[21:32:26] * +Llanth looks at Taenor and motions towards the hole. "Ladies first."
[21:32:54] <+Daine> ::Looks up and to the west, then nods to Taenor :: "Go I can help your drop."
[21:33:00] <~Bynw> *Caime* "Just jump and roll with it ... or break your ankle when you fall. Either way its better than getting caught in what sounds like a sand storm"
[21:33:00] <+Taenor> "I qould dignify that with a remark, but if you get injured, I'll be sure to leave a scar on your pretty face."
[21:33:47] <+Daine> ::Outstretches his arms palms open and facing away from him and towards Taenor:: "Go."
[21:34:03] * +Regan looks to Caime....."Women!"
[21:34:15] * +Mark follows Daine's lead. "Ready."
[21:34:17] * +Taenor steps out onto the gap
[21:34:40] * +Llanth turns his back to the hole, kneels down and starts to lower himself into the hole.
[21:34:47] * +Regan rolls hs eyes
[21:35:05] * +Llanth drops and rolls when his arms reach full extention.
[21:35:20] <+Daine> ::His arms begin to shake with the effort as he uses his deryni powers to slow Taenor's drop::
[21:36:04] <+Daine> roll 4df
[21:36:05] <+BoxCars> Daine rolls 4df and gets (-)( )( )( ) Mediocre
[21:36:52] <+Regan> "Oooh look! Llanth finally graced us with his presence." He says to Caime with a smirk.
[21:37:12] * +Regan extends a hand to the elf
[21:37:36] * +Taenor drops the last few feet, stumbling and catching himself.
[21:37:43] <+Taenor> "Thank you."
[21:37:53] <+Regan> "Ohhh, another one."
[21:38:02] <+Taenor> *after a pause* "Lunkhead."
[21:38:39] <+Daine> ::His body shakes and a single bead of sweat drips from his brow as he grunts under the exertion, but he seems calm. He exhales in relief as Taenor hits the ground:: "Mark, go." ::he glances to the west:: "Hurry."
[21:38:57] <+Daine> ::Again he extends his arms palms out and towards Mark."
[21:39:02] <+Llanth> roll 5df+
[21:39:03] <+BoxCars> Llanth rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(+)(-)(-)(-) Fair
[21:39:46] <+Regan> "Come on down Lunkhead ...I'll .....err....catch you.." he says as he steps back out of the way
[21:40:06] <+Regan> "Just kidding"
[21:41:34] <~Bynw> *the rumbling is getting closer and the sky is dark and a wind is swirling sand and glass about
[21:41:52] * +Mark takes a step out over the whole, and while falling, attempts to slow himself
[21:42:02] <+Daine> roll 4df
[21:42:03] <+BoxCars> Daine rolls 4df and gets ( )(+)(+)(-) Good
[21:42:09] <+Mark> roll 4df
[21:42:10] <+BoxCars> Mark rolls 4df and gets (+)( )(+)(-) Good
[21:44:04] <+Daine> ::Again he grunts in exertion, but seems to be ready for the load better this time as Mark drops down the hole. He barely exhales as mark touches down:: "Here I come. Someone had better catch me." ::he cups his hands to be heard over the storm::
[21:44:18] * +Regan closes his eyes and extends his hand forward
[21:44:28] <+Regan> roll 4df
[21:44:28] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 4df and gets ( )(-)( )( ) Mediocre
[21:44:36] * +Mark floats down, effortlessly landing
[21:44:43] <+Mark> roll 4df
[21:44:44] <+BoxCars> Mark rolls 4df and gets ( )( )( )(+) Good
[21:44:52] <+Daine> ::Walks out close to the hole, but being the heaviest of the group by far he jumps well short of the edge::
[21:45:14] * +Regan closes his eyes and extends his hand forward again for Daine
[21:45:20] <+Regan> roll 4df
[21:45:21] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 4df and gets ( )(+)( )(+) Great
[21:46:05] <+Mark> Errg
[21:46:21] <~Bynw> *as Daine falls to the floor he is caught well and floats to the bottom. but above his head sand and glass blow across the opening in a fury
[21:47:08] <+Regan> "Someone needs to seal that hole."
[21:47:55] <+Daine> ::As he touches down he looks up and sighs in relief knowing the sands would have stripped his flesh from bones in seconds:: "I am not very good with Wards, can someone..." ::he indicates the hole::
[21:49:27] <~Bynw> *bits of sand and glass whip around inside the hole making small cuts and stings on exposed flesh of those within it
[21:50:04] * +Llanth sits against the wall with his cloak wrapped around him.
[21:50:18] <+Mark> "I might have some luck with it."
[21:50:33] * +Taenor wraps his cloak around himself and hugs himself as close to the cave wall as possible
[21:50:51] * +Mark looks up at the whole, closes his eyes, extends his arms and concentrates on the hole
[21:50:55] <+Mark> 5df+
[21:50:58] * papaganoush has joined #teara-adan
[21:50:59] <+Mark> roll 5df+
[21:51:00] <+BoxCars> Mark rolls 5df+ and gets (-)(+)(+)( )(+) Superb
[21:51:05] <+Daine> ::shields his eyes and wraps his cloak about him::
[21:51:46] * +Regan closes his eyes and extends his hand forward again towards the hole, then backs off at Mark's cast
[21:52:07] <+Regan> "Nice, Mark"
[21:53:09] <~Bynw> *the sand and glass stops coming into the hole*
[21:54:12] * +Regan passes around a water skin.."Not too much please."
[21:54:20] <+Mark> "Thank you, sir."
[21:54:39] * +Regan nods
[21:54:55] <~Bynw> (( thats gonna be a wrap ))
[21:55:01] * +Taenor cleans the small cuts and wounds of everyone, using the small amounts of healing energy needed to close the wounds
[21:55:16] * Mark is now known as otter
[21:55:35] <+Llanth> Point to otter.
[21:55:40] <+Daine> ::Takes the water skin and makes that odd jester of respect to Regan, touching his fingers too his heart then quickly to his chin then back out in an absent wave. He takes the skin as it is passed and takes a drink::
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member