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Epsiode 25

Started by Bynw, 29 February 2008, 11:33:47

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[20:10:03] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #teara-adan with 1300ms delay

[20:10:04] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------

[20:10:05] <~Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 25

[20:10:06] <~Bynw> |       Beginning Adventure Recap

[20:10:08] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------

[20:10:09] <~Bynw> | Regan begins leading the group towards

[20:10:10] <~Bynw> | his home village. A site nearly a

[20:10:12] <~Bynw> | day's ride away.

[20:10:13] <~Bynw> |

[20:10:14] <~Bynw> | At midday the group has stopped and a

[20:10:16] <~Bynw> | small number has gone ahead to scout

[20:10:17] <~Bynw> | the valley which lies along the trail.

[20:10:18] <~Bynw> |

[20:10:19] <~Bynw> | In the valley clearing, the Master

[20:10:21] <~Bynw> | Anadari, Nym Gibran has appeared.

[20:10:22] <~Bynw> |

[20:10:23] <~Bynw> | It is revealed that Regan, does possess

[20:10:25] <~Bynw> | the ancient druidic artifact, which

[20:10:26] <~Bynw> | causes Ceadda to attempt an attack on

[20:10:27] <~Bynw> | Regan to obtain it.

[20:10:29] <~Bynw> |

[20:10:30] <~Bynw> | The attack is stopped by Nym, before

[20:10:31] <~Bynw> | it can escalate to bloodshed. Nym

[20:10:32] <~Bynw> | then questions the druid about the

[20:10:34] <~Bynw> | artifact to learn first hand of the

[20:10:35] <~Bynw> | ancient druid tale.

[20:10:36] <~Bynw> |

[20:10:38] <~Bynw> | Nym then agrees to first seek out

[20:10:39] <~Bynw> | his own quest for a thing called a

[20:10:40] <~Bynw> | Matrix and then he will let Ceadda

[20:10:42] <~Bynw> | take him and the disc to his druid

[20:10:43] <~Bynw> | chieftain

[20:10:44] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------

[20:10:45] <~Bynw> |  Today's Game Date: 29 Avril 464 NE

[20:10:47] <~Bynw> |       Game Time: late afternoon

[20:10:48] <~Bynw> |         End of Adventure Recap

[20:10:49] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------

[20:10:49] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete

[20:21:26] * +Nym_Gibran takes a moment to take another look at the disc while he has it.

[20:21:42] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "We all need rest before we begin this venture. We've been up all night."

[20:21:53] * +Nath nods

[20:22:18] * +Risira smiles. "Yes, I don't feel like having to heal somebody because they fell asleep on their horse and fell off."

[20:22:30] * +Regan watches Nym with the medalion

[20:22:40] <+Daine> ::Sniffs at Ceadda:: "I'll be fine."

[20:23:59] <+Daine> ::In valmari:: "You pagans are too soft."

[20:25:20] * +Nath smiles at Daine "You forgot abot the transaltor Daine..."

[20:27:02] * +Regan continues to watch Nym patiently

[20:27:10] <+Daine> ::Shrugs, in Valmari:: "Perhaps. Perhaps I just don't like using a tongue not of my homeland."

[20:27:39] * +Nym_Gibran seems entranced with the medallion and ignoring Regan

[20:29:42] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Turns the medallion over in his hands a couple of times, then looks to Regan:: "Touch it please." ::he holds out the medallion to Regan::

[20:30:37] * +Regan moves forward and lightly touches the medallion with his index finger.

[20:31:04] * +Nath watches with interest

[20:32:12] * +Nym_Gibran watches the medallion closely as Regan touches it

[20:32:18] * +Regan feels nothing as he touches it

[20:34:25] * Jotunheimr has joined #teara-adan

[20:36:30] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Scratches his chin in thought, to Regan:: "What made it incapacitate Dennis, do you know?"

[20:37:41] <+Regan> "I do not. But it may have to do with permissions."

[20:38:11] <+Nath> "Permissions?"

[20:39:32] * +Regan turns to Nath. "As in it may be keyed to me, but will not harm anyone I freely hand it to." Then looks at Ceadda meaningfully.

[20:42:07] <+Nath> "I see, well I hop Ceadda will be circumspect!"

[20:42:32] * +Nath gives Ceadda a hard look

[20:42:38] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Looks to Regan:: "You seem very protective of it...why?"

[20:43:31] <+Regan> "I have had it all my life."

[20:44:35] <+Nath> "Does that mean it is a family heirloom?"

[20:47:21] * +Nym_Gibran holds it up and moves it back and forth, watching it.

[20:47:48] * +Regan turns to Nath. "My father gave it to me as his father gave it to him. He also says never to take it off, which I seem to do a lot lately."

[20:48:16] * +Regan smiles at Nym respectfully.

[20:49:14] <+Nath> "I see..."

[20:49:23] * +Nym_Gibran his concentration seems to be wholly on the medallion

[20:52:35] <+Nym_Gibran> ::He sets the medallion gently down on the ground, taking a knee over it. He reaches into his belt pouch and produces four cubes. Two black, Two White.::

[20:52:45] <+Nath> "Where did your grandfather get it? It may be a clue as to where this.. Matrix? is."

[20:54:25] * +Daine finds a nice tree and begins building a bed mat out of branches at it's base. Yawns

[20:55:32] <+Regan> "I think he got it from his father."

[20:56:25] * +Nath looks at Regan "Do you know the history of how your family got it?"

[20:57:13] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Places the cubes, black on black and white on white, on the squares on the medallion's face::

[20:58:49] <+Regan> "No, I don't Nath."

[20:59:54] <+Nym_Gibran> "Regan, what is your surname?"

[21:01:37] <+Regan> @@DeWatters@@ he sends to Nym

[21:03:33] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Sighs:: "Ceadda, what was the name of this man who stole the medallion from your last druid king?"

[21:04:28] <~Bynw> "Watters was his name." *he replies*

[21:07:11] * +Nath turns and signlas to Rus and Tirl making a circualr motion and then placing both hands palm together bringing them to the side of his head and tilting his head on top of it.

[21:07:15] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Raises and eyebrow at Ceadda and looks up at the medallion to look him in the eyes. His expression has taken on a predatory look, like a wolf that has spotted prey.::

[21:07:49] <+Nym_Gibran> "What was the name of your last Druid King?"

[21:09:26] * db144 has left #teara-adan

[21:10:28] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "Rhys"

[21:10:52] <+Nym_Gibran> "That is his surname?"

[21:11:42] <~Bynw> "He had no surname I'm afraid. Not all of people are so lucky."

[21:16:34] <+Nym_Gibran> "Then someone is lying. This Medallion does not belong to your chieftan."

[21:19:01] <+Nym_Gibran> ::He holds up the medallion, dragon symbol facing outwards. He points to an inscription under the dragon engraving.:: "The engraving say quite plainly, House of Watters."

[21:21:17] * +Nath eyes Ceadda thoughtfully and then Regan...

[21:21:35] <~Bynw> "Yes it does. As I told Nath and the others previously, before your arrival. " *Ceadda begins*

[21:21:44] * +Nath scratches his left ear

[21:23:05] * Knos has joined #teara-adan

[21:23:19] <+Regan> "You said the usurper was named Watters. I don't think you said the medallion said it."

[21:23:50] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Holds up a hand to forestall Regan:: "Let him explain, please apprentice."

[21:23:59] * Knos moves off into the forest

[21:24:00] * +Regan nods

[21:24:15] <~Bynw> "That the Watters king ingraved his name on the disc when he stole it and killed our people. And that act was the catalyst the caused his downfall and curse."

[21:27:38] * Knos returns and makes his way down to Nath

[21:27:53] * +Regan keeps quiet at Nym's request, but clearly looks like he wishes to speak

[21:28:35] <+Nym_Gibran> "I see. I know this all happened long ago, but do you have any proof of your story?"

[21:29:42] * +Nath moves off slightly with Knos and converses quietly so as to disturb Nym and the others

[21:29:42] <~Bynw> "It is chronicalled in our tribe's history. we dont keep written records."

[21:30:01] * +Nath moves off slightly with Knos and converses quietly so as to not disturb Nym and the others

[21:30:30] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Nods and turns the medallion over:: "Your Druid king, was he christian as well?"

[21:32:00] <Elf-gaming> Bynw

[21:33:07] <~Bynw> "He was a druid. Which would make him a druid and not the follower of some other religious dogma"

[21:34:49] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Again he points to the medallion, this time to the four letters near it's edge:: "These letters represent names of Archangels of the Christian pathos."

[21:36:37] <+Nym_Gibran> "Not the four elements. As I understand it a druid would never use them to create a ward, and that is what these symbols mean when taken as a whole."

[21:37:59] * Elf has joined #teara-adan

[21:40:47] <~Bynw> "Uriel, Gabriel, Michael and Raphael" *Ceadda says* "Such names are lost to antiquity. But they are known to many cultures as both pathos' have been in existance for countless mellenia. What are you trying to say here? And remember, that you are a guest in our lands. And your northern lordly might is meanless here."

[21:41:22] * Knos nods at Nath and then moves off to Risira

[21:42:49] <+Nath> "Ceadda.. Be civil.. after all that is how the apprentices reacted to simple question."

[21:43:01] * +Regan snaps his fingers lightly twice nonchalantly. Raider's head pops up and he walks slowly towards Regan.

[21:45:27] * +Regan looks at Llanth, then to Nath, Knos and Risira

[21:45:39] <~Bynw> "His is not a simple question, Captain. But an attempt to discredit our peoples ancient history so he can freely lay a claim on property that does not belong to him. He is nothing more than a thief. The Anadari are known for the treachery which is why we must always guard against the coming here in the southlands or we shall repeat history and be enslaved as we were during the Llorn Kcor wars."

[21:45:46] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Shakes his head:: "Those names are not lost, not to the christian faith. As I stated, they are names of Archangels. I have spent a good deal of time around and among Druids and have never heard any of them refer to those names as part of the Druid pathos. Just because the names are known to many does not mean they are used by many."

[21:47:12] <+Nath> "I am afraid that I know not of this Christian faith or of the Druidic faith. However is it not possible that it is merely roses by other names?"

[21:47:41] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Puts away his cubes and pockets the medallion next to them in his belt pouch:: "I am not making any accusations, nor laying claim to anything. I am simply stating what I see. What everyone here can see plainly. I have drawn no conclusions..."

[21:48:44] <+Nym_Gibran> ::To Nath:: "I do not believe so Captain, though I maybe mistaken. I have many Druids I could consult though."

[21:49:54] * +Nath smiles "Well I see that you have a keen mind.. I too have drawn no conclusions but are the symbols a Christian symbol or one that spans more than one pathos, to coin your term."

[21:50:10] <~Bynw> *Ceadda hold his tongue*

[21:50:40] <+Nym_Gibran> "I do not believe they are anything but Christian."

[21:52:17] * +Nath nods "Well it seesm someone's history is wrong... However it does not change the fact that Chadwick would appear to be after this relic."

[21:53:32] * +Regan looks at Llanth again. Waiting to catch his eye. Then looks to Knos.

[21:53:54] * +Llanth makes eye contact with Regan.

[21:54:11] * Knos looks back back at Regan stoically

[21:54:36] * +Regan smiles at Knos

[21:54:48] * +Nym_Gibran nods to Captain Nath "It appears so, possibly."

[21:55:33] * +Daine a light snoring comes from his sleeping form under the tree

[21:55:37] <~Bynw> "Being a rogue druid. He might be after it. But how would he have known it was here?" *Ceadda asks*

[21:55:44] * Knos just looks back and then at the others in the clearing

[21:56:02] * +Regan looks at Risira

[21:56:12] * +Risira looks shyly back at Regan.

[21:56:23] <+Nath> "if we knew the answer to that we could lay a trap using the proper bait and catch the rogue!"

[21:57:21] * +Regan winks at Risira then turns his eyes back to Nath

[21:57:38] <+Nym_Gibran> "I don't think he does know it's here. He seems to be searching the whole mountain range one village at a time."

[21:58:26] <+Nath> "Possibly but it is ood that the first village attacked was Regan's, he was the only survivor, and the subsequent attacks have been roughly centred on that village."

[22:00:43] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Nods:: "You maybe right Captain Nath. Perhaps he does know. Perhaps he is not the only one who knew." ::Looks to Ceadda::

[22:02:00] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Reaches into his belt pouch and hands Regan back the medallion:: "Until we can sort this out I think it is wrong of me to hold onto this. I give it back in good faith, as it was given."

[22:02:03] <Elf-gaming> "Master Nym, we were assigned to investiagte after the attacks not before

[22:02:07] <Elf-gaming> "

[22:03:04] * +Regan takes the medallion from Nym and puts it back around his neck. "Thank you, Master Nym."

[22:03:15] * Elf-gaming looks at Ceadda "However it is possible that Ceadda was suggested by the Druids for that reason."

[22:03:32] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Nods:: "Of course you where. I have only theories, only possibilities in mind. As I said, I have made no assumptions."

[22:03:40] * Llanth is now known as Elim-Sleep

[22:04:37] <+Nath> "As have I, Master Nym.. However my mission is to stop these attacks; if this Chadwick is indeed behind them he must be stopped."

[22:05:00] <~Bynw> "I assure you both. That I had no advanced knowledge that the disc was here. If I had. I would have taken it from him " *he looks at Regan* "when we found him unconsious due to his mis step in the forest"

[22:05:39] * +Regan looks at Ceadda and smiles, not very nicely either.

[22:06:32] <+Nath> "ENOUGH! You two obviously do not trust each other; however do not let the past cloud your judgement of the events happening now."

[22:06:37] <~Bynw> *the ebony haired girl that was riding with Nym comes up to Nym and whispers in his ear*

[22:07:06] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Stops talking and listens closely to her::

[22:08:41] * +Regan slips a knife into his hand from up his sleeve and looks at it. Then he blows on it. Then cleans it with Knos' cloth and looks at his reflection it the blade.

[22:09:51] * Knos casually lays a hand on his pistol as steel is bared

[22:10:14] * +Regan then slips the knife back up his sleeve

[22:10:33] * +Nath looks at the dark haired girl with interest

[22:11:16] * +Regan rubs his chest subconciously

[22:11:26] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Nods as she speaks and seems to go quiet for a moment::

[22:12:31] * +Regan pats Raider on his neck, near his mane

[22:14:20] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Nods again and pulls away from her, a fleeting smile touches his features as he glances at her::

[22:14:21] * Knos looks at Nath and then around the clearing again

[22:15:19] * +Regan moves to the other side of Raider, opposite the group

[22:16:03] * +Regan leans down and checks Raider's shoe.

[22:17:04] * +Nath yawns

[22:17:48] * +Regan stands up and searches in his bedroll for a moment. After a moment, he pats Raider again.

[22:19:02] <+Nym_Gibran> "I think Regan has the right idea, perhaps some rest will help shed some light on our problems."

[22:19:48] <+Nath> "A sound idea!"

[22:20:05] * +Regan nods

[22:20:19] * +Nath turns and gets his bedroll from his horse

[22:21:06] <+Nath> "Knos Why don't you assist Risira with setting up our camp."

[22:21:45] * +Risira rummages on the back of her horse and comes up with a bedroll and a tent.

[22:21:49] * +Regan walks Raider over to a tree 20 paces away and removes his bedroll. He then places it on the ground up against the tree and lays down, using the bedroll as a pillow.

[22:21:54] <~Bynw> *the group seetles down for some needed rest since their all night vigil. Tara will take one of the watches since she and Nym are not so tired as the others. ceadda sets out his bedroll within close eyesight of Regan, not wanting to loose sight of the medallion*

[22:22:37] * +Regan urns to Ceadda and winks.

[22:22:41] * Knos goes and gets his horse that was waiting atop the ridge

[22:22:50] <+Regan> *turns

[22:23:25] <+Regan> "Pleasant dreams, Ceadda."

[22:23:53] * +Nath leads his horse off a ways and sets up a picket for the horses.

[22:24:14] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Takes a seat under a tree, he pulls the dagger at his waist and holds it in his lap. He seems to be meditating::

[22:24:26] * Knos Knos returns leading his horse and two others

[22:24:46] * +Regan watches as Raider starts grazing between Ceadda and himself

[22:25:00] * +Nath walks off into the forest

[22:25:34] * Knos leads the horses to the picket after collecting Risira's

[22:25:34] * +Risira pickets her horse near Nath's and Knos' and then proceeds with Knos' help to set up her tent.

[22:26:51] * +Nath returns with Tirl deep in conversation.

[22:27:47] <+Nym_Gibran> roll 6df+

[22:27:48] * +Nath goes to his saddle and pulls out his notes and maps and continues his conversation with Tirl occasionally making notes.

[22:27:48] <+BoxCars> Nym_Gibran rolls 6df+ and gets ( )(+)(+)( )(+)(+) Epic

[22:29:20] * +Nath waves his hand around the area and then hands Tirl the map

[22:30:28] * +Daine his snoring grows a bit louder

[22:30:51] <~Bynw> *Ceadda to Regan* "I believe you are a decendant of the usurper. Which is why you hesitate to give your name outloud ... you fear the truth of it. Entrust me with the disc. And I shall beseech my chieftain that you are an honorable man and he should lift the curse from you."

[22:30:55] * +Nath then goes and gets into his bedroll.

[22:32:21] * +Regan places his hand on his chest. "I thank you for your candor, druid. But I believe I will retain it, if you don't mind."

[22:33:02] <~Bynw> *Ceadda goes to sleep*

[22:33:14] * Knos returns bearing his bedroll and gets into it as well placing so that he is between Risra and the Anadari.

[22:33:31] * +Regan lightly closes his eyes.

[22:33:33] * Elf is now known as Tirl

[22:33:42] * Tirl is now known as Rus

[22:34:15] * Rus comes from the area of teh picket bearing his bedroll and also lays it out and gets some sleep.

[22:35:20] * +Regan opens his eyes and looks over at Risira and then pats the ground next to him with a smile

[22:35:26] <Rus> Tirl will catnap, then watch then catnap in a tree. Rus will come and relieve him and then he will head out.

[22:36:19] <~Bynw> *by nightfall, rest has come to all that were in need of it ... and they being to stir, feeling refreshed*

[22:37:52] * Rus returns near Dusk after getting up midafternoon.

[22:38:20] * Rus goes and syas someting quetly to Nath who nods.

[22:38:37] * Rus has left #teara-adan

[22:39:15] * +Nath gets up and stretches, proceeding to make ready to break camp

[22:39:40] * +Regan wakes and rubs his chest subconciously while he opens his eyes to the dark. He is momentarilly alarmed but then smiles as he turns over and sees Raider standing next to him. "Sleep well, my friend?"

[22:39:42] * Knos and Rus do the same.

[22:40:56] * +Nath goes and strikes the picket leading four horses back to the group.

[22:42:26] * +Daine snorts and coughs as he wakes and stops snoring

[22:42:54] <+Daine> "I missing any bickering? Anyone get smashed in the head again?"

[22:43:01] * +Risira emerges from her tent, hair freshly combed and braided and shaking her dress free of wrinkles.

[22:43:10] * +Regan gets up and stretches. Then picks up his bedroll and ties it back on to Raider, then mounts.

[22:44:40] * +Nath glances around the camp "Now then shall we continue to Kylemore?"

[22:45:10] * +Regan trots Raider over to Daine. "Morning."

[22:46:25] <+Daine> ::Looks up at Regan a top his horse:: "Don't you ever get tired of talking from the back of your horse?"

[22:46:33] * Knos goes through an exercise involving his various weapons,, drawing, making attack routines and discarding one only to draw another

[22:46:40] <+Daine> ::Sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes::

[22:46:42] <+Regan> "No, I don't."

[22:47:14] <~Bynw> *the captains men seem to be one short*

[22:47:16] * +Risira returns to her tent, and re-emerges with her bedroll neatly rolled up and tied, ready to go back onto her horse, and calls Knos to help her dismantle the tent.

[22:47:19] <+Daine> ::Frowns up at Regan:: "You Pagans from the south have even less manners than the ones from the north."

[22:48:04] <+Regan> "Well, it's a nice view from up here. No offence."

[22:48:12] * +Nath watches Knos' routine and also Rus' quiet efficiency as he gathers up the horses and brushes them down

[22:48:31] * +Regan scans the area

[22:48:36] * Knos moves to assist Risira with the tent.

[22:49:14] * +Risira with Knos' help quickly dismantles the tent and packs it up to go back onto the horse along with the bedroll.

[22:50:13] * +Nath moves to Master Nym and waits respectfully for his acknowledgement

[22:50:18] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Stands up and brushes himself off:: "I wont even take the time to comment on that."

[22:51:23] <+Regan> roll 5df+

[22:51:24] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 5df+ and gets (-)( )( )( )(+) Good

[22:52:00] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Looks to Nath:: "Captain?"

[22:52:15] <+Regan> "Where's Tirl?"

[22:53:15] <+Nath> "Do you have any suggestions for our continued investigations? We were headed to Kylemore village next.. Perhaps Chadwick may attack there."

[22:53:27] * +Regan looks to Nym

[22:54:07] <+Regan> "Master, Tirl is mising."

[22:54:55] * +Nath looks over at Regan "Tirl is on a mission for me."

[22:56:03] <+Nym_Gibran> ::To Nath:: "Yes. Chadwick is mad with his quest to protect the enviroment. You maybe able to use that to catch him. And of course talk to the animals. A druid in the area generally makes an impression on the local animals."

[22:57:14] * +Regan raises an eyebrow at Nath's comment, but only nods

[22:57:15] <+Nath> "Ceadda has not reported anything unusual but we have always missed the attacks by a week or more."

[22:58:52] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Nods:: "I do not mean to enrage you Captain, but I don't think I trust your Druid Ceadda."

[22:59:28] <+Nym_Gibran> "I will ask about myself. For my own satisfaction."

[23:00:08] * +Nath smiles "To be honest Master Nym, he has caused me some doubts as to where his loyalty actually lies... My King r the Druids."

[23:01:20] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Nods and offers the ghost of a smile to Nath:: "It seems we are on the same path for the moment, soo I will travel with you for awhile if that is alright with you?"

[23:02:26] <+Nath> "Master Nym, any help in stopping these attacks on the innocent citizens of my country is greatly appreciated!"

[23:04:25] <+Nym_Gibran> ::Bows at the shoulder to Nath:: "I will try my best to do just that."

[23:04:59] * +Nath returns the bow "My thanks, Master"

[23:06:01] * +Nath looks to Ceada "Anything unusual happen among the animals Ceadda?"

[23:07:28] <~Bynw> "Give me a moment to check with them .... we have just restarted this journey sir"

[23:07:41] <+Nym_Gibran> "Regan may I speak with you a moment?"

[23:07:44] * +Nath nods

[23:08:16] * +Regan dismounts and while holding Raider's reins, moves to Nym
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member