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Episode 23

Started by Bynw, 14 February 2008, 23:25:03

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[19:41:08] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #teara-adan with 1300ms delay
[19:41:10] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:41:11] <~Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 23
[19:41:12] <~Bynw> |       Beginning Adventure Recap
[19:41:14] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:41:15] <~Bynw> | After searching several caves and
[19:41:16] <~Bynw> | finding nothing but bats and guano.
[19:41:18] <~Bynw> | The kings men and the Anadari return
[19:41:19] <~Bynw> | to their base camp.
[19:41:20] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:41:22] <~Bynw> |  Today's Game Date: 28 Avril 464 NE
[19:41:23] <~Bynw> |      Game Time: just past sunset
[19:41:24] <~Bynw> |       End of Adventure Recap
[19:41:25] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:41:25] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[19:43:14] * +Regan Amount raider: "Well, that was fun." picking bat stuff out of his hair still.
[19:43:30] * +Nath watches as Rus hangs his washed clothes out near a fire hehas built so that thy can dry; Watches with interest as Rus occasionally flexex the leather in his clothing.
[19:44:25] * +Nath laughs "yes it was amusing to watch you fly out of the cave followed by lots of bats!"
[19:44:54] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "you should wash"
[19:45:07] <+Regan> Raider turns his head back and snorts for no apparent reason.
[19:45:24] * Elf is now known as Rus
[19:46:59] * +Regan nods and go a little while on the path looking for the small stream he spotted before.
[19:48:09] * +Regan finds the stream and washes himself quickly while refilling his water skin.
[19:48:24] <+Daine> ::Drops down from the tree above the cave mouth:: "Any reason you all smell like that?" ::covers his nose::
[19:49:06] * +Regan returns: "Well, I had reason, Daine."
[19:49:07] * +Nath laughs "Regan and Rus went guano diving!"
[19:49:50] * Rus bristles "Only because you ordered me to! I did counsel living the cave alone!"
[19:49:58] <+Regan> "Guano skimming would be more appropriate, heh"
[19:50:10] <~Bynw> *Ceadda watchs Regan return* "We dont want that smell attracting anything during the night"
[19:50:43] <+Regan> "Which is why, druid, I washed."
[19:51:25] <+Llanth> "You still smell."
[19:52:10] <+Regan> "And I thought elven ears were big."
[19:52:18] <+Daine> ::Looks confused:: "Why would you willing roll in bat leavings?"
[19:52:53] <+Daine> ::Shakes his head:: "You Pagans get even crazier to the south"
[19:53:00] * +Nath looks at Daine "We thought it may be where Chadwick was hiding"
[19:53:24] * +Regan roll his eyes and points to Rus. "Ask Mr. Announce myself to the world here."
[19:53:34] * +Nath turns to Rus "I am sorry I doubted your counsel my friend, but you know I have to be thorough."
[19:53:56] * +Llanth snorts.
[19:54:12] * +Taenor rolls over and coughs from the stench
[19:54:15] <Rus> "I am... unused to stalking with another human."
[19:54:46] <+Taenor> "God above, people, did you swim in crap or something?" *was just waking up*
[19:56:39] <+Regan> "Fine!" Strips down to his small clothes and goes back to the stream to was his clothes and scrub his boots
[19:56:48] <+Regan> *wash
[19:57:33] <+Regan> While at the stream: "Prickly bunch od nits."
[19:57:52] * Rus as he flexes his moccasins back and forth to ensure minimal shrinkage. "You'll probably have to soak them in swiftly running water for a while now"
[19:58:33] <Rus> "You all be too civilized... tis only a natural smell."
[19:59:23] <Rus> "Not one that I enjoy rolling in mind ye!"
[20:00:25] * +Regan finishes washing and adorns his clothes again, soaking wet. Returns to the camp. "Happy now? Elf?"
[20:00:48] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "What is our next move my Lord?"
[20:01:07] * Rus carries on drying his clothes down by the fire near the stream
[20:02:17] * +Nath looks at the Anadari "Do we continue sweeping the caves or try staking out the next biggest logging camp? Or something else?"
[20:02:18] * +Llanth wrinkles his nose. "I never said you smelt of bat."
[20:03:14] <+Regan> "And I never said you smelt of sour tree sap."
[20:05:39] * +Taenor covers his face and rolls back over
[20:05:51] <+Regan> "I think the caves are a bust. The only ones big enough to hide in that I know of are this one and the ones we checked and the one that Rus and I bravely ventured into."
[20:06:40] <+Daine> ::Squats at the cave mouth:: "As we said before, you must find a way to detect the Druid if you are to find him."
[20:07:16] <+Daine> "Our brother, Mark is getting worse."
[20:07:37] <+Nath> "I am open to suggestions; nothin we have tried has worked."
[20:07:51] <+Regan> "I think he has taken another form."
[20:07:59] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "If he is a druid. And doesn not want to be found. He will not be found. Even by another Druid."
[20:08:38] <+Regan> "Or has gone elsewear. So a village my be prudent to check"
[20:09:43] <+Daine> "I think if we do not find Mark help he will die."
[20:10:21] * +Nath moves to his pack and removes a map showing the location of the attacks and the known settlements marked
[20:10:38] * +Taenor rolls over again. "Mark is in a bad state,and getting worse overall, but he is stable currently."
[20:10:56] <~Bynw> "But which village?" *Ceadda asks* "We have been investigating these attacks for a couple of weeks. They do appear to be all centered around this general area."
[20:11:07] <+Nath> "I am afraid that Risira is my expert on those matters... I will bow to her jusdgement."
[20:12:21] * +Taenor rolls back over.
[20:12:42] * +Regan smiles at Taenor
[20:13:10] <+Daine> ::Yells to Taenor:: "Pagan! Wake up."
[20:14:18] <+Daine> @@::to Taenor:: "You are our best healer and I do not think you can save Mark. Eventually he will fade. Do you agree?"@@
[20:14:28] * +Regan looks at Taenor, all tired, then looks at Daine and raises an eyebrow.
[20:15:53] <+Regan> "Brute."
[20:16:11] * +Taenor rolls over again. @@::to Regan and Daine::@@ "Brothers, he will fade unless someone much more talented than I sees to his illness."
[20:16:30] * +Regan nods
[20:18:37] <+Daine> @@::To Taenor and Regan:: "Only one place I know of where he stands a chance of living. Polaris."@@
[20:21:18] <+Regan> "I know a healer in Kylemore Village that might help, but it's more than a half days hard ride. I doubt he'll make it even a quarter of the way though."
[20:21:44] <+Regan> "Too far."
[20:22:08] <+Taenor> "What about bringing the Healer to him?
[20:22:10] <+Taenor> "
[20:22:16] <+Nath> "Perhaps if we brought the Healer here?"
[20:22:54] <+Regan> "That would be more than a full day to be told."
[20:23:57] <+Daine> ::Looks to Taenor:: "Can you contact a Healer? One you've met?" ::he purposely leaves polaris unnamed and glances to the non-anadari nearby::
[20:24:41] * Rus approaches the cave after putting put the fire and donning his dried clothes "Excuse me milord?"
[20:24:59] <+Nath> "Yes"
[20:25:15] <+Daine> ::to Taenor:: "You did train for a bit with healers didn't you?"
[20:25:50] * Gammo has quit IRC (Software caused connection abort)
[20:26:10] <+Taenor> "Yes, brother."
[20:26:18] * Rus looks at the Anadari "I have been taught that powerful Anadari can teleport... can any of you?"
[20:26:50] <+Taenor> "I trained with them. But as to whether or not contact would be possible, I do not know from this range."
[20:28:01] <+Regan> "Teleport? That's a new one." and looks at Daine askance
[20:29:00] <+Daine> ::Looks to Rus, Regan and smirks:: "Ah. Tall tales my friend. Though who knows what the masters are capable of. I've seen Master Nym do things I thought not possible."
[20:29:01] <Rus> "well I believe the actual term used was transportation via purples"
[20:29:53] <+Daine> ::Gives one of his trademark snarl/smiles:: "Portals. I don't know of any nearby."
[20:30:42] * Gammo has joined #teara-adan
[20:31:41] <+Daine> "Again, the Masters know a great many things I do not."
[20:32:08] * +Taenor looks to Mark, and his face pales visibly as he reaches out to check his pulse while reaching out with his mind as well.
[20:32:20] <+Taenor> "Brothers. He is gone."
[20:33:59] * +Nath looks at the Anadari with sympathy "Do you wish our assiatance in you burial rites?"
[20:34:20] <+Daine> ::Looks back at Mark's body in alarm, then sighs::
[20:35:01] * +Taenor places his hand on his brother's shoulder. ::Valmaari:: "It was his time, whether we willed it or no."
[20:35:32] <+Daine> ::Looks about at the other Anadari, then to Captain Nath:: "Wood for a pyre."
[20:36:21] * +Nath nods "When do ye wish to have the funereal pyre?"
[20:36:38] <~Bynw> *Risira confirms that Mark is past the point of being saved. His breath of life is gone. No healer known can return life to the dead*
[20:39:29] <+Daine> "Night is as good a time as any. Tonight."
[20:39:51] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "I shall help with the wood"
[20:40:10] * +Nath turns and gathers a hatchet from his pack "Rus! Knos! with me! Tirl stand watch!"
[20:40:20] <+Daine> ::Nods to Ceadda:: "Thank you Captain."
[20:41:26] * +Taenor prays over the body, then begins to find wrappings for burial.
[20:42:05] * +Nath and his men begin to gather wood appropriate wood for a funreal pyre.
[20:42:10] <+Daine> ::Sneers in disgust at Taenor's praying, but doesn't bother him or say anything::
[20:42:18] <~Bynw> *few wrappings can be found, save mark's own anadari robes. it takes nearly a hour to gather all the wood needed for the pyre*
[20:44:22] * +Regan returns to Raider be forethe pyre is lighted and checks his mount's shoes. "How you doing boy? Need to get you a saddle soon. Your back is harder than I remember."
[20:46:07] * +Llanth stands beside the pyre, bow drawn, with an arrow placed in the ground before him and a torch in his other hand.
[20:46:39] * +Regan stands guard by the pyre, staff at the ready.
[20:46:50] * Rus stands nearby with a water skin and torch to hand
[20:47:01] <+Daine> ::Carries Mark's body to the Pyre and places it on it. His face stone::
[20:47:27] * +Llanth waits for Daine to move away from the pyre.
[20:47:56] * +Regan turns toward the pyre and bows to Marks body then turns back, keeping guard.
[20:48:05] <+Daine> ::Steps back:: "The Akasha bring you to the horizon."
[20:48:38] * Rus moves to the oppsite side of the pyre and follows llanth's lead
[20:49:05] * +Regan mumbles "And may the winds guide you to the heavens."
[20:49:15] * +Nath and the rest of the King's men watch with bowed heads
[20:50:49] * +Llanth plants his torch into the ground before him.
[20:51:15] <+Daine> roll 5df-
[20:51:16] <+BoxCars> Daine rolls 5df- and gets (-)(+)(-)( )(-) Terrible
[20:51:38] * +Regan unconsciously raises his shields
[20:51:48] <+Daine> ::A warm wind stirs the night::
[20:51:58] * Rus follows Llanth's example somewhat confused
[20:52:01] * +Llanth plucks the arrow from the ground and lights it on the torch.
[20:52:19] * +Llanth fires the arrow deep into the base of the pyre.
[20:52:37] * +Taenor stands shoulder to shoulder with his brothers
[20:53:13] <+Llanth> "May you find the peace you sought."
[20:53:27] * Rus picks up his torch and throws it at teh base of the pyre upwind of the center so wind blows flames into the pyre
[20:55:46] <~Bynw> *the fire burns through most of the night and is ash come morning ....
[20:56:41] <+Daine> roll 5df-
[20:56:42] <+BoxCars> Daine rolls 5df- and gets (-)(-)(+)( )( ) Poor
[20:57:02] <+Nath> roll 4df for Nath
[20:57:03] <+BoxCars> Nath rolls 4df for Nath and gets (-)(+)( )( ) Fair
[20:57:16] <+Nath> roll 5df+ for Tirl
[20:57:18] <+BoxCars> Nath rolls 5df+ for Tirl and gets ( )(+)( )( )( ) Good
[20:57:44] <Rus> roll 5df+ for Rus
[20:57:45] <+BoxCars> Rus rolls 5df+ for Rus and gets (+)(-)( )(-)(+) Good
[20:58:04] <+Nath> roll 4df for Knos
[20:58:05] <+BoxCars> Nath rolls 4df for Knos and gets (+)(+)(+)(-) Great
[20:58:24] <+Regan> Roll 5df+ for perception
[20:58:25] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 5df+ for perception and gets (-)(-)(-)( )(-) Terrible
[21:00:39] <+Llanth> Roll 5df+
[21:00:40] <+BoxCars> Llanth rolls 5df+ and gets ( )(+)(+)(+)(-) Superb
[21:00:50] <+Taenor> roll 5df+
[21:00:51] <+BoxCars> Taenor rolls 5df+ and gets ( )(+)( )(+)(-) Great
[21:01:27] <~Bynw> roll 4df for ceadda's perception
[21:01:27] <+BoxCars> Bynw rolls 4df for ceadda's perception and gets (+)( )(-)( ) Fair
[21:02:02] * Rus is now known as Elf
[21:02:32] * Elf is now known as Rus
[21:06:08] * Rus is now known as Knos
[21:06:31] <~Bynw> *Ceadda stares at the ashes*
[21:06:33] * RainbowDragon has quit IRC (Client exited)
[21:06:35] * +Llanth looks at the ashes carefully. "Wha... Regan look there, do you see what looks like.. a dragon?!"
[21:07:09] * +Taenor stares at Llanth..."You see it too???"
[21:07:17] * Knos points at something in the fire "Now that is odd..."
[21:07:26] * +Regan turns at Llanth's inquiry and looks
[21:07:37] <~Bynw> *amoung all the piles of ash ... one of the piles actually has a recognizable shape ... a silouette of a dragon ... 
[21:07:38] <+Nath> "You mena the dragon in the ashes?"
[21:07:50] <~Bynw> (( http://www.teara-adan.com/images/ashes.JPG ))
[21:07:53] * Knos is now known as Rus
[21:07:57] <+Llanth> "No, look there!" :: points::
[21:08:11] <Rus> "I see it too!"
[21:08:17] <+Daine> ::Looks to Regan and stares::
[21:08:30] <+Daine> ::To Regan:: "What is it?"
[21:08:41] * +Regan eyes go wide and his hand goes to his chest reflexively
[21:09:30] * +Nath looks at Regan "Does it mean anything to you?"
[21:09:42] <+Regan> To Daine @@The medallion!@@
[21:09:45] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "Long Lake"
[21:10:08] * +Nath turns to Ceadda "Long Lake?"
[21:10:18] <+Llanth> "Long lake?"
[21:10:35] * +Regan turns to Ceadda, listening....
[21:11:57] * +Regan continues to stare at the druid, not hearing Nath's question.
[21:12:09] <~Bynw> *Ceadda blinks for a moment* "That is the emblem of Long Lake. It was an ancient druidic kingdom, that was conqurored by usurpers of Watters."
[21:12:09] * +Nath glances back and forth between Regan and Ceadda "One of you go first than the other."
[21:12:34] <+Daine> ::Looks to Ceadda, then back to Regan::
[21:12:37] <+Regan> "Watters?"
[21:13:13] <+Llanth> "So.. Things begin to come clearer.."
[21:13:26] <+Nath> "How so?"
[21:13:47] <+Regan> To Daine: @@Careful, DeWatters is my surname.@@
[21:14:25] * +Nath to Ceadda "Watters? How long ago was this?"
[21:14:53] * +Regan looks to Llanth and slightly shakes his head
[21:15:11] <~Bynw> "He was a petty king who sought the rich farmland of Long Lake and destroyed the druidic kingdom, taking a druidic artifact ... A millenia. Generally its a tale we druids keep to ourselves."
[21:15:37] <+Regan> "Artifact?"
[21:16:01] <+Nath> "Artifact? A 1,00 years ago? Why would that emblem appear now?"
[21:16:11] <+Regan> "what kind of artifact?"
[21:16:27] <+Daine> ::Sneers at Regan:: @@"You should've told us this before when I asked. Instead I let it go. Now it comes back to haunt us all."@@
[21:17:20] <+Regan> @@I don't know the history of it! I told you nothing, because I know next to nothing of it!@@@@
[21:17:35] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "Yes. A golden disc about so big." *he uses his hands to show the size of it* "The bastard carved his name on it. That act of blasphemy costs him his victory and his life ... forever curses is his bloodline." *he spits*
[21:19:33] * +Regan looks to the sky. Then stays quiet.
[21:19:38] * +Nath turns to Regan "What does the dragon meant to you Regan; you clearly recognized it."
[21:19:43] <+Daine> ::His eyes shoot daggers at Regan:: @@"Then you should have said so....I will not reveal you though. We are brothers. Trust. Your lineage is...not you."@@
[21:20:22] <+Daine> ::To Ceadda:: "Cursed? How so?"
[21:20:44] <+Regan> "I was amazed that a dragon, or anything else, would manifest itself in ashes. Quite remarkable."
[21:21:44] * +Nath looks at Regan "You did not have the same reaction as the rest of us... you had a similar reaction as Ceadda... You recognized it... What does it mean to you?"
[21:22:19] * +Regan looks down at the pyre ashes again in consternation, listening carefully...
[21:22:22] <~Bynw> "His new found kingdom fell within his own life time. His family, for the most part were either slain or driven out into the wilderness. Forever cursed to be landless." *Ceadda says* "You have seen the emblem before ... "
[21:22:53] * +Nath watches Regan carefully
[21:24:49] <+Regan> "I have never seen this dragon emblem manifest itself in ashes before, no. Though, I have seen a few dragon pictorials back in the library of Kylemore Village."
[21:26:11] <+Regan> "Actually, I have never seen any manifestation of any emblem before. Quite remarkable"
[21:27:07] <+Nath> "You know more than that however.. What aren't you saying?"
[21:27:47] <+Llanth> :: To Regan :: @@Be careful what lies you tell, they may come back to haunt you.@@
[21:28:05] <+Regan> Roll 5df+
[21:28:06] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(-)(+)(-)(+) Great
[21:28:35] <+Regan> @@I have not lied@@
[21:29:18] <+Daine> ::Looks to Nath, then Ceadda:: "I'm sorry to interrupt gentlemen, but I'm missing how this applies to our search?"
[21:30:06] * +Regan tilts his head, listening.
[21:30:13] <~Bynw> "It really doesnt apply to the search for this renegade druid. its just very interesting that such a thing has transpired"
[21:30:40] * +Nath looks at Daine with an expression of patince "Nothing... except your Chadwick is a druid it is a druid symbol and your Regan knows more than he is saying... and now you also are trying to change the subject..."
[21:31:09] <+Daine> "Unless your putting us on trial? I've seen and done a great many things in my life, not many of them are anyone's business but mine. You'll excuse us if we don't want to explain every detail of our lives, we hardly know you gentlemen though you seem like a good lot."
[21:31:11] <+Nath> "I find that interesting"
[21:31:43] <+Regan> Looks at Nath straight in the eye. "I do not know what the dragon symbol means"
[21:32:07] <+Llanth> "We too find that interesting, but there is not a lot we can do about it I think.
[21:32:18] <+Nath> "Generally when people hide something from an impartial investigation they either are guilty or afraid... I beleive I have proved how impartial I am."
[21:33:13] <~Bynw> *Ceadda* "Maybe this Mark was aware of something and died ... or was killed before he could tell us."
[21:33:15] <+Daine> ::Looks to Regan, then to Nath:: "Ah I see. We too are investigating. Would you care to show us on a map all troop placements in your kingdom, their numbers and strengths?"
[21:33:31] * +Nath looks Nath right in the eye without flinching "That is not what I asked; the symbol clearly has some meaning to you. You may not know what it represents but you know more than you are sayng."
[21:34:50] <+Regan> "Then maybe we should go to the library in Kylemore Village, and I can show you the dragon portraits I saw there. There are many, but the are part of children's fables."
[21:35:02] <+Llanth> "Gentlemen, and lady. This has been a very trying day for us all, we have lost a comrade and we thank you for all of your help. But this arguement will get us nowhere. Let us all get some rest and see what truth the morning brings. Or we could just break out and fight, not my first choice mind you, but I think those are the two clearest options."
[21:36:16] <+Nath> "What has troop movements got to do with investigating a renegade druid, a DRUIDIC symbol that appears in the ashes and your brother clearly recognizes teh symbol and knows more than he is saying?"
[21:36:35] <+Taenor> "I go for the first. And trust me, if any of you decides on the second, you will learn exactly how well trained I was by Llanth, my brother, and the monks from my past."
[21:37:51] <+Daine> "Absolutely nothing Captain Nath, exactly my point. Neither does our personal lives."
[21:38:00] <+Nath> "A visit to Kylemore Village may be in order but perhaps you can tell us more of these children's fables Regan. There may be a kernal of truth to them."
[21:38:17] * +Nath ignores Daine
[21:38:46] * +Taenor sees the immediate dismissal of what Daine says, and his anger flares.
[21:39:37] <+Regan> Looks at Nath: "Okay, but I think it really is just a fable. Some dragon named Duff or Puff. Something like that." shrugs."
[21:40:11] <+Taenor> "Captain Nath, if, in your ignorance, you choose to ignore what my brother says, no matter how snottily he said it, we will quarrel. This serves neither our purpose nor yours. Now, by God, all of you stop acting like warring wolves vying for Alpha."
[21:41:57] * +Regan turns away towards his mount. "Are we going to stand her all day?"
[21:42:00] * +Nath looks at Taenor "My dear sir... how any reasonable man could possibly suggest that the Druid your group seeks has bnnothing to do with a druidic symbol that one of your own group clearly recognizes and is not telling everything he knows is not worthy of notice for obvious reasons."
[21:42:34] <+Nath> "Please do not insult me intelligence."
[21:43:18] * +Regan turns back to Nath: "For the last time, I do NOT know the meaning of the symbol!"
[21:43:25] <+Taenor> "I am not insulting your intelligence, but telling you not to sink to the barbaric levels that my brother frequently supresses, but similarly lets out once in a while."
[21:43:42] * +Regan mounts. "Where too gentlemen?"
[21:44:05] <+Taenor> "Were he to lose complete control, I would probably be the only one left standing. Think you upon that."
[21:44:40] <+Nath> "I beleive that but it does seem to mean more to you than you are saying and it may have abearing on what is happening.. So I ask agian what aren't you telling us or more particularly me as it seems Daine is trying to deflect the question as well for some reason.."
[21:45:04] <+Llanth> ::Looks Nath in the eye:: "Listen friend, please listen carefully. Now is not the time for these questions. We will not get anywhere like this. Infact we are treading on unsafeground here, and this is only what our druid wants."
[21:45:53] <+Llanth> "We have no desire to mislead you, but our past belongs to us all individually."
[21:46:15] <+Nath> "Unsafe as you will resort to violence over a simple question? What is it that Regan and Daine are afraid to tell me? Unlees he is Chadwick he has nothing to fear from us."
[21:46:31] <+Taenor> "As with many people in many situations similar in the past, we leave much out of what we tell each other, and we tread lightly around our fellows. This is nothing new, but as Llanth has said, we do not have the time and this is not the place. When we do have more time in a safer location, be assured, we will explore this topic in more depth."
[21:46:32] * +Regan shakes his head in apparent exasperation and turns Raider away towards the path. "I've had enough of this foolishness."
[21:46:45] <+Daine> ::Snarls, his hand dips to his pistol at his hip:: "Captain, you've been looking to pin these murders on us from the begining. Quite frankly from my standing you and your band are as likely to have done them yourselves. But we've shown you trust on more than one occasion. If you continue to accuse my brothers of murder or conspiring to murder you and I will have problems very shortly. You have deryni in your group, hear the
[21:46:45] <+Daine>  truth of my brother statement when he says he does not know the meaning of that symbol!"
[21:47:31] <+Llanth> "Unsafe meaning that every moment you persist in this pointless questioning we loose this druid further."
[21:47:45] * +Taenor reaches over and holds Daine's arm in place. ::Valmaari:: "They are not worth the waste in ammunition, brother. Now calm that Heathen anger of yours."
[21:47:54] <+Regan> "Daine, let it be. He's latch onto what he appears to believe is a childrens fable his mother never told him and feels left out."
[21:47:58] <+Nath> "Did it occur to you; any of you that what ever is happening here today may have something to do with this ancient order of Druids? Any information may be a clue to stopping Chadwick."
[21:48:48] <+Llanth> "Nath, you can not force the truth."
[21:49:04] * +Nath laughs at Llanth "My dear Elf.. He has completely eluded all of us. He already has gotten away."
[21:49:18] <+Llanth> "Torture someone long enough and they will tell you what you want to hear only to stop the pain."
[21:49:26] <~Bynw> *Ceadda stirs up the ashes with a stick*
[21:49:54] * +Nath looks insulted "Torture never reveals truth and I am not torturing anyone."
[21:50:28] <+Llanth> "Interogation is torture, and you are interogating our brother."
[21:50:58] <+Regan> "ENOUGH! We're wasting valuable time. We have the same goals and I cannot shed light on the meaning. Enough! Now, may we PLEASE proceed, my dear Captain, brothers?""
[21:51:00] <+Daine> ::Looks to Ceadda, then to Nath:: "Your man is your better Captain. You should look to him for advice." ::spits on Nath's shoes and turns to leave::
[21:51:44] <+Llanth> "If he does not know the answer to your question, or if he can not tell you matters not. The fact is you will not hear what ever truth you think you percieve this day."
[21:52:06] * +Nath shakes his head "I see that Regan is not ready to share what he knows, I know not for what reason and I see that you people fear questions... a sada state of affairs for people who seek knowledge."
[21:52:23] * +Taenor looks blankly at Nath and follows after Daine, his hand near his long sword.
[21:52:46] * +Regan takes Raider away from the group, waiting for the others to join.
[21:52:52] <+Llanth> "Nath, knowledge is power, and power corrupts."
[21:53:30] <+Llanth> "Be careful what you seek else you become corrupted."
[21:53:42] <+Nath> "This is true Llanth and I hope that the knowledge he is withholding does not jeporadize catching or stopping this Chadwick."
[21:53:56] <~Bynw> *the sunrise of the morning continues to shine brightly on the new day. although the anadari and the kings men can still function for hours without sleep it will cost them in the end*
[21:54:15] <+Nath> "knowledge is but a tool; it is the weilder that determines its use."
[21:54:33] <+Llanth> "If he does know something and is not telling us, it is because he can not. And forcing the issue will lead only to evil."
[21:55:37] * +Nath nods "As I said he is not ready to share it and the rest of you are willing to resort to violence... I commend your loyalties."
[21:56:33] <+Llanth> "We are not willing to resort to violence, but if forced we will not fail to defend ourselves."
[21:56:40] <+Nath> "Now then I beleive Regan suggeted atrip to Kylemore Village?"
[21:57:21] * +Taenor hears this, though just barely. He walks back, stands in front of Nath, stares at him strongly for a moment, then turns away, thinking dark thoughts. On his way back, he turns, and stabs a tree with one of his dagger, burying it to the hilt.
[21:57:45] <+Daine> ::Picks up an axe and begins mercilessly hacking away at a tree near the cave's mouth, spitting vile curses in Valmari as he works::
[21:57:54] * +Nath seems perfectly calm
[21:58:39] * +Taenor blushes at some of what Daine is cursing, but stands a little away, centering himself.
[21:59:21] <+Llanth> "There is nothing to gain here, and everything to loose. We should move on and continue our search."
[21:59:25] * +Nath turns and readies his mount "lead on Regan."
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member