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Episode 19

Started by Bynw, 27 December 2007, 23:09:21

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[20:03:08] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #teara-adan with 1300ms delay
[20:03:10] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:03:11] <~Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 19
[20:03:12] <~Bynw> |       Beginning Adventure Recap
[20:03:14] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:03:15] <~Bynw> | The apprentices have begun the long
[20:03:16] <~Bynw> | task of building their settlement in
[20:03:18] <~Bynw> | an attempt to lure the renegade druid
[20:03:19] <~Bynw> | Chadwick from the forest.
[20:03:20] <~Bynw> |
[20:03:22] <~Bynw> | During the night 3 of the apprentices
[20:03:23] <~Bynw> | have fallen ill. With 2 of them in the
[20:03:24] <~Bynw> | worst sort of sorts.
[20:03:25] <~Bynw> |
[20:03:27] <~Bynw> | With the coming of the dawn, the cave
[20:03:28] <~Bynw> | in which the apprentices have choosen
[20:03:29] <~Bynw> | to spend the night has been discovered
[20:03:31] <~Bynw> | by a band of locals.
[20:03:32] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:03:33] <~Bynw> | Today's Game Date: 28 Avril 464 NE
[20:03:35] <~Bynw> |        Game Time: early morning
[20:03:36] <~Bynw> |         End of Adventure Recap
[20:03:37] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:03:37] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[20:03:39] * Forestborn is now known as Knos
[20:05:08] <+Risira> *softly*  Are you coming with me, Knos?
[20:05:50] * +Knos is dressed n chain and moves with the gait of one who has seen many battles. He escorts Risira to the cave blocking line of fire to her from the cave
[20:06:34] * +Risira follows Knos quietly, having learned to move softly in the woods from her weeks with the patrol. She gains the cave entrance and looks shyly inside.
[20:06:37] <+Knos> *whispers* "Stay behind me though."
[20:06:47] <+Risira> *whispers* Okay.
[20:09:16] * +Knos looks around taking in the positions of all he can see
[20:09:38] * Roger has joined #teara-adan
[20:09:59] * +Daine stands inside the cave entrance and to the side a bit, his hand rests on a revolver at his hip
[20:10:50] * Elf is now known as Nath
[20:11:06] * +Llanth stands a ways back from the enterance bow with arrow redied but not drawn, and in a low position.
[20:11:08] <+Daine> ::Motions with his hand to approch:: "We're not here to cause trouble, we'd be over run and killed soon enough if we did. The men I told you about are back further."
[20:11:48] <+Nath> *yells* "By the way I hope someone up there can speak Cana, Neither Risira nor Knos can."t
[20:12:18] * +Knos cocks his head
[20:13:15] * +Llanth sighs and thinks for a moment.
[20:13:48] <+Nath> :In Cana: "I can come translate of course."
[20:14:01] * +Llanth walks over to Regan and mutters "I don't think he'll be needing this for the moment."
[20:14:19] * Beeron has joined #teara-adan
[20:14:42] * +Llanth removes the pendant given to Regan by Master Michon gently.
[20:14:59] <+Daine> ::In Cana:: "Careful Llanth, don't scare our new guests. We need there help."
[20:15:20] * Roger has quit IRC (Quit: )
[20:15:36] <+Llanth> "I have no intentions of such a thing Daine."
[20:15:39] * +Taenor groans and tries to sit up and fails.
[20:16:00] * +Knos points to Taenor
[20:16:09] * +Risira looks over at Taenor, concern in her eyes but still afraid to move because of the language barrier.
[20:16:26] * +Llanth walks to the enterance of the cave and looks at the two newcomers.
[20:16:34] <+Knos> :In Solise: "I believe he is one of the injured."
[20:16:35] <+Daine> ::Waves the two people over as he moves to stand over Taenor. He points to Taenor and nods::
[20:16:40] * +Llanth tosses the pendant to Risira.
[20:16:55] * +Risira barely catches the pendant, wondering why it was thrown at her.
[20:17:04] * +Knos moves to block the object
[20:17:11] * +Llanth makes a motion with his hands indicating that it should pe placed around her neck.
[20:17:19] <+Risira> ::In Solice:: I believe you're right.  I wish they spoke our tongue.
[20:17:57] <+Knos> *yells in Solice* "Captain! None of them speak Solise!"
[20:18:07] * +Risira looks at the pendant uncertainly.
[20:18:39] <+Nath> *yells in Cana* "perhaps you would allow me to approach."
[20:19:11] * +Llanth looks at Risira in distaste and makes the motions for Risira to put the pendant on again, this time with a little more urgency.
[20:19:27] <+Nath> *yells in Solice* "How many up there Knos?"
[20:19:29] <~Bynw> *the pendent is a simple gem setting, perhaps a ruby of moderate value, set in gold with a gold chain
[20:19:35] * +Risira uncertainly puts the pendant on.
[20:19:43] <+Llanth> "Can you hear me now?"
[20:20:16] <+Risira> *softly* "Yes."
[20:20:43] * +Knos watches Risira with concern; his right hand on a wicked axe at his belt and his other on a pistol.
[20:21:33] <+Llanth> "Good, I hope that I didn't make any hand symobls that insulted anybody's grandmother, but honestly I could care less, we have sick people here."
[20:21:50] <+Risira> *still softly*  I am a Healer; who needs me most?
[20:21:53] <+Knos> "yes, put your bow down; we come as friends."
[20:22:15] * +Taenor groans weakly. "Me. I'm a Healer as well."
[20:22:48] * +Risira kneels by Taenor and begins to center herself in preparation for entering a Healing trance.
[20:22:54] * +Knos moves so as to keep Risira out of the line of fire of Llanth's bow
[20:23:11] * +Llanth eyes Daine and swings his bow onto his back and replaces the arrow in it's quiver.
[20:23:18] <+Daine> ::eyes Knos appraisingly and scoffs in dismissal::
[20:23:40] * +Knos relaxes and removes his hand from hs axe but warily watches all in the room.
[20:23:42] <+Daine> ::His hand rests on his pistol, but he seems relaxed::
[20:25:14] <+Llanth> "Do you know what is wrong with them?"
[20:25:18] * +Taenor says weakly in Valmaari to Daine."Brother, dont scoff at them so much. *Cough* They are trying to help us."
[20:26:16] * +Risira centers into Healing trance and discovers that Taenor is poisoned. While still in trance, she reduces his fever while deciding on which drugs to give him. She also supplements his strength with some of her own, and finally sits back and takes a deep breath.
[20:26:59] <+Knos> *yells in Solice* "There are 5 Captain."
[20:28:48] * +Nath ::turns to Ceadda and Rus and in Solice:: "Rus help Tirl secure and watch the approaches."
[20:28:56] <+Risira> ::In Solice, to Knos:: "They ate some poisonous berries; I really can't do much except reduce their fevers and lend them some strength."
[20:29:34] <+Daine> ::Moves back to the cave entrance, raises his voice, in Cana:: "You. Come up if you wish." ::points down to Nath::
[20:29:49] <+Knos> ::In solice, to Risira:: "Would Ceadda be of any help? or Rus?"
[20:30:38] <+Risira> "Actually, if you'd be willing to lend your strength, you could help me.  I don't really have enough strength for three men."
[20:30:58] <+Nath> *Rus, the figure dressed in skins and furs* "Aye Captain"
[20:31:33] <+Daine> ::His brow furrows, he responds to Risira, in Cana:: "I will lend you my strength."
[20:31:51] <+Knos> "I would prefer to keep my strength but I believe Nath is on his way up. Do you need it now?"
[20:32:12] * +Risira looks up at Daine; he looks quite robust and certainly suitable for the purpose.
[20:32:44] <+Risira> *softly*  It is an honorable man who will lend strength to a friend in such need.
[20:32:45] * +Nath Starts up to the cave
[20:33:18] <+Daine> ::In Valmari, to Taenor:: "Fraile pagan's the lot of you. You could use a little bit of my strength...and brains. Poison berries, do none of you listen to Master Nym's lectures on survival?"
[20:33:27] * +Risira rummages in her back for talicil to help reduce the fevers.
[20:34:05] <+Daine> ::Takes a knee next to Taenor and Risira::
[20:34:37] <+Risira> *very softly* "You must take my hand so I can draw strength from you to him."  She offers her hand shyly.
[20:34:38] <+Nath> *yells in Solice* "Tirl! You have the watch!"
[20:34:42] <+Taenor> ::In valmaari again:: Yes, we did, but we couldnt eat rocks like you barbarians.
[20:36:43] <+Daine> ::Looks to Risira for a moment, his eyes seem to weigh her and bore through her. His face grim, but it seems naturally so. He takes her hand and turns to Taenor, speaking in Valmari:: "Fortitude like a 5 year old Uthani girl."
[20:37:42] * +Risira sets a hand in the middle of Taenor's chest and closes her eyes, entering Healing trance again. After a few minutes, Daine can feel some of his strength draining through his hand; Taenor can feel strength flowing into his chest.
[20:37:51] <+Llanth> "Yes yes, that's right, insult our guests. It's a wonder we don't keep you away from polite company."
[20:38:13] * +Knos is dressed in chain with a harness bearing multiple weapons. He is 6' 2" and powerfully muscled. His face has a scar on the right cheek that healed improperly, giving him a permanent sneer
[20:41:19] * Beeron has quit IRC (Quit: )
[20:42:39] * +Llanth walks to the enterance of the cave and peers outside looking to see if there is any thing worth noting.
[20:43:06] <+Llanth> Roll 5df+ for perception.
[20:43:07] <+BoxCars> Llanth rolls 5df+ for perception. and gets (+)(-)( )(-)(+) Good
[20:44:44] * +Nath ::In Cana to Llanth:: "Expecting someone?"
[20:45:08] * +Knos smirks
[20:45:08] <+Llanth> "One can never be too alert, you're here aren't you?"
[20:45:16] <~Bynw> *just the rest of Nath's men*
[20:45:36] <+Knos> Words cannot hurt only weapons and magic
[20:46:01] <+Llanth> "It stands to reason that if you are patrol as you appear to be, then you are patroling against something."
[20:46:06] * +Nath nods
[20:46:37] <+Nath> "True, so what ARE you doing in the forest?"
[20:46:55] <+Llanth> "Cutting trees."
[20:46:56] * +Risira takes another deep breath and comes out of Healing trance, having transferred some of Daine's strength to Taenor. She then goes to the fire and starts preparing talicil.
[20:47:38] * +Llanth points towards the wood outside the cave.
[20:48:00] <+Knos> ::to Nath:: "Risira says they have been poisoned, she needs strength to assit them. Shall I?"
[20:48:24] <+Nath> "A dangerous occupation of late, or have you not heard of the attacks?"
[20:48:48] * +Nath nods at Knos
[20:49:32] <+Llanth> "Attacks?"
[20:50:14] <+Knos> ::to Risira:: "Do you need more strength?"
[20:50:21] <+Daine> ::In Cana, to Nath:: "Is that why you are patrolling so far north?"
[20:50:23] * +Risira having prepared two more doses of talicil goes to look at Mark. She administers the medication to him since he's quite clearly feverish, then enters another Healing trance.
[20:51:00] <+Risira> :: to Knos:: "He does."
[20:51:53] <+Nath> "I would prefer to keep Knos unfatigued, will I do?"
[20:52:42] * +Nath moves to Risira
[20:52:59] <+Risira> ::to Nath::  "Yes, captain.  He needs help to stay alive.  I'm not going to wake him up when I'm done because he needs to sleep to try to beat this poison."
[20:53:02] * +Taenor passes out after having tje strength transfered, trusting in his companion to keep him safe while he rests so his body can heal.
[20:53:07] <+Llanth> "Well being so helpful you have removed the thought that you might be bandits from my mind."
[20:53:57] * +Nath offers his hand to Risira
[20:54:12] <+Nath> "What should I do and will I pass out?"
[20:54:17] * +Risira gently takes Nath's hand and sets her other hand in the middle of Mark's chest.
[20:54:55] <+Risira> *still softly, she has yet to raise her voice much over a whisper* "No, captain.  You won't pass out because I won't pull that much of your strength.  Just sit still and relax."
[20:55:06] <+Nath> me nods
[20:55:11] * +Nath nods
[20:55:24] <+Daine> ::his brow furrows at being ignored, he reposes his question to Knos:: "Why are you patrolling so far north anyways?"
[20:55:49] * +Risira enters Healing trance again, pulling strength from Nath to Mark.
[20:56:36] <+Nath> ::to Llanth and Daine:: "Several villages have been attacked and we are investigating"
[20:56:47] * +Nath looks surprised
[20:56:53] <+Llanth> "I see."
[20:57:05] <+Llanth> "We only just arrived."
[20:57:19] * +Risira frowns and then comes out of trance.
[20:57:40] <+Nath> ::To Daine:: "We are not from the Alaknar Confederation."
[20:58:41] <+Nath> "So why are you camping up here in a fortified location and so heavily armed if you are loggers?"
[20:58:54] <+Nath> "I see no logging equipment"
[20:59:21] * +Nath scratches his left ear.
[20:59:41] * +Knos moves so he can be seen by Ceadda
[21:00:13] <+Risira> ::To Nath, still softly:: "I have done all I can for this one, but he is very ill and must sleep.  Let me see the other who is ill."
[21:00:31] <+Daine> ::In Cana to Nath:: "We're bandits or course, we steal from the squirrels and the birds. But business has been bad as you can see, those little creatures move so fast you see."
[21:00:55] <+Daine> ::Scowls at Nath::
[21:01:17] <+Nath> ::To daine:: "You have much to learn of civil manners.."
[21:01:18] * Ceadda has joined #teara-adan
[21:01:43] <+Daine> ::Nods:: "So they say."
[21:02:54] <+Daine> "If your not with the Alaknar Confederation, who do you represent?"
[21:03:51] * +Risira goes and kneels by Regan, entering Healing trance yet again to check the severity of his symptoms.
[21:04:09] <+Nath> "I think you should be a little more forth coming. I see no two man swas nor spiked boots for climbing a tree to top it."
[21:04:33] * +Nath glances at Knos and then swepps the room again.
[21:05:15] <+Llanth> "It is impossible to fell a tree with an axe?"
[21:05:34] * +Llanth points to his axe.
[21:05:35] * +Knos notes Nath's glance and looks around
[21:05:43] * +Risira takes a deep breath and comes out of trance, reaching for the other dose of talicil about as soon as she's out of trance.
[21:05:56] <+Daine> ::Looks to Llanth:: @@::exerts a slight pressure on his shields as a way to ask to contact him::@@
[21:06:24] <+Nath> "No but true loggers would use the right tools and I only see tools that pretend loggers would have."
[21:06:45] * +Risira administers the dose of talicil to Regan and then lets him rest.
[21:06:53] <+Llanth> "Or loggers that only have axes."
[21:07:30] * +Knos loks meaning fully at Daine and then looks at Nath and nods.
[21:07:58] <+Llanth> "I said we were here to cut trees, not to set up a logging operation."
[21:08:13] * +Knos streches and waves down at Ceadda
[21:08:53] * Ceadda waves back at Knos
[21:09:00] <+Knos> "Ahh so why are you cutting trees?"
[21:09:01] * +Llanth accepts Daine incomming contact.
[21:09:52] * +Risira takes another deep breath and then stands and all but hides behind Knos, now that she's done all she can for the ill ones.
[21:10:29] <+Nath> ::to Risira:: "Is there anything else to be done for them?"
[21:10:53] <+Llanth> "Could be to build a cabin to start a farm. Could be we left our families behind so we could get a place ready for them to come to. Could be a lot of things that make perfectly good sense. Could also be that you my friend are jumping to a lot oc conclusions based on the fact that you are already on edge because of attacks in the area."
[21:11:21] <+Risira> ::to Nath:: "No, captain.  The poison is too far into their systems for me to do much but supportive care.  I gave them talicil to reduce their fevers and you saw me give them a little extra strength to help them fight.
[21:11:26] <+Daine> @@ ::To Llanth:: "They may not know who we are, but they are sure not to believe we are loggers. They seem legitimate. I see no harm in admitting who we are. No need to offer anything not asked for, and let's not say anything about the tri-sun fortress. Agreed?"@@
[21:11:38] * +Nath nods at Risira
[21:12:03] <+Llanth> @@ :: To Daine:: "Seems reasonable." @@
[21:12:34] <+Daine> @@"No need to mention we are apprentices unless we have to either, they may not take us seriously if we do."@@
[21:13:08] <+Llanth> "It could also be that we pulled a man half dead out of the desert who spoke of an attack on his village."
[21:13:13] <+Nath> "Well I think you should be a bit more specific.. You have a trained fighter {nods in Daine's direction} and very poorly equipped for any type of true logging. That does not add up my friend."
[21:13:31] <~Bynw> *mark starts having convulsions*
[21:13:35] <+Nath> Ahh so why did you not say so?
[21:13:44] * +Risira rushes back to Mark's side.
[21:13:48] <+Nath> Risira!
[21:14:47] <+Daine> ::Elbows Llanth:: @@ "Desert! Let's not mention that again, eh?" @@
[21:14:58] <+Risira> ::to Nath::  "Captain, I need your help, or Knos'.  He needs more strength than I can give him on my own."
[21:15:46] <+Llanth> @@ :: To Daine :: "We aren't that far from it." @@
[21:15:59] <+Daine> ::Rushes to Risira's side and takes a knee, his sour expression has changed to genuine concern:: "Take what ever I can give."
[21:16:05] <+Nath> ./memoves to Risira
[21:16:12] * +Nath moves to Risira
[21:16:42] * +Risira nods and takes Daine's hand, since he got there first. She centers herself and begins the energy transfer, trying to give Mark enough strength to stay alive.
[21:16:43] <+Nath> "Knos! Assume command, if I pass out"
[21:16:55] * +Llanth sighs knowing that he is no healer, and would only be in the way.
[21:17:18] <+Knos> "Aye Captain"
[21:17:37] <+Risira> roll 5df+
[21:17:38] <+BoxCars> Risira rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(+)(+)(+)(-) Epic
[21:18:02] <+Risira> roll 5df+
[21:18:03] <+BoxCars> Risira rolls 5df+ and gets ( )(+)(-)(-)(-) Mediocre
[21:18:31] <~Bynw> *Mark's convulsions stop ... and his breathing steadys out again*
[21:19:24] * +Nath remains near Risira in case she needs more Strength.
[21:19:41] * +Risira comes out of trance but this time stays beside Mark, since Taenor and Regan are resting comfortably and in no need of immediate help.
[21:19:56] * +Nath looks at Daine and Llanth.
[21:20:25] <+Daine> ::let's go of Risira's hand and slumps back against the cave wall, his face flush and breathing fast. Dark circles now under cut his eyes::
[21:20:52] <+Daine> "My name is Daine." ::he extends his hand in greeting to Risira::
[21:21:20] <+Nath> "I think it is time you told me the truth.. You are not loggers and you are not mere woodsmen as you have a professional fighter amongst you but claim no knowledge of the attacks. Woodsmen would not hire or profit share with a trained warrior otherwise.
[21:21:20] <+Risira> *very softly*  "I am called Risira."  She takes his hand and shakes it briefly and very gently.
[21:21:51] <+Nath> "My name is Captain Daine of the King's Rangers"
[21:22:01] * Ceadda dismounts out in the dawn sunlight and walks up to the cave having notices the rush of the commotion*
[21:22:25] <+Knos> "My name is Captain Nath of the King's Rangers"
[21:22:48] <+Daine> ::His hand is calloused and rough. He goes lightly in fear of crushing something delicate:: "Thank you Risira, my brother owes you his life."
[21:23:00] <+Knos> ::nods at KNos:: "That is Corporal Knos of the King's Guard"
[21:23:19] <+Risira> ::to Daine, still quietly:: "It is my calling, but you are welcome."
[21:25:18] <Ceadda> *in solise* "Captain, is everything alright in there?"
[21:25:29] <Ceadda> *he hells into the cave*
[21:25:35] <Ceadda> (yells)
[21:25:47] <+Daine> ::Smiles at her, the gesture seems most unnatural for him and the smile is hard to distiguish from a snarl::
[21:25:50] <+Llanth> I am Llanth F'Nor.
[21:26:12] <+Llanth> "Quite possib....The hell?"
[21:26:12] <+Nath> *in solise* "Be ready.."
[21:26:35] <+Daine> ::Pushes himself to his feet with a grunt of effort, using the cave wall to hold himself up::
[21:26:43] * +Llanth swings around towards the enterance bow slung off his shoulder arrow drawn.
[21:27:06] <+Nath> "Knos Stand down!"
[21:27:07] <+Daine> "You are correct. We are not woodsmen. We are Anadari."
[21:27:20] <+Daine> " Llanth
[21:27:21] * +Knos pulls his pistol
[21:27:25] <+Daine> !"
[21:27:45] <+Llanth> "Do you know this person?"
[21:29:10] <+Daine> "And you talk of MY manners elf! Put the bow away for Akasha's sake."
[21:29:22] <+Nath> "Yes, that is another member of my team."
[21:29:45] <+Llanth> "I see."
[21:29:46] <Ceadda> *stands at the cave mouth. wearing buckskin from head to toe. long white hair is braided in several spots. he almost dives out the way as he see's Llanth's bow*
[21:30:11] <+Llanth> "As you vouch for him..."
[21:30:12] * +Knos moves to cover Ceadda with his body
[21:30:39] * +Llanth swings his bow back over his shoulder and puts his arrow back in his quiver."
[21:30:48] <+Llanth> "As I was saying."
[21:30:51] <+Daine> ::Eyes Llanth, but continues:: "We are a bit edgy, but I assure you we mean you no harm."
[21:31:27] <+Nath> "Anadari? From what House?"
[21:31:58] <+Daine> "House Horizon."
[21:32:16] <+Llanth> "I am Llanth F'Nor, quite possibly the best bowman you will ever meet."
[21:32:21] <+Nath> "Never heard of it"
[21:32:45] <+Nath> "So why are you hear in the forest?"
[21:33:07] * +Llanth points to Regan.
[21:33:32] <+Llanth> "We found him nearly dead speaking your language muttering about an attack."
[21:33:52] <+Daine> ::Scoffs at Llanth:: "And the most modest."
[21:34:16] * +Llanth looks at Daine "Why lie?"
[21:34:17] <+Nath> "Really? Well now that is excellent news!"
[21:34:46] <+Daine> ::Rolls his eyes at Llanth::
[21:34:56] * +Nath points at Regan "Risira! How is this one?"
[21:35:00] <+Llanth> "That was sarchasm wasn't it?" :: He says eying Nath darkly.::
[21:35:27] * +Risira looks over at Regan.
[21:35:43] <+Risira> "He should be waking up soon.  I don't think he got as much of the poison as the other two."
[21:36:23] * +Nath looks at Llanth "What? I have never heard of your House Horizon as to your boast. I judge by action not words."
[21:36:27] <+Daine> ::ignores Llanth and concentrates on the new comers:: "We have come to investigate the attacks ourselves."
[21:36:33] * +Nath nods
[21:36:37] <~Bynw> *mark coughs up blood*
[21:36:58] <+Nath> "And what have you discovered?"
[21:37:08] * +Risira turns back to Mark, and reenters Healing trance, trying to find the cause of the blood.
[21:37:28] * +Nath holds his hand out to Risira
[21:37:40] <+Llanth> "Some poison berries and you so far. I fear we are going to loose Mark."
[21:38:05] * +Risira takes Nath's hand and places her other hand on Mark's chest again, drawing strength from one man to the other.
[21:38:25] <+Nath> "I think I should tell you that I have been empowered by His Majesty King Karnith of Weavion to investigate and hopefully stop these attacks."
[21:38:51] * +Nath slumps slightly
[21:39:39] * +Risira drops Nath's hand. "If I draw any more strength from you, captain, I'll incapacitate you."
[21:39:51] <+Daine> ::glances to Mark, but continues:: "Do you know of a druid named, Chadwick?"
[21:40:22] * +Nath weakly "Knos! Lend Risira your strength and call Rus!"
[21:40:38] <+Daine> " Llanth! Our brother needs your strength."
[21:41:11] <+Nath> *weakly* "never heard of a druid named Chadwick"
[21:41:33] <+Risira> ::To Nath:: "He is bleeding somewhere inside, and I don't know if I can stop it."
[21:41:36] <+Llanth> "I will give what I can, but I advise against pouring all of our strenght into Mark, lest we all be taken easily."
[21:41:39] <+Knos> *yells* "Rus! Report to the cave!"
[21:42:34] <+Risira> "I will not drain you.  It is dangerous in these woods, and I would not leave anyone unable to defend himself."
[21:42:37] <+Nath> *weakly* "Is this Chadwick behind these attacks? How do you know?"
[21:43:08] <+Daine> ::sniffs at Llanth and mutters just loud enough for him to hear:: "I thought you where the worlds greatest bowman, surely these rabble present no challenge?" ::his statement drips with sarcasm::
[21:44:15] <+Risira> ::To Nath::  "I fear he is beyond my skills to save, but I will try as long as there is strength for him."
[21:44:16] <+Llanth> "Daine did it ever occur to you that the berries might have been intentionally poisoned? I would think that Mark would have known a regular poison berry."
[21:44:43] <+Nath> *weakly* "How do you that this Chadwick is a druid?"
[21:45:01] <+Llanth> "We are dealing with an evil druid here, I would think that turning berries poisonous would be the least of his abilities."
[21:45:16] <+Daine> ::To Llanth:: "Yes I had."
[21:45:30] <+Nath> *weakly* "How do you know this Chadwick is behind this and that he is a druid?"
[21:45:41] <+Daine> ::To Nath and Risira:: "We are Anadari."
[21:45:42] <+Llanth> "Then this rabble as you call them, are the least of our worries."
[21:46:27] <+Nath> *weakly* "Ceadda! Please see if you can help this one."
[21:46:59] <+Nath> "I see well suppose I tell you that no druid is behind these attacks?"
[21:47:29] * Ceadda looks into the cave, making sure no one is pointing a drawn bow at him and then hurries inside at the captains call*
[21:47:35] <+Llanth> "While I may trust Nath and his patrol, we would be doing them an extreme disfavor to have them drain all of their strenght only to be swept away in an ambush."
[21:47:45] <+Llanth> "Nath how do you know this?"
[21:47:50] <+Daine> ::Looks to Nath:: "Go on..."
[21:48:35] <Ceadda> "Captain" *he says in Solise while looking around as his eyes adjust to the dimmer light inside the cave*
[21:48:50] <+Nath> "My preliminary investigations tell me that the attacks are caused by a cross between a bear and a bird"
[21:49:13] <+Llanth> "Nath Owlbears, they are under the druid's command."
[21:49:16] * Cern has joined #teara-adan
[21:49:43] * +Nath points to Makr "Ceadda, is there anything you can do for him? Also can you determine if the berries he ate were magically altered in some way?"
[21:50:09] <+Nath> "How do you know that?"
[21:50:44] <+Llanth> "I can not say."
[21:51:03] <+Nath> "Druids only work with natural animals and these owlbears are not natural animals."
[21:51:16] <+Llanth> "Druids may be evil."
[21:52:12] <+Llanth> "Where I come from, there was once a druid who was evil, he caused much trouble to the kingdom. Many powerful members of the leadership of the kingdom died to his plots."
[21:52:26] <Ceadda> *he looks at Mark* "I shall see to him first. He appears to be very ill." *knells down next to the man and pulls out a few items from a pouch, a rock, an eagle feather, and some leaves*
[21:53:15] <+Nath> "I see.... What kingdom is that?"
[21:53:18] <Ceadda> *he begins to mutter incoherently, still speaking Solise but the words now make no sense to anyone listening*
[21:53:33] <+Llanth> "His name was Chadwick. I heard that he was slain."
[21:53:56] <+Llanth> "Nath I am from the Warp Woods."
[21:54:25] <+Nath> "Never heard of Warp Wood"
[21:54:39] <Ceadda> roll 4df
[21:54:40] <+BoxCars> Ceadda rolls 4df and gets (+)(+)(+)( ) Superb
[21:54:55] <+Llanth> "Not supprising really."
[21:55:10] <+Nath> "This druid would have to be very powerful to create such abominations of nature and also to magically transport them."
[21:55:20] <+Llanth> "It is in West Abronn."
[21:55:25] <+Nath> "and to survive his own death."
[21:56:00] <+Llanth> "Others have survived their own death, or at least come back from it."
[21:56:28] * +Nath looks in utter disbelief at Llanth
[21:56:53] * +Nath nods at the mention of West Abronn
[21:57:52] <Ceadda> *a nimbus of light surrounds Ceadda and Mark starting at Ceadda's hands and then growing to engulf them both for a few moments and it dies away ... pure white light*
[21:57:53] <+Nath> "That act goes against the very foundation of Druidism. Is that not right Ceadda?"
[21:58:26] <+Llanth> "Were one an evil druid..."
[21:58:56] <+Daine> ::Looks to Ceadda:: "You are a Druid?"
[21:58:59] <Ceadda> *he only speaks after a moment* "It goes against all the traditions"
[21:59:13] <+Nath> "Is it possible that this person behind these attacks is not this Chadwick?"
[22:00:10] <+Llanth> "I can not tell you how we know, but that we know with very near certainty that it is a druid named Chadwick, wether it is the same Chadwick or not that is uncertain, but definately of the same ilk."
[22:00:25] <Ceadda> *he looks at Daine* "Yes. I serve the land and my lord King." *back to Nath* "He's shall live."
[22:01:02] * +Nath nods "Thank you Ceadda."
[22:01:22] * +Risira sighs and relaxes a little.
[22:01:29] <+Daine> ::Nods to Ceadda:: "Thank you."
[22:01:31] <+Llanth> "I must thank you for your services my friends."
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member