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Episode 10

Started by Bynw, 11 October 2007, 22:59:21

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[20:01:55] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #teara-adan with 1300ms delay
[20:01:57] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:01:58] <~Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 10
[20:01:59] <~Bynw> |       Beginning Adventure Recap
[20:02:01] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:02:02] <~Bynw> | Having completed their investigation of
[20:02:03] <~Bynw> | the scene of the beats attack on the
[20:02:05] <~Bynw> | logging camp and gathering all of the
[20:02:06] <~Bynw> | information at hand. The Anadari prepare
[20:02:07] <~Bynw> | to return back to the Tri-Sun Fortress.
[20:02:08] <~Bynw> |
[20:02:10] <~Bynw> | Before they can even begin their journey
[20:02:11] <~Bynw> | home, Daine takes command and announces
[20:02:12] <~Bynw> | that the group is under attack and to
[20:02:14] <~Bynw> | head for a nearby cave.
[20:02:15] <~Bynw> |
[20:02:16] <~Bynw> | A crow lands at the mouth of the cave
[20:02:18] <~Bynw> | and caaaws in Daine's direction. Just
[20:02:19] <~Bynw> | as the crow takes wing Daine fires his
[20:02:20] <~Bynw> | pistol at it breaking the deadly silence
[20:02:22] <~Bynw> | that fell upon the forest just before
[20:02:23] <~Bynw> | his announcement of an attack.
[20:02:24] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:02:26] <~Bynw> | Today's Game Date: 15 Avril 464 NE
[20:02:27] <~Bynw> |           Game Time: midday
[20:02:28] <~Bynw> |        End of Adventure Recap
[20:02:29] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:02:29] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[20:03:25] <~Bynw> *the only reaches a few feat of the ground before the shot cause it to tumble from the air, its wings out streached and dead*
[20:03:58] * +Mark starts to shake mildly at the sound of the gun
[20:04:21] <~Bynw> *all eyes turn to Daine and the crow*
[20:04:48] <~Bynw> *Taenor* "So much for the mighty druid."
[20:05:20] <+Daine> ::Eyes the crow and continues to keep an ear out::
[20:05:34] <+Daine> "That's not the druid, if their was one."
[20:05:59] <~Bynw> *the forest echos for a moment with the shot and returns to its usual clatter*
[20:06:07] <+Daine> "They change back to their real form after death, or so I've heard."
[20:06:24] * +Llanth curses loudly.
[20:07:11] <+Daine> ::Shrugs:: "You can call me paranoid if you like, but something silenced the forest and it sure wasn't the wind."
[20:09:01] <+Daine> ::Holsters his Pistol and turns to the others with a shrug::
[20:09:21] <~Bynw> *Taenor* "Most heathens are paranoid"
[20:09:21] <+Mark> "Can we just get out of here please?"
[20:10:17] <~Bynw> *Caime* "We will need to rest. Especially if we need to use our powers at any point while crossing the desert."
[20:10:34] <+Daine> ::Sneers at Taenor::
[20:11:17] * +Llanth relaxes his draw on his bow.
[20:11:20] <+Daine> "This cave is as good as any and better then sleeping in what's left of the village."
[20:12:40] <+Mark> "As long as we don't have to draw arms again
[20:13:37] <+Daine> "We can set a ward at the mouth of the cave so we can all get some rest."
[20:13:40] <+Llanth> "Great, lets start a fire and set up camp.
[20:14:35] <+Daine> ::Nods to Llanth:: "I'll get some wood."
[20:15:18] <+Daine> ::Walks off into the forest to find some dead wood suitable for burning and some tinder::
[20:17:19] * +Mark sits in the cave and tries to shake off the post fighting fear
[20:21:57] <+Daine> ::A short time later he returns with a makeshift bundle of wood on his back, he made with odd bits of rope from the village. He dumps it against a wall of the cave::
[20:22:36] <+Daine> "It's been two days since we ate something more than some dried travel rations."
[20:23:04] * +Llanth picks up the remains of the crow.
[20:23:14] <+Llanth> "Well here's a snack."
[20:24:15] * +Llanth smells the crow.
[20:24:44] <+Daine> ::looks at the blown apart corpse and his lip curls:: "I've heard that elves see as well in the dark as in the light." ::Smiles up at Llanth:: "Is that true?"
[20:26:33] <+Llanth> "Well enough. Well enough.
[20:27:40] <~Bynw> *Ragen slumps down and catches some needed sleep. As does Caime. Taenor follows behind those two after the wards have been set*
[20:28:18] <+Daine> ::smiles:: "Care to catch something for breakfast for us?"
[20:28:54] <+Daine> ::the smile comes out like a grimace, as if against his nature::
[20:28:58] * +Llanth looks around for game in the trees.
[20:30:39] <+Llanth> Roll 5df+
[20:30:40] <+BoxCars> Llanth rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(-)(+)( )(+) Superb
[20:31:10] <+Daine> ::sets about making a fire with a sigh and a look at the others::
[20:31:41] <+Mark> "Need any help?"
[20:31:59] <+Llanth> "Who?"
[20:32:31] <+Mark> "Daine. I do not think I would have much luck in the whole hunting arena."
[20:33:04] * +Llanth starts walking into the forest to go hunting.
[20:33:19] <+Llanth> "For what it's worth, I think this is a bad idea."
[20:36:38] <+Daine> ::shrugs and says low and to himself in Valmari:: "Better you than me elf."
[20:38:08] * +Llanth walks back into the mouth of the cave about an hour later dropping several small game animals at the fire.
[20:38:19] <+Llanth> "It was still a bad idea."
[20:38:57] <+Mark> "But, nothing went wrong, huh?"
[20:38:59] <+Daine> ::Arranges the logs so the smoke will carry out of the cave, makes tinder, and finally sparks a fire. Then lays back, wraps himself up in his cloak, and falls asleep witha smile and visions of Llanth walking around in the dark looking for squirrels::
[20:39:42] <+Mark> "Shall we make a ward?"
[20:42:20] <~Bynw> *eventually sleep overcomes everyone. the use of their powers and the hike up the mountain from the desert is taxing
[20:43:02] <~Bynw> *and the setting of wards to protect them while they sleep*
[20:45:28] <+Llanth> Roll 5df+
[20:45:29] <+BoxCars> Llanth rolls 5df+ and gets ( )(-)(-)(-)(-) Terrible
[20:47:48] <+Daine> roll 5df-
[20:47:49] <+BoxCars> Daine rolls 5df- and gets ( )( )( )( )(+) Fair
[20:48:16] <+Mark> roll 5df+
[20:48:17] <+BoxCars> Mark rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(+)(+)(-)(-) Great
[20:52:02] * +Mark wakes up to the dark, sits in the dark for 15 minutes, and goes back to sleep
[20:55:49] <+Mark> ::After a while, Mark realizes he can't sleep any more. His rest has sufficed his need. After sitting next to the fire for 10 minutes he proceeds to the wake the rest of the party, saying to each, "Shall we start off? If we are to travel during night on the desert, we might as well start it now."
[20:56:29] <+Daine> ::Starts awake before Mark can even say something::
[20:58:47] <+Daine> ::Shivers in the cold night air and notices the darkness outside. He grumbles and stands with a yawn a dark purple orb of hand-fire lights into exsistence and he staggers to the mouth of the cave to relive himself and check the position of the moons to gauge the time::
[20:59:48] <+Daine> ::he can be heard cursing loudly in Valmari at the mouth of the cave::
[21:00:08] * +Mark proceeds to wake the rest
[21:00:24] <~Bynw> *the others begin to stir as Mark wakes them*
[21:00:29] <+Llanth> "What the hell?"
[21:01:10] <+Daine> ::Finishes up and returns to the cave's interior, he says loudly in Cana:: "Wake up. We've slept late and wasted half the night."
[21:02:06] <+Mark> "That might be my fault... I woke up earlier, and just went back to sleep."
[21:02:14] Failed OPER attempt by ambush (~fenix@12-216-91-174.client.mchsi.com) using UID ursus [host doesnt match]
[21:02:17] <+Daine> ::The purple orb flashes into brilliance to cast light on the others and wake them::
[21:02:46] <+Daine> "Damn. We'll be caught in the open desert again."
[21:02:49] * Taenor has joined #teara-adan
[21:02:54] * Bynw sets mode: +v Taenor
[21:04:56] <+Daine> "And the sinkhole we slept in last time is half filled with glass shards by now."
[21:05:15] * +Llanth curses loudly and gathers his gear.
[21:06:07] <+Mark> "Well, could we dig a whole?"
[21:06:09] * +Taenor gathers his satchel and weapons, then waits near the entrance to the cave
[21:07:59] <~Bynw> *Caime* "Not in that sand Mark ... if we forced marched across the desert we could do it in one night. I wouldnt want to attempt it at all during the day"
[21:09:21] <+Daine> "Well we should be able to use wards to keep us safe. Should be. I'd hate to get out in the open desert and find out they wont do."
[21:09:45] <+Mark> "That would not be ideal."
[21:09:54] <+Daine> "We can stay another day here or brave the desert and use wards to build a shelter."
[21:10:36] <~Bynw> *Ragen* "I say we stay another day. Might be able to find my horse that ran off"
[21:11:08] <+Mark> "I agree with that."
[21:11:10] <+Daine> ::Nods:: "I agree. I could use something besides travel rations to eat tonight."
[21:11:38] <~Bynw> *Ragen* "But we could at least go down the mountain to night."
[21:12:44] <+Mark> "Is there anywhere to sleep down there, though?"
[21:12:50] <+Llanth> "A sound plan."
[21:14:36] <+Daine> ::Looks about the cave in the bright purple light of his handfire:: "Llanth, did you catch anything for breakfast?"
[21:15:13] <+Llanth> "No, I wandered the forest for an hour and returned empty handed."
[21:15:24] <+Llanth> "Of course I brought food."
[21:17:00] <~Bynw> *Caime* "More caves"
[21:17:15] <+Mark> "
[21:17:24] <+Mark> "Is everyone ready to head down the mountain then?"
[21:19:00] <+Daine> "After I cook what ever Llanth brought back, yeah." ::bend to the task of coxing the fire back up and cooking something up to eat::
[21:20:30] <+Llanth> "I hope you cook better than anything else you do..."
[21:22:42] <+Daine> ::Shoots Llanth a dirty look:: "If you don't love my cooking, I'll eat yours."
[21:22:57] <~Bynw> *the meal is filling and the apprentices are indeed hungry and remove the ward from the cave before venturing down the mountain side*
[21:23:04] <+Mark> "As long as I get something edible, I don't care who cooks."
[21:23:56] <+Daine> ::Again takes point, scanning the terrain as he goes::
[21:25:04] <~Bynw> *the trek down the mountain is easier than going up it, but slower so one does not loose footing going down as it is rather steep*
[21:26:07] <~Bynw> *by dawn the group has reached the bottom caves and are a few miles from the desert ... these caves may be inhabbited by man or beast that seek shelter during the day from the desert*'
[21:26:40] <+Daine> ::In Cana, over his shoulder as he comes to a halt from hiking:: "I don't see why we came out here at all. We've nothing new to report to Master Michon."
[21:27:15] <+Llanth> "
[21:27:43] <+Taenor> "Michon ordered it. As the apprentices, we did as we were told. Deal with it."
[21:29:12] <+Llanth> "It could have been worse."
[21:29:19] <~Bynw> *Caime* "Did you not See a man who may have been responsible?"
[21:31:07] <+Daine> ::Over his shoulder as he looks for a suitable cave:: "I've seen nothing but a footprint and an image of a dirty man. It could've been a hermit looting corpses as much as a homicidal druid."
[21:33:22] <+Daine> roll 4df
[21:33:23] <+BoxCars> Daine rolls 4df and gets (+)( )(+)(+) Superb
[21:34:28] <+Daine> ::Seems to have found something to his liking and begins moving towards a particular cave::
[21:34:41] <+Mark> "Find a suitable spot?"
[21:34:59] * Mark is now known as otter
[21:35:27] <+Daine> ::points to a cave:: "yeah I think. No sign of something living in it."
[21:36:24] <+Daine> ::Stops before a cave, again an orb of handfire pops into being at his shoulder and flies off into the cave as he watches it go:: "Best to take a look just to be sure."
[21:36:51] * +Llanth looks in the cave.
[21:38:44] <~Bynw> *the inside of the cave is dry and shows no signs of recent use
[21:39:32] <+Daine> ::begins snapping off smaller tree branches to make a bed for himself:: "Looks to be our spot. Llanth care to find us something to eat again?"
[21:41:01] <+Llanth> "In the morning perhaps, unless you are starving now."
[21:42:36] <+Daine> ::shrugs:: "I have some travel rations."
[21:42:41] * +Llanth looks around.
[21:42:53] <+Llanth> "Well, I suppose it is morning."
[21:44:29] <+Daine> "I laid out the fire last night, someone else turn." ::he begins laying down tree branches in a spot in the cave to help keep himself warm in the night::
[21:45:18] <+Llanth> "Don't get too comfortable Daine.
[21:46:35] <+Llanth> "It is unwise to go wandering alone."
[21:46:43] <~Bynw> *Ragen* "I dont know how much rest i will get when it is light outside like this. Sleeping during the day and active at night is not for men"
[21:51:14] <~Bynw> *the group settles into the cave to await sunset before crossing into the Glass Desert*
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member