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Episode 5

Started by Bynw, 07 September 2007, 18:13:36

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[20:16:02] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #teara-adan with 1300ms delay
[20:16:03] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:16:05] <~Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 5
[20:16:06] <~Bynw> |      Beginning Adventure Recap
[20:16:07] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:16:09] <~Bynw> | Three days have passed since Master
[20:16:10] <~Bynw> | Nym departed for Torr taking the
[20:16:11] <~Bynw> | apprentice Tara with him.
[20:16:13] <~Bynw> |
[20:16:14] <~Bynw> | Several of the apprentices were sent
[20:16:15] <~Bynw> | on a scouting mission into the mountains
[20:16:16] <~Bynw> | while the ones left behind at the
[20:16:18] <~Bynw> | fortress helped with repairs to the
[20:16:19] <~Bynw> | battlements.
[20:16:20] <~Bynw> |
[20:16:22] <~Bynw> | Outside, the Anadari discovered the
[20:16:23] <~Bynw> | body of a severely injured man and
[20:16:24] <~Bynw> | have brought him into the fortress
[20:16:26] <~Bynw> | to heal him.
[20:16:27] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:16:28] <~Bynw> | Today's Game Date: 12 Avril 464 NE
[20:16:30] <~Bynw> |       Game Time: late evening
[20:16:31] <~Bynw> |        End of Adventure Recap
[20:16:32] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:16:32] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[20:17:53] <~Bynw> *Michon is out on the battlements looking towards the mountains since 2 of his apprentices have not yet returned from their scouting mission. The guest of House Horizon was last seen sleeping, and getting needed rest while he heals*
[20:25:23] <~Bynw> *michon comes in from the cold night air and walks through the dormitory where the apprentices should be this late hour and checks to see if any are awake*
[20:25:38] <+Regan> ::Regan eyes open with a start::
[20:26:05] * +Daine crests one of the dunes at a Jog. A look of exhaustion distorts his face.
[20:26:52] * +Llanth cracks one of his eyes to watch Michon walking past.
[20:27:18] <~Bynw> *the infirmy is quiet. Regan lays on a comfortable cot. there is a rush light burning near by but not much else *
[20:27:56] <+Daine> ::His legs continue to pump and carry across the killing fields around the keep:: "Caime, keep up. We're almost home!"
[20:28:25] * +Regan scans the room with his eyes without moving
[20:28:35] * +Taenor snores
[20:29:28] <~Bynw> *the glass desert is blast furnance hot during the day and deep freeze cold at night*
[20:29:40] <+Daine> ::between ragged breaths:: "I think we've made it in time, there's no sign of attack."
[20:29:51] * +Caime climbs the dune in stride with Daine, obviously tired. His eyes flit from side to side, and his face is pale and drawn.
[20:30:34] * +Caime chatters something about remaining vigilant.
[20:32:02] <+Regan> me realizes that his clothes have been taking. He wears only a simple robe.
[20:32:12] * +Regan realizes that his clothes have been taking. He wears only a simple robe./
[20:32:47] <+Daine> ::Nods at Caime's comment, but doesn't waste breath replying, in a few moments his legs carry him in through the from gate and into the fortresses courtyard. He draws his pistol, but doubles over in exhaustion as his side cramps::
[20:33:30] <~Bynw> *within the compounds walls the temprature is cool but not cold*
[20:34:12] <+Llanth> roll 5df+
[20:34:13] <+BoxCars> Llanth rolls 5df+ and gets (-)( )(+)(+)(-) Good
[20:34:43] <+Daine> ::One hand on his knee, the other wrapped around the wicked looking pistol, his eyes scan everything around him. He remains silent and in the shadows of the outer wall:: "Psst. Caime, over here." ::He pitches his voice so only Caime can hear::
[20:34:58] <+Taenor> roll 5df+
[20:34:59] <+BoxCars> Taenor rolls 5df+ and gets (+)( )( )(+)(+) Superb
[20:35:38] <+Regan> roll 5df+
[20:35:39] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 5df+ and gets (-)(-)(+)(+)( ) Good
[20:35:48] * +Llanth bolts upright, hearing a noise in the courtyard, grabs his bow and quiver and runs out. While looking to see that Taenor is waking.
[20:37:02] * +Taenor grabs his short dagger and runs out next to Llanth
[20:37:04] * +Regan sits up with pang. He reaches into the robe.....and realizes his medallion is missing
[20:37:11] * +Caime stumbles but catches himself, drawing his cloak tighter around him. His narrowed gaze flickers over the courtyard. He speaks in a whisper. "What?"
[20:37:40] <~Bynw> * Llanth is not the only one moving towards the courtyard. It seems the sound has awoken all the apprentices as they look around and Michon steps into the doorway* "I see you heard the noise." *he says calmly*
[20:38:07] <+Daine> ::Again his voice low:: "Get out of the moon light until we know we're safe. Come here."
[20:38:42] * +Caime immediately ducks out of the glow of the moon. "Alright. Good point."
[20:39:07] <~Bynw> *michon turns from the doorway and beings to stride like a quiet cat towards the passageway to the courtyard*
[20:39:44] * +Llanth follows in behind Michon.
[20:39:56] * +Caime whispers softly from beside Daine. "Be ready for anything.."
[20:40:00] * +Taenor creeps in behind Llanth
[20:40:32] * +Regan searches the cot and finds nothing. He's becoming frantic....
[20:41:42] <~Bynw> *light from the passageway door opening streams into the courtyard, and is blocked against a siloutte of a man*
[20:42:57] <~Bynw> *Michon's voice echos into the courtyard* " Daine ... Caime. "
[20:43:34] <+Daine> ::Freezes in his spot, his pistol coming to aim at the shadowy figure, but he drops it back in his holster with a sigh of relief as he hears Michon's voice::
[20:44:26] <+Daine> "Weapon Master Michon. I glad to hear your voice."
[20:44:33] <+Caime> "Wait!"
[20:44:55] * +Regan grabs the rush light and tamps it out surrounding himself in darkness
[20:44:56] <+Daine> ((er i'm glad))
[20:45:37] * +Taenor positions himself for maximum effect of a lunging thrust of his dagger.
[20:46:42] <+Daine> ::Stands straight backed shoulders thrown back:: "Master Michon, we've news from the mountains."
[20:47:27] <~Bynw> *Michon* "Good, come in from outside. Everyone heard you enter the courtyard. We shall practice on stealth later"
[20:47:43] * +Taenor relaxes slightly
[20:47:49] * +Regan waits for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. He listens in the silence for any noise outside the door
[20:48:04] <+Daine> ::Shudders suddenly from the cold as the sweat dries on him and the adrenaline fades from his system.:: "Yes Master." ::walks past Michon and into the keep::
[20:48:41] <+Taenor> "Are you sure we shouldnt even stab Daine a little bit, Master Michon, for worrying us? It might teach him to not interrupt a Healer while he sleeps." *He winks slightly at both the master and his companion*
[20:49:26] * +Llanth trods heavily past Taenor "Will you shildren ever stop fighting?"
[20:49:33] * +Taenor follows the group
[20:49:39] <+Llanth> ((er Children*))
[20:49:44] * +Regan 's eyes adjusted, he quietly opens the door a little and peers out into the hall, both ways..
[20:50:15] <+Daine> ::Smiles in that awefull way he has tthat seems like he is growling:: "Come stab me then, puppy." ::he pushes past Taenor not interested in his reply::
[20:50:31] <+Llanth> roll 5df+
[20:50:32] <+BoxCars> Llanth rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(+)(+)(-)(-) Great
[20:50:59] <~Bynw> * Regan can see the shadows of several people down the hall
[20:51:01] <+Taenor> "Rather a puppy than a blind puss in boots like yourself," he says as he grins back.
[20:51:05] <+Llanth> "It appears that our guest is awake."
[20:51:06] * +Regan closes the door
[20:51:37] * +Regan grabs the dead torch
[20:51:46] <~Bynw> *once everyone is inside Michon shuts the courtyard door* "If you were intruders the wards would have gone off"
[20:52:13] <+Taenor> "Are you alive and at least uninjured, then, Daine?"
[20:52:20] <~Bynw> *michon* "Now what do you have to say that is so important"
[20:52:21] <+Caime> roll 5df+
[20:52:22] <+BoxCars> Caime rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(-)( )( )( ) Good
[20:52:41] * +Llanth walks to the door to the infirmary and knocks.
[20:52:49] <~Bynw> *Michon gives Caime a look that should tear his face off*
[20:53:00] * +Regan presses himself against the wall on the hinged side of the door
[20:53:31] <~Bynw> "Let him sleep Llanth" *Michon says looking disgusted do have to say it*
[20:53:45] * +Caime flinches, but says nothing.
[20:53:45] <+Daine> ::To Taenor:: "Of course I am." ::he states matter of factly::
[20:53:48] <+Llanth> "He is not asleep."
[20:54:06] <+Llanth> "He was looking at us a moment ago."
[20:54:25] <+Daine> ::To Michon:: "One of the villages in the Mountain's has been attacked and slaughtered, every man, women, and child."
[20:54:40] <+Daine> "Guest?"
[20:54:58] <+Daine> ::Waves it off as unimportant for now::
[20:55:14] * +Caime leans against the wall not too far away from Michon and Daine, brooding in silence.
[20:55:34] * Marc has joined #teara-adan
[20:55:40] <+Daine> "Something non-human did it I think, I'm not sure."
[20:56:00] * +Caime nods slowly. "That's for sure."
[20:56:22] <~Bynw> *Michon raises an eyebrow* "Really. This is most distressing news. How did the villigers die?"
[20:56:37] * Bynw sets mode: +v Marc
[20:57:05] <+Caime> "Shredded at the claws of a most...unnatural..beast."
[20:57:12] <+Taenor> *to Daine*"We found him while we were mending the wall. He was severely injured, but I've healed a great deal of his injuries in a few sessions so far. There were a lot of deep gashes or claw marks, a lot more of smaller marks."
[20:57:26] <+Daine> "The bodies where clawed to death. The scavengers make it difficult to tell if they where eaten." ::he delivers this grim news as if describing a walk on the beach::
[20:57:37] <+Llanth> "Really? Our guest was quite clawed up..."
[20:58:20] <~Bynw> "I wonder if there is a connection between the two. Maybe we have a survivor" *Michon says*
[20:58:26] <+Daine> ::Looks to Taenor as he mentions the guest was clawed, then he holds Michon's eyes meaningfully.::
[20:58:32] * +Caime sighs heavily.
[20:58:41] <~Bynw> *he moves up to the infirmy door and knocks softly on it*
[20:58:51] * +Marc walks in, finally getting his mind back after the mental wall had disoriented him
[20:59:03] <+Marc> "Any news?"
[20:59:41] <~Bynw> *Michon knocks on the infirmy door again* "Are you awake sir?" *he says in Solice*
[20:59:56] <+Daine> "A village in the mountain was slaughtered. The villagers where clawed to death."
[21:00:12] * +Regan decides there are too many outside to fight. In Solice: "Come"
[21:00:31] <~Bynw> *Michon nods to Llanth to open the door*
[21:00:53] * +Llanth opens the door.
[21:00:59] <+Daine> ::In Valmari, with an eye on the guest:: "Master Michon, the attack was organized. A ambush and it showed signs of weapons being used as well."
[21:01:18] <+Llanth> "Light bothered you?"
[21:01:44] * +Llanth mutters to himself "Not that he understands me, speaking that gibberish of his."
[21:01:54] * +Regan closes one eye to protect in from the light
[21:02:27] <+Daine> ::Eyes the new comer from head to foot, taking in any details he can::
[21:03:15] <+Regan> ::Looks over Llanth and notices his ears...
[21:03:16] <+Taenor> *to his companion* "I dont think he's a threat, yet."
[21:03:30] <~Bynw> *Michon enterns the room with smile* "I see you are well on your way to being recovered from your injuries" *in solice*
[21:03:59] <~Bynw> *then with a wave of his hand the candles in the room spring to life*
[21:04:19] * +Marc goes up to Llanth. "Have we made any guesses, or am I just as well off with my sentence as you guys are?"
[21:04:45] <+Daine> ::Gives Michon an odd look as he speaks in the strange tongue::
[21:04:49] <+Regan> ::Regan raises an eyebrow at Michon's fluency in Solice. In Solice: "I have you to thank for my healing?"
[21:05:21] <~Bynw> *Michon invites Regan to sit on the cot and pulls up a nearby chair* "Actually one of men is the talented healer. What happened to you?"
[21:05:30] <~Bynw> *again speaking in Solice*
[21:06:19] <+Regan> :Regan sits slowly. "We were attacked"
[21:07:16] * +Regan admires the elf's longbow
[21:07:21] <~Bynw> "By whom" *Michon asks, speaking solely in Solice when addressing Regan*
[21:07:57] <+Regan> "Umm....a bear with feathers"
[21:08:16] <+Regan> "And an eagles head"
[21:08:37] <+Regan> "Many actually"
[21:08:43] <~Bynw> *Michon sits back for a moment before translating this information to the others*
[21:08:46] <+Llanth> "Marc, not really."
[21:09:34] <+Llanth> "Master Michon, can you ask why he keeps looking me over? Is there something familiar about me?
[21:09:52] <~Bynw> *Michon translates the question to Regan*
[21:10:52] <+Regan> "I respect elves." he replies then adds "mostly."
[21:11:23] <~Bynw> *Michon to Llanth* "He says you are a pretty elf" *a smile creeps across his lips* "Actually he apparently holds elves in a high level of regard"
[21:12:44] <+Llanth> "I know I'm a pretty elf. If you don't mind tell I am sorry for the blow to the back of the head I gave him when he was fighting us."
[21:13:27] <~Bynw> *Michon* "He probably doesnt know it was you .... He was rather delerious at the time"
[21:13:54] <+Llanth> "All the more reason."
[21:14:27] <~Bynw> *Michon turns back to Regan and apologizes for the roughness of the morning when they found him*
[21:14:57] * +Regan addresses the elf. In Ancient Southern Larinthian: "An elf saved my fathers life once"
[21:16:40] * +Caime speaks suddenly. "His description matches the glimpses I caught of the creature."
[21:17:07] * +Llanth expresses supprise at Regan.
[21:17:30] * +Regan nods to the elf in respect
[21:17:56] <+Marc> "Full of surprises..." ::MArc says as he finds the nearest seat::
[21:18:08] * +Regan addresses Michon in Solice: "My medallion?
[21:18:19] <~Bynw> *Michon* "Sounds like we have a survivor then. We should investigate that village when we have a chance"
[21:18:40] <~Bynw> *turns back to Regan* "Medallion?"
[21:19:00] * papaganoush has joined #teara-adan
[21:19:34] <+Regan> "Yes, MY medallion" his says in a sterner voice
[21:19:50] <~Bynw> *Michon to the others* "Anyone know anything about a Medallion?"
[21:20:23] <+Llanth> "He had a death grip on something when we drug him in."
[21:21:59] <+Llanth> "Though honestly, last I saw it he still had it in his hand.
[21:22:26] * +Regan closes his eyes and focuses
[21:22:30] <~Bynw> *Dennis* "I was looking at it earlier. Very nicely made."
[21:22:56] <+Daine> ::To Michon, in Valmari:: "Master, the attack on the village was an organized ambush of that I'm sure. Could these things you talk of do that on there own?"
[21:24:08] <+Taenor> ::In Valmari, to them both:: "An organized ambush by animals?"
[21:24:44] <~Bynw> *Michon in Valmari* "I see your skills have improved Taenor. To your answer Daine. I do not think so."
[21:25:08] <+Regan> roll 5df+
[21:25:09] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 5df+ and gets (-)( )(-)( )(+) Fair
[21:25:18] <~Bynw> *Michon to Dennis* "Do you know where it's at?"
[21:25:43] <~Bynw> *Dennis shurgs* "I'm not sure ... I dont remember now where I last saw it."
[21:26:24] <+Llanth> "You wondered off with it?"
[21:26:28] <+Marc> "I also saw the death grip. I did not see where the item went earlier today though."
[21:26:32] <+Daine> ::Nods to Michon and shoots Taenor a dirty look, in Valmari:: "I am not very skilled at tracking, but I think I would've noticed tracks of something so large. I think the tracks where covered."
[21:26:44] <~Bynw> *Michon* "Go and center yourself young Dennis and find it."  *Dennis bows and leaves the infirmy*
[21:27:33] <+Taenor> ::Valmari:: "And if they were covered by another?"
[21:28:25] <~Bynw> *Michon to Regan* "Our apologies sir. We will have it returned to you."
[21:29:36] <+Daine> ::Glances at Dennis's back as he leaves, nothing friendly about the glance at all::
[21:29:53] * +Regan smiles at Michon and says in Solice: "Thank you. It is a family heirloom and I prize it much". Regan relaxes noticeably
[21:30:32] <~Bynw> "He's a young boy with a lot on his mind ... they tend to forget where they even are at times" *he says to Regan*
[21:30:54] <~Bynw> "Tell us more about these creatures that attacked you"
[21:33:14] * +Regan shivers at the recall. "They were very large and they came out of the woods in ambush"
[21:35:06] <+Regan> "I saw 5, but there were at least 3 more"
[21:37:03] <~Bynw> *Michon holds up his hand in a gesture of stopping to Regan* "One moment .."
[21:37:39] <~Bynw> *he gets up and walks out of the room towards his own appartments away from the dormatories*
[21:37:56] * +Llanth raises his eyebrow.
[21:38:30] * +Llanth looks to Regan and says in larethian "How is it that you come to speak this language?"
[21:39:22] * +Regan in Laretian: "It was taught to me by my father."
[21:39:45] <+Daine> ::Looks to Llanth:: "Ask him if anyone else survived?"
[21:40:01] <+Daine> ::in after thought:: "Please."
[21:40:18] <+Llanth> *In Larethian*  "Did anyone else survive the attack?"
[21:41:34] <+Regan> In Larethian "I hope so....especially Orla" he says with a heavy heart
[21:42:07] <+Regan> "But it would be a miracle.....I barely made it out alive"
[21:42:42] <+Llanth> *In Larethian*  "That is what you were talking about... You were repeating "Orla" while we were trying to get you inside the fortress."
[21:43:14] <+Llanth> *In Cana* " He says he hopes so."
[21:43:53] <+Marc> "Does he know how many were in the village?"
[21:44:32] <+Daine> ::Switches to Cana, but with an accent:: "I think he is the only survivor. It would be a miracle if someone else got out."
[21:46:01] <+Regan> "I must go back" he says urgently to Llanth
[21:46:45] <~Bynw> *after nearly a quarter of an hour Michon returns. he wipes his brow with his hand just as he enters*
[21:47:24] <+Llanth> *In Larethian*  "Hold friend, I feel confident that we will help you if we can, but if you rush off, there is little we can do."
[21:48:13] <+Regan> "I must know if anyone has survived" :In Solice
[21:48:18] <+Daine> ::Eyes the stranger suspiciously, again in Cana:: "It's a miracle this man made it out. I do not speak his tongue, has anyone truth read his story?"
[21:48:54] * +Regan eyes Daine suspiciously
[21:49:01] <+Llanth> *In Cana* "Those were grevious wounds to fake a story."
[21:49:25] <~Bynw> *Michon comes up to Regan and hands him a small amber crystal and gold pendant on a chain* "Take this" *he says in Solice* "and put it around your neck"
[21:50:06] * +Regan asks Llanth in Larethian: "What language is this you and they speak, Cana?"
[21:50:09] <+Daine> ::In Cana, his eyes locked with the new comer:: "You understand me?"
[21:50:32] * +Llanth replys in kind to Regan "Yes Cana."
[21:52:33] * +Regan eyes Michon and backs away; "Why? and what is this necklace?"
[21:53:04] <+Daine> ::His gaze is now locked onto the mysterious man named Regan, in Cana to Llanth:: "Ask him is name."
[21:53:44] <+Daine> roll 6df-
[21:53:44] <+BoxCars> Daine rolls 6df- and gets (-)(-)(-)(+)(-)(-) Abysmal
[21:54:40] <+Llanth> "Daine, We found this man so close to dead, he almost didn't make it into the fortress, I am not goign to start interrogating him."
[21:55:17] <~Bynw> "It will enable us to communicate more freely." *Michon says to Regan in solice*
[21:55:25] * +Regan raises an eyebrow at Daine
[21:56:13] <+Regan> "May I know your name, sir. I do not except gifts from those unnamed?
[21:56:32] <+Regan> *unnamed.*
[21:57:25] <+Daine> ::scowls at Llanth, but says nothing::
[21:57:29] <~Bynw> "I am Michon." *he says to Regan*
[21:58:32] <+Regan> me accepts the necklace and puts it around his neck and says to Michon: "My name is Regan DeWatters."
[21:58:42] * +Regan accepts the necklace and puts it around his neck and says to Michon: "My name is Regan DeWatters."
[21:58:53] <~Bynw> *everyone understands what Regan just said*
[21:59:24] <~Bynw> "Thank you" *Michon says to Regan in Cana but Regan understands it as if it was spoken in Solice*
[21:59:45] * +Regan smiles in surprise
[22:00:03] <+Regan> "Amazing!"
[22:00:10] <+Taenor> *Bows to Regan* "I am Taenor, the Healer."
[22:00:18] <+Daine> ::Eyes the necklace and nods to Michon. He returns to eyeing Regan::
[22:00:43] <+Llanth> "Go ahead and ask Daine, we know you want to."
[22:00:52] * +Regan bows back to Taenor
[22:01:13] <+Llanth> "While waiting on Daine, I am Llanth."
[22:02:00] * +Marc stands and bows, "I am Marc."
[22:02:03] <+Regan> "Nicely met, Llanth of the elves." and bows more deeply
[22:02:36] <+Regan> "Greetings Marc"
[22:02:49] <+Regan> bowing back
[22:03:26] <+Regan> "Who healed me?"
[22:03:48] * +Llanth points to Taenor "Lunkhead here."
[22:03:55] <+Daine> ::Glances away from Regan for a second to shoot Llanth a look, then back to Regan, In Cana:: "Why do you think your village was attacked Regan DeWatters?"
[22:04:22] <+Taenor> "My silent companion,"motioning to Daine,"is Daine. He can be rude, but that's a Uthani for you." *elbows Daine in the ribs to at least nod his head slightly*
[22:05:10] * +Regan turns to Taenor and says:"Many deepest thanks, Healer" ingnoring Daine completely
[22:06:30] <+Taenor> "You are welcome. An injured person is one in need. As a Healer, I could not do otherwise. To do so would to be to forsake an oath I took too long ago."
[22:06:32] <+Daine> ::His eyes shoot daggers at Taenor and his fist clench and unclench at his sides::
[22:06:53] * +Regan inclines his head to Daine slightly: "Well met, Lunkhead"
[22:07:11] * +Llanth snickers.
[22:07:23] <~Bynw> *a physical and psychic cry screams out from the dormitory. the high pitch can only be that of a young adolescent boy ... Dennis*
[22:07:26] * +Regan nods to Taenor
[22:07:46] <~Bynw> (( end session ))
[22:07:48] * +Regan jumps up
[22:08:17] <+Daine> ::His face turns red and his eyes rove from person to person in the room, stopping at Taenor often::
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member