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Episode 4

Started by Bynw, 30 August 2007, 22:35:45

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[19:41:43] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #teara-adan with 1300ms delay
[19:41:44] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:41:46] <~Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 4
[19:41:47] <~Bynw> |      Beginning Adventure Recap
[19:41:48] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:41:49] <~Bynw> | Nym and Tara have left for Torr to
[19:41:51] <~Bynw> | speak with the Anadari Master, Soltaari,
[19:41:52] <~Bynw> | there on the possibility of ArchBishop
[19:41:53] <~Bynw> | Ellus becoming the Cardinal of the
[19:41:55] <~Bynw> | Chruch's Doctrain of the Arcane.
[19:41:56] <~Bynw> |
[19:41:57] <~Bynw> | Michon has been left in charge of the
[19:41:59] <~Bynw> | apprentices training until Nym's
[19:42:00] <~Bynw> | return. And has sent Daine, Mark and
[19:42:01] <~Bynw> | Caime on a scouting mission into the
[19:42:03] <~Bynw> | nearby mountains to the south.
[19:42:04] <~Bynw> |
[19:42:05] <~Bynw> | In the three days that have pasted
[19:42:07] <~Bynw> | since Nym departed, House Horizon
[19:42:08] <~Bynw> | continues to mature. The apprentices
[19:42:09] <~Bynw> | practice the various talents and
[19:42:10] <~Bynw> | continue to rebuild the Tri-Sun
[19:42:12] <~Bynw> | Fortress.
[19:42:13] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:42:14] <~Bynw> | Today's Game Date: 12 Avril 464 NE
[19:42:16] <~Bynw> |       Game Time: early morning
[19:42:17] <~Bynw> |        End of Adventure Recap
[19:42:18] <~Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:42:18] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[19:43:34] <~Bynw> *the morning finds Llanth, Dennis and Taenor working on the outer walls of the fortress. Taking advantage of the relative cool the morning hours bring before the sun bakes anyone outside of the walls during the heat of the day*
[19:45:03] * +Dennis hammers at a few bricks that have just been laid into place
[19:46:21] <+Dennis> "This is difficult work ... " *he remarks in his adolescent voice of peaks and valleys*
[19:48:18] <+Llanth> "Back breaking is more like it.
[19:48:47] <+Taenor> "Closer to hand breaking."
[19:49:35] <+Dennis> "Aye"
[19:50:35] <~Bynw> *the work progresses slow as the time ticks by and the sun begins to rise removing shadows from the bleak landscape around the fortress*
[19:51:12] <+Taenor> "Think we should head back in soon?"
[19:52:32] <+Dennis> "We have some more time .... Master Michon would never let us hear the end of it if we came in too early"
[19:52:53] <+Dennis> "he is harder taskmaster than Nym ... "
[19:56:35] <+Dennis> roll 4df
[19:56:36] <+BoxCars> Dennis rolls 4df and gets ( )(+)( )(+) Great
[19:56:42] <+Llanth> roll 4df
[19:56:43] <+BoxCars> Llanth rolls 4df and gets (+)(-)(-)(+) Fair
[19:57:32] <+Taenor> roll 5df
[19:57:33] <+BoxCars> Taenor rolls 5df and gets (+)(-)( )(+)(+)
[19:58:18] <+Taenor> ((that's superb, guys))
[20:00:26] <~Bynw> * Taenor notices it first, followed by Dennis and Llanth. Hidden amoung the early morning shadows but now in plain view, is the body of a man. He looks to be dead. He is covered in dust, sand and his clothes are ripped and tattered and maybe covered in blood as well. As he has gashes across his body*
[20:01:24] * TheDeryni is now known as Regan
[20:02:58] * +Regan moans
[20:04:03] <+Dennis> "He's still alive!"
[20:04:05] * +Llanth looks at his bewildered companions...
[20:04:19] <+Llanth> "Hey you ! Dead man! Are you alive?"
[20:04:24] * +Dennis begins climbing down to the sandy desert floor
[20:06:09] * +Llanth starts clambering down.
[20:06:11] * +Taenor follows them closely
[20:06:23] <+Taenor> "He might need healing....."
[20:06:42] * +Dennis reaches the body ...
[20:07:48] <~Bynw> *the man is lying on his back. the tattered clothing is covered in blood, sweat and tree sap. most of it all dried. as Dennis slow trys to turn the man over*
[20:07:59] <+Dennis> "he's too heavy for me "
[20:08:21] <+Taenor> "Hold on...."
[20:09:06] * +Regan moans again
[20:09:15] <+Dennis> "he's alive ... "
[20:09:22] <+Dennis> "we have to help him"
[20:09:34] <+Taenor> "And I am a Healer."
[20:10:06] * +Llanth sees that there isn't much he can do here, draws his bow and stands guard.
[20:10:27] <+Taenor> "Just guard me while I go into trance so I can heal him
[20:15:10] * +Dennis lifts him up a little to get a look at the man's front and face
[20:16:00] <+Dennis> "he looks bad here too. his lips are sunburned, cracked and bloody. and hes scratched up pretty bad ... little scratches all over him
[20:16:34] * +Taenor quickly and efficiently looks for injuries, finds the claw marks on the mans back, cuts his own sleaves into bandages, pours water over the claw marks, wipes them clean carefully, then goes into trance to heal the injuries, binds the wounds, then comes up from trance at the end, drained a good deal.
[20:17:30] <+Taenor> roll 5df+
[20:17:30] <+BoxCars> Taenor rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(+)(-)(+)(-) Great
[20:18:29] * +Regan moans again...stronger this time
[20:19:15] <+Taenor> "Rest easy...you're still injured, but I've healed the worst of your wounds. We'll have you safe soon."
[20:19:46] <+Taenor> "If one of you will help me, I might be able to help carry him."
[20:19:53] <~Bynw> *his wounds heal ... somewhat. the more minor scratches are gone by the claw gashes still remain. wounds too deep for the skills of Taenor*
[20:21:08] <+Regan> "Bes..ray....no.."
[20:21:48] <+Dennis> "Is he stable enough to move? Get him out of the sun and into the fortress*
[20:22:34] <+Dennis> *he looks at the nearby gate and with a mental nudge moves the locking mechanism and the door swings open*
[20:23:03] <+Dennis> "We can all use our powers to lift him and move him ....
[20:23:04] <+Dennis> "we can all use our powers to lift and move him"
[20:23:50] <+Regan> "fumina.....idsum"
[20:25:24] * +Taenor follows dennis's lead.
[20:26:40] <+Regan> "Teach na Bhrarraigi"
[20:27:51] <+Dennis> "Help me to steady him with your arms then ... "
[20:28:07] <+Regan> "Orla!"  "Collum!"
[20:28:19] * +Dennis stands up reaching out his hands over the body of the injured man and concentrates*
[20:28:24] <+Dennis> roll 4df
[20:28:25] <+BoxCars> Dennis rolls 4df and gets (-)( )(-)( ) Poor
[20:28:50] <~Bynw> *the body rises just a few inches from the ground and drops again*
[20:28:56] * +Taenor steadies the man with his hands
[20:29:03] <+Dennis> "he's too heavy for me to lift"
[20:29:09] <+Regan> "Aee...Raider..."
[20:30:24] <+Llanth> "Pardon me for suggesting this... But can't we just get our hands dirty and lug him around to the gate?"
[20:31:30] <+Dennis> "yes ... give us a hand ..." *the teenager remarks*
[20:32:05] * +Taenor lends his hands to the task
[20:33:01] * +Regan struggles slightly...very slightly
[20:34:59] * +Llanth puts his hands to the job.
[20:35:37] <~Bynw> *as they lift Regan to his feet, which he doesnt have the strength to stand on, Dennis spys a golden disk in the mans hand*
[20:35:54] <+Dennis> "what's this?" *he says as he goes to take the disk from the mans hand*
[20:36:43] <+Regan> "Ethan! ... mag nor!"
[20:36:59] * +Regan struggles mightily
[20:37:20] * +Regan 's eyes pop open
[20:38:11] * +Regan kicks Dennis.....flails about
[20:38:34] <+Llanth> "Whoa there."
[20:39:00] * +Regan snarls at Llanth.....kicks again
[20:39:30] <+Llanth> "I assure you, that if I drop you, it will not be very pleasant for you."
[20:39:48] <+Dennis> *backs away from the man*
[20:40:04] * +Taenor tries to slips in by Regan's head
[20:40:26] * +Regan slips a throwing knife into his free hand....
[20:40:44] * +Regan drops the knife clumsily
[20:41:06] <+Llanth> "Try that again friend, and I will put you out of my misery."
[20:41:40] <+Regan> "Ethan!.......mag nor!"
[20:42:17] * +Taenor draws a small dagger, and puts it to Regan's throat. "I mean you no harm, as do my companions. We will return your disk, we just wonder what is on it, and why it is so important. Do you understand or speak Cana, or Valmari?"
[20:43:12] * +Regan grabs Taenor's wrist and bites down on his hand.......
[20:43:19] * Mark has joined #teara-adan
[20:43:35] * +Taenor gasps, but pulls the dagger back to regan's throat even harder
[20:43:49] <+Regan> "MAG NOR!"
[20:43:52] * +Llanth throws Regan to the ground.
[20:44:08] * +Llanth knocks him on the back of the head with the butt of his sword.
[20:44:29] * +Regan tries to rise......and collapses
[20:44:56] * +Regan wimpers
[20:45:04] <+Regan> "Mag nor"
[20:45:07] * +Taenor sits on Regan's legs to sure he doesnt rise.
[20:45:10] * Bynw sets mode: +v Mark
[20:45:35] <+Taenor> "Give him the disk back. It will get him to stop being difficult, I think."
[20:45:47] <~Bynw> *as the man lies unconscious on teh ground Mark returns from his scouting mission in the mountains*
[20:45:50] * +Regan hugs himself
[20:46:43] <+Regan> "mag nor....Ethan.
[20:47:26] <+Regan> "Orla"
[20:47:51] <+Taenor> "Either of you understand what he's meaning?
[20:47:52] <+Regan> "Teach na Bhrarraigi"
[20:48:14] <+Llanth> "Someone with more skill than me try to touch his mind please?"
[20:49:07] <+Regan> "Orla" he wimpers
[20:50:26] <+Dennis> "Mind reading isnt my specialty"
[20:50:43] <+Llanth> "You say this to the fighter."
[20:51:05] <+Taenor> "I could try, though I can't guarantee any degree of success."
[20:51:10] * +Mark walks in
[20:51:14] <+Taenor> roll 6df-
[20:51:15] <+BoxCars> Taenor rolls 6df- and gets ( )(+)(+)(+)(-)(-) Mediocre
[20:51:49] <+Mark> "I might have a decent chance of mind reading, though I will need some explanation..."
[20:52:19] <+Llanth> "This dead man, is alive, at the base of the wall, you now know as much as we do."
[20:52:20] * +Taenor moves over and tries to enter the man's mind
[20:52:27] <+Taenor> "He's got strong shields
[20:52:28] * +Regan is fading out but pushes back slightly with his shields
[20:53:26] <+Mark> 5df+
[20:53:36] <+Mark> roll 5df+
[20:53:37] <+BoxCars> Mark rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(+)(+)( )(-) Superb
[20:54:28] * +Taenor takes the man's wrist, to check his heartrate
[20:54:28] <+Regan> roll 5df+
[20:54:29] <+BoxCars> Regan rolls 5df+ and gets (+)(+)(+)(-)(+) Epic
[20:55:27] * +Mark falls to the ground
[20:55:36] <~Bynw> *the mans heartbeat is steady but is skipping a few beats*
[20:55:36] <+Mark> "Ugh..."
[20:55:55] * +Taenor jumps over to mark, checks on him, makes sure he's alive
[20:56:04] <+Taenor> "Are you alright, mark?"
[20:56:34] <~Bynw> *Michon's shadow appears in the doorway* "What's going here ..."
[20:56:49] <+Llanth> "Allright, fine. Lets set a rock on him, and get master Michon.
[20:57:01] <+Llanth> "Speak of the..."
[20:57:20] <+Mark> "His shields, they... burned."
[20:57:31] <+Taenor> "Someone else explain please....I have almost three patients now...including myself."
[20:58:24] <+Regan> "Teach na Bhrarraigi"
[20:58:29] <~Bynw> *Michon comes out ...* "Mark ... where are the otehrs?"
[20:58:39] <~Bynw> *he attention turns to the man on the ground*
[20:58:40] * +Taenor looks at the Master.
[20:58:53] <+Taenor> "Do you understand anything of what he said, master?"
[20:59:40] <+Llanth> "Short story, We are on the wall, dead man on the ground, dead man moans, we are on the ground, we heal him, he starts fighting us, while yelling gibberish, and so they *points to Taenor and Mark* tried to touch his mind to calm him, and here ww are now."
[20:59:45] * +Llanth takes a deep breath.
[21:00:21] <+Mark> "They..." ::Gasp gasp:: "Coming behind me." ::Cough::
[21:00:44] <~Bynw> *Michon comes over and kneels by the man on the ground* "Yes actually I do. It's Solice ... but it also doesnt make any sense."
[21:00:45] <+Llanth> "finally something I understand."
[21:01:03] <+Taenor> "What did he say?"
[21:01:11] * +Llanth draws his bow, and stands ready.
[21:01:14] <+Taenor> "And why didnt it make any sense?"
[21:01:37] <+Regan> "Regan...Teach na Bhrarraigi"
[21:02:14] <~Bynw> "House of Watters" *Michon says* "But I'm not sure of any meaning behind it."
[21:03:20] <~Bynw> *Michon* "Let's get him up and out of the sun." *he lifts the man up with one arm and starts to drag-carry him to the fortress*
[21:04:00] * +Mark gets up, stumbles abit and then follows Michon
[21:04:05] <~Bynw> *in Solice* "You are safe now ... we can help you."
[21:05:08] * +Taenor grabs the man's feet and helps master Michon carry the man inside.
[21:05:34] <~Bynw> *Michon almost to himself but not quite* "how did he survive out in the desert. he looks like hell"
[21:05:46] <+Regan> ::in Solice:: "Water....I'm th..."
[21:06:02] <+Taenor> "He must be very determined about getting to where he's going...."
[21:06:18] <~Bynw> *michon in solice* "easy ... rest"
[21:07:00] * +Regan shivers
[21:07:18] <+Dennis> "The Will of the Akasa
[21:07:18] <+Dennis> "the will of the Akasa"
[21:08:56] <~Bynw> *the anadari move the injured man into the fortress and lay him on a bunk so they can tend to his wounds*
[21:09:07] <+Regan> ::in Solice:: "Water....."
[21:10:31] <+Taenor> "What's he saying?
[21:10:43] <~Bynw> *Michon* "he's got a death grip on the medallion or whatever it is in his left hand. Get him some water. The cool air in here will help him. Taenor ... your healing arts will be needed when you are up to it again"
[21:11:40] <+Taenor> soon, but i'd like a little rest and to be able to draw some strength from one of you when i do again
[21:11:46] <~Bynw> "easy with the water. just a few drops. he's probably dehydrated. And Dennis. You maybe right. The Will of the Akasa had to bring him to our door. For what reason I know not."
[21:13:40] <~Bynw> "Did he say anything else when you found him?
[21:13:40] * +Regan calms
[21:18:03] * +Regan sips the water gratefully
[21:20:30] <~Bynw> *Michon* "Well if you remember anything else let me know. You all are going to be learning Solice as part of your studies. I am going to see if I can make contact with Nym. He must be informed."
[21:20:57] <~Bynw> "Mark. I'm going to place you in charge of our guest. See to it that he is taken care of will you."
[21:20:57] <+Regan> ::in Solice:: "Danger...."
[21:21:50] * +Regan passes out after a last sip
[21:22:05] <~Bynw> *Michon leaves for his chambers*
[21:22:23] * +Regan relaxes..
[21:23:09] * +Regan 's grip on the medallion lessens slightly
[21:23:22] <+Mark> "I will see to it.
[21:23:57] <+Dennis> *picks up the medallion as it drops from Regan 's fingers as the man drifts into an apparent much needed sleep*
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member