Teara Adan Adventures

Archived Boards => Other GM Logs => TAO Campaign => Topic started by: jlcsusara on 12 April 2009, 01:42:35

Title: Game Log 2
Post by: jlcsusara on 12 April 2009, 01:42:35
Session Start: Sun Apr 12 06:50:19 2009
Session Ident:#teara-adan
[06:50] ->> You joined channel #teara-adan
[06:50] ->> Topic is: 25 years of gaming in the World of Sixguns, Sorcery and Psionics. ~  "Horizon's Dawn" Wednesday night @ 7:30pm US Central || http://www.teara-adan.com (10 years of online gaming) || WoTA welcomes jlcsusara as a GM
[06:50] ->> Topic set by Bynw on 2/28/2009 10:16:20 AM
[06:50] * ChanServ sets mode +h jlcsusara for #teara-adan
[06:50] ->> Attempting to join #teara-adan-ooc
[06:50] ->> Channel Modes are: +nt
[06:50] ->> Channel created on 1/24/2009 12:19:03 AM
[07:05] <%jlcsusara> we can playtest some of our ideas too
[07:06] <Cathrak> good idea
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> here's a recap:
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> The din of battle has faded... you survived the ninja rain!
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> "Glory to our Emperor!"... "Banzai!"
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> "Long live Lord Honvesa!"... "Banzai!"
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> "Honor to the Clan Uzza!"... "Banzai!"
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> As the smoke and dust settles, you notice that the entourage
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> flies the clan colors of Orange over Green over Blue...
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Each banner with the crest of the Unsmiling Mountain Bear.
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Scouts scour the area
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Sentries posted
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> They and your party set up a temporary camp at the base of the mountain
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Ryuno, after resting awhile from his potion-induced enfeeblement, tends to the wounded
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Sheng administers last rites on the dying and farewell-blessings on the dead.
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Unfortunately, Rynfeng Dragon-Slayer and Imara the Grand is among the dead
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Anami and Sato are left with guarding the captured and wounded ninja
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Eventually, a group from the entourage approaches you party's camp
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> With a ring of 12 fierce looking, lacquer-armored samurai as escort,
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> you see 3 individuals... a courtier of sorts,
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> a full plate armored samurai,
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> and a huge robed and cowled figure
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> UNRESOLVED THREADS
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Anami, "My Life with Father"
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Anami, Fued with the Headman
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Ryuno, Mysterious Assasin
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> The Vile Fires
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> The Ninja Ambush
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> NEW NPCS
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> The Daimyo and company
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Anami's friend
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> Captured ninja
[07:07] <%jlcsusara> The ninja ambushers
[07:11] * Cathrak is now known as Ryuno
[07:11] * Ryuno walks up to the group.
[07:11] * Ryuno bows.
[07:12] ->> You are now known as GM
[07:12] * GM the group bows in return
[07:13] <Ryuno> "Hello, honorable Fighters, it appears you were attacked by these ninja assassins. Is anyone of you wounded? Maybe i could help!"
[07:13] * GM the courtier speaks "we are deeply grateful with your help"
[07:14] * GM "i am alic, the daimyo's advisor"
[07:15] <Ryuno> "nice to meet you alic, i am ryuno, the famed alchemist and healer"
[07:15] <%GM> "this is our hisssto, advisor of magic" referring to the giant cowled figure
[07:15] * Ryuno stares at the mage wide eyed
[07:16] <%GM> "and our lord daimyo"
[07:16] <%GM> everyone bows to the armor clad figure
[07:16] * Ryuno bows to the Lord Daimyo again.
[07:17] <%GM> 7 feet tall, covered in full plate... on his back, you see an enormous samurai sword
[07:17] <%GM> the lord hisssseeessss
[07:18] * Ryuno makes some steps back.
[07:18] <%GM> his armor starts to fold!
[07:18] <%GM> slowly opening up!
[07:18] <Ryuno> ((awesome!))
[07:18] <%GM> inside you see, seated at the interior
[07:19] <%GM> an old man!
[07:19] <%GM> dresses in silk
[07:19] <%GM> he appears to be sleeping
[07:20] <%GM> courtier: "ehem...."
[07:20] <%GM> the lord: "eh?"
[07:20] <%GM> the lord: "oh! sorry"
[07:20] <%GM> the lord: "ooops"
[07:21] <%GM> the lord jumps out of his suit
[07:21] <%GM> "so, you have honored us by your defense of our party. we are deeply grateful"
[07:22] <%GM> the lord stands up to his full 4 feet height
[07:23] <Ryuno> "we were happy to be able to help, mylord"
[07:24] <%GM> courtier "we were on our way to the frontier town... to celebrate our 1 year victory against the barbarians"
[07:25] <Ryuno> ((the burning town?))
[07:25] <%GM> yup
[07:25] <Ryuno> "why do you celebrate it there?"
[07:26] <%GM> "the frontier town was where we ultimately defeated the barbarians"
[07:26] <%GM> "but this strange fires has destroyed it!"
[07:27] <Ryuno> "we are heading for it too, to find out what caused the fires"
[07:27] <%GM> "ah"
[07:27] <Ryuno> "we come from a town not far from here"
[07:28] <%GM> "our lord has ordered a company of ashiguru to remain by the raging river..."
[07:28] <Ryuno> "could there be barbarians left? maybe they started the fires"
[07:28] <%GM> pause
[07:28] <%GM> we need to roll for that question :)
[07:29] <%GM> you roll Ryuno. our chaos is still at 0, so you only need to roll a Fair or better to get a YES
[07:30] <Ryuno> !df 4 does the lord think there were barbarians left that could have started the fire
[07:30] <@ChanServ> Result: [-][ ]