Teara Adan Adventures

Archived Boards => Bynw's Game Logs => Horizon's Dawn => Topic started by: Bynw on 02 April 2009, 19:41:15

Title: Episode 58
Post by: Bynw on 02 April 2009, 19:41:15

[19:53]<Bynw> +-------------------------------------------+
[19:53]<Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 58
[19:53]<Bynw> |       Beginning Adventure Recap
[19:53]<Bynw> +-------------------------------------------+
[19:53]<Bynw> | Ibon has taken the Anadari via the Astral
[19:53]<Bynw> | travel of the Tricon's to a hidden fortress
[19:53]<Bynw> | within the Einar Mountains on its eastern
[19:53]<Bynw> | slopes in what was once Valimar of old.
[19:53]<Bynw> |
[19:53]<Bynw> | Here, the Adanian Duke of Stonemont, the
[19:53]<Bynw> | Organge Magician of the Order of Spectral
[19:53]<Bynw> | Magicians has taken over the discussion of
[19:53]<Bynw> | Chadwick and suggested that Lord Nym join
[19:53]<Bynw> | them here.
[19:53]<Bynw> +-------------------------------------------+
[19:53]<Bynw> |     Today's Game Date: Thursday the
[19:53]<Bynw> |             26 Juni 464 NE
[19:53]<Bynw> |           Game Time: Morning
[19:53]<Bynw> | Location: Hidden Spectral Magician Fortress
[19:53]<Bynw> |    Located somewhere in the Einar Mnts
[19:53]<Bynw> |          End of Adventure Recap
[19:53]<Bynw> +-------------------------------------------+
[19:54]<Bynw> *Michon to the others* @@"so we are in agreement to go out to the courtyard and summon Master Nym?" @@
[19:55]* Regan nods @@ "Aye." @@
[19:55]<+Llanth> @@ " Yes. " @@
[19:57]<Bynw> *Michon* @@"We don't need all of us to summon Master Nym here. Risira and Daine please stay with our hosts and keep an eye on them. The rest of us should be plenty to send a call to Master Nym"@@
[19:59]* Regan waits to follow Michon outside.
[19:59]* Otter1 is now known as otter
[20:05]<Bynw> *Michon to the Duke and Baron* "We will call Master Nym." * he gets up and signals those who will be assisting him to follow him out to the courtyard
[20:06]* Regan follows Michon after nodding to Ibon.
[20:06]* Llanth stands and proceeds to the courtyard.
[20:07]<Bynw> *Tara then follows leaving Daine and Risira behind*
[20:12]<Bynw> *out in the courtyard of the small fortress Michon, Tara, Llanth and Regan strengthen the rapport they are already sharing. And directed by Michon ... he reaches out to contact Nym's mind and send him the what has transpired all ready*
[20:18]<Bynw> (( we are taking "5" for Kagi's arrival ))
[20:20]* Kagi (~Nameless@OWIRCN-00a7fffd.ma.charter.com) has joined #teara-adan
[20:21]* Kagi is now known as Daine
[20:21]* Bynw gives voice to Daine
[20:24]* Spunky (~Spunky@OWIRCN-00a7fffd.ma.charter.com) has joined #teara-adan
[20:24]* Spunky is now known as Master_Nym
[20:25]* Bynw gives voice to Master_Nym
[20:26]<+Master_Nym> @@::Seems distracted:: "Hello. Have you made progress?"@@
[20:26]<Bynw> *Michon sends Nym the events of the last day in a burst that lasts of few seconds*
[20:29]<Bynw> *Michon* @@"Both Baron Noyse and the Duke are requesting that you join us here Master."@@
[20:31]<+Master_Nym> @@"Stonemont and his lacky....I see. I do not think it is wise to allow Stonemont in our house. I will come there. Can you give me a location?"@@
[20:31]<Bynw> *Michon* @@"You can follow our Tricons here."@@
[20:32]<+Master_Nym> @@"I will depart immediately."@@
[20:37]<Bynw> *Michon breaks the contact and awaits the arrival of Nym* "He should be here soon"
[20:38]<+Master_Nym> ::A few moments later, in a flash of light, the tricon Iamar trots into the courtyard with Nym upon his back. Nym quickly dismounts and pats Iamar. His body language seems more intense then normal, his movements clipped and hurried::
[20:38]* Regan mumbles something about the party being over now.
[20:39]<+Master_Nym> ::His features drawn down into a frown:: "Where is Stonemont?" ::the last word is drawn out like a curse::
[20:39]<Bynw> *Michon gesters inside the fortress*
[20:40]<+Master_Nym> ::grunts and then moves in the direction of the fortress at a stride::
[20:41]<Bynw> *as Nym enters with the others following behind him, the Duke and Baron rise and give Nym a slight bow at the neck in welcome*
[20:42]<Bynw> *Nym can feel the wards come back into place as the door to the courtyard shuts behind them*
[20:44]* Regan leans against the door nonchalantly. He places his staff horizontally across the door handles covertly, acting as if just resting against the doors.
[20:45]<Bynw> *the Duke of stonemont breaks the tense silence* "Welcome Master Nym" *addressing Nym by his Anadari title*
[20:45]<+Master_Nym> ::Nym just stares at the two, daggers in his eyes:: "Please, I've no paitence for your placations Michael, Ibon. Save them for your lickspittles at court. You do not like me an I do not like you. Let's be honest with each other here away from the eyes of civilization for once. I assume my students have said something of our hunt for the druid to you?"
[20:47]<+Daine> ::Daine's eyebrows raise and his gaze is drawn to Nym in surprise at his uncommon tone::
[20:48]* Regan raises an eyebrow also.
[20:48]<Bynw> *Ibon just sits back down and is silent. Michael on the other hand does not* "There are only two Anadari that I trust. You are one of them. And yes they mentioned to Ibon that they were hunting Chadwick. I take it you have dealt with him in the recent past?"
[20:51]<Bynw> *Michael* "Chadwick is a very powerful and dangerous man. A Druid of Kirsh. A follower of the 'Giver of Gifts'. Well trained in several arcane arts."
[20:51]<+Master_Nym> ::Raises an eyebrow at Michael and eyes him for a moment before speaking, his eyes seem to weight the Lord. His tone softens a bit as he continues:: "Yes...I beheaded him. Though that seems to be a futile jester on my part. From what I've seen of the man he is unbalanced in the mind to say the least."
[20:53]<+Master_Nym> "Do you believe in the Akasha Michael?"
[20:54]<Bynw> *Michael* "He is a Zealot. Far more so than any within the Order of Aman. Even the good Archbishop Elius. He is fully devoted to his Lord and will do whatever is required of him. He is a sadistic killer of men. And on top of his zeal for his Lord's wishes, he has his own agenda that he pursues as well."
[20:54]* Regan tilts his head at the question, waiting for Michael's answer.
[20:55]<Bynw> *Michael* "I know it exists. As my Order has detected it. As to WHAT it is .. that is open to one's belief."
[20:56]<Bynw> *Ibon looks over at Nym* "He is immortal m'Lord, you cannot kill him."
[21:00]* Regan chuckles at the obvious.
[21:01]* Regan goes stoic as he realizes he chuckled out loud
[21:01]<+Master_Nym> ::Nods and pauses for a moment:: "Something is coming Michael, something like nothing Adan has seen since the skylight wars. Chadwick is just a piece of it, a pawn. Something terrible. I do not know what exactly, only that it is coming. Time is limited and I fear we will see a time of sorrow soon. I am the first to reactivate a Matrix, but I do not think I will be the last. My student, my house will see this fire I think. I swear this
[21:03]<+Master_Nym> this to be true to you Michael" ::stares into Stonemont's eyes::
[21:04]<Bynw> *Michael* "I agree with you Nym. Lord Idge tried to warn us about something coming years ago. We thought it was an impending coup against His Majesty. But that wasn't it as you know fully well. You where there at Court. Something is coming. And the pieces are just beginning to move across the board.
[21:05]<+Master_Nym> "Chadwick moves to reactivate a Matrix, it seems it is the one in Utha. He wears a medallion. It is the key to the Matrix. It will only work with that Matrix. We must get the medallion from him before then."
[21:07]<+Master_Nym> "Just as importantly we must know who is moving Chadwick. He is our only clue to who the puppet master of this all is."
[21:08]<Bynw> *Michael looks at Ibon* "The Matrix in Utha. It's out of the way. Why not something closer? Kirsh itself ... "
[21:09]<+Master_Nym> "The Medallion."
[21:12]<Bynw> *Michael back to Nym* "Do you think its possible to get the Medallion from him?"
[21:14]<+Llanth> @@ :: To Regan : "All of this talk and we are getting nowhere. " @@
[21:14]<+Master_Nym> ::Raises an eyebrow and stares at Stonemont:: "If we get to him before he activates the Matrix, yes. After....I don't know."
[21:15]* Regan shrugs helplessly at Llanth.
[21:16]<+Llanth> "Master Nym, if I may?"
[21:17]<+Regan> @@ To Llanth: "I suppose we could try the Mosaic again." @@
[21:17]<+Master_Nym> ::Turns to Llanth and nods::
[21:17]<+Master_Nym> "I don't need the Mosaic anymore."
[21:17]<+Master_Nym> ::Raises a hand to stall Stonemont. He closes his eyes and his hand grips the medallion underneath his tunic::
[21:18]* Regan flips his staff out of the door handles into his armpits. The movement is barely visible.
[21:19]<+Llanth> "My lord Stonemont, You told us that Chadwick is undying, and he is insane, and we now know that he is seeking to activate a matrix, given what you know of him, to what use would he put such power?"
[21:21]<Bynw> *Ibon answers* "Chadwick has two goals. One is to serve his Lord, the Giver of Gifts. The other is to eradicate all cities and return mankind to a way of life of that of hunter gatherers in small tribes."
[21:23]<+Daine> "How is it that he comes back to life? Can't we just burn his corpse to ash and be done with him?"
[21:24]<+Daine> "And who IS this giver of gifts?"
[21:24]* Regan scratches his head in confusion. "Then why would this Giver allow that? He would have no powerbase with only small tribes spread about."
[21:25]<+Llanth> "Regan, small groups are easier to scare than large ones.
[21:25]<+Daine> "perhaps it would better if we just split this giver in two like a ripe melon?" ::growls deep in his throat::
[21:26]<+Llanth> "Daine, this individual has the power to give life, and you think it will be easy to defeat him?"
[21:27]<+Master_Nym> ::sniffs at Llanth:: "He can live all he likes...as a head mounted upon a stick."
[21:28]<Bynw> *Ibon* "the 'Giver of Gifts' is the name the druids at Kirsh have given to their Lord. He comes around every few centuries. Chooses a champion and grants them powers beyond mortal reckoning. He is a legend only whispered at ... Although we know that Parshawl the Anlarye was during his life .."
[21:29]<+Master_Nym> ::His attention focuses on Ibon:: "Parshawl Anlarye is the giver of gifts?"
[21:29]<Bynw> *Michael* "Llanth isnt it? You are correct. Smaller groups would be easier to bully into submission living in nomadic tribes without cities."
[21:31]<Bynw> *Ibon* "Yes the Parshawl was the ruler of the druids that surround the high bogs of Kirsh."
[21:31]<+Master_Nym> ::His eyes open and his hand drops:: "He's blocking me. But he was in Utha last I'd seen."
[21:32]<+Daine> "Is Parshawl still the giver of gifts?"
[21:32]<Bynw> *Ibon* "You can mount his head on a pike if you like m'lord, but that wont stop him. Chadwick will rise reborn."
[21:33]<Bynw> *Ibon* "Parshawl is dead. So no. It would be someone else. An incarnation or an heir most likely."
[21:34]* Regan looks at Ibon and tilts his head.
[21:35]<+Master_Nym> ::Looks to Tara:: "Do you know a way to trap him, forever?"
[21:36]<+Daine> "Then who IS this giver of gifts now?"
[21:36]<Bynw> *Tara shrugs* "Capture him but dont allow him to die ..."
[21:36]<Bynw> *Michael* "We don't know."
[21:38]<+Master_Nym> @@::To Tara:: "Would the moss de Croix gave us keep him from transferring?"@@
[21:39]<+Daine> "Well then it seems like we're wasting time. We know where the Matrix is. We know Chadwick is going there. I say we go there now and lay a trap."
[21:40]<+Regan> "Or rig a trap in the Matrix itself."
[21:42]<Bynw> *Tara to Nym* @@"Only if its psychic in nature ... maybe "@@
[21:44]<+Regan> @@ To group: "Or we could steal a bunch of its bricks so as to delay him at the least." @@
[21:46]<Bynw> *Michael to Daine* "Easier said than done. He knows where it is and apparently has the medallion that controls it as well. That makes him very much in control there ... its defenses will be on very strongly."
[21:50]<+Master_Nym> "No he hasn't awakened it yet or we would've felt it. I think he will need to fashion a new brick for it and to do that he will need help and time. About a month or less depending on how many people he has to help."
[21:53]<+Master_Nym> "He will need a supply of Bluestone."
[21:55]<+Regan> "Which he may already have. It would be a first priority."
[21:55]<Bynw> *Ibon* "Not uncommon in mountainous regions. Plenty of it in Kirsh"
[21:57]<+Daine> ::nods to Master Nym, then to Ibon:: "He is not in Kirsh. He is in Utha. We have seen him walk the desert there, so he is on foot. Where is there Bluestone near Deever?"
[21:58]<Bynw> *Michael* "Plenty of mountains near Deever as well. That is where the Matrix will be too."