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Session 29

Started by Bynw, 01 May 2014, 20:49:49

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19:48 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
19:48 <~bynw> |          Session 29 - Imperial Dreams
19:48 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
19:48 <~bynw> |
19:48 <~bynw> | While in flight the crew of the 'Aerie' has
19:48 <~bynw> | learned that the Emperor of Adanac has resigned
19:48 <~bynw> | due to corruptions charges in Utha. The Imperial
19:48 <~bynw> | Senate is meeting to elect a new Emperor.
19:48 <~bynw> |
19:48 <~bynw> | The winds have died down and movement is slow
19:48 <~bynw> | across Adan as the ship continues on its way
19:48 <~bynw> | to Kirsh.
19:48 <~bynw> |
19:48 <~bynw> | Alianna continues to learn how to pilot and
19:48 <~bynw> | adjust the trim of the airship. Maylda, who has
19:48 <~bynw> | recovered from her air sickness, has taken the
19:48 <~bynw> | time to see to the needs of the rest of the
19:48 <~bynw> | ship's crew. Alderic starts to plan what to do
19:48 <~bynw> | once they reach Kirsh.
19:48 <~bynw> |
19:48 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
19:52 <~bynw> ::Audric is standing at the bow of the ship inspecting the guns::
19:53  * Alianna is at the helm, spreading out a chart and learning to read it.
19:53 <~bynw> ::one of the other crewmen is helping Alianna in her task::
19:54  * Maydla brings a warm mug of tea to Alianna. "Would you like some warm tea?"
19:54 < Alderic> ::Leans on the rail at the stern, watching the land flow by under the ship and thinking o himself::
19:55  * Alianna smiles at Maydla.  "Yes, please."
19:55  * Maydla gives her one of the two in her hands then walks to Alderic and offers the last one to him. "Tea?"
19:56 < Alderic> ::Looks up with a start from being lost in thought and smiles:: "Yes please. Thank you."
19:57 < Maydla> "Welcome."
19:58  * Maydla heads back below deck to make herself a mug, then comes back out and leans on the railing to watch the land slide by under the ship.
19:59 < Alderic> ::Looks up to smile at Maydia as she leans on the rail:: "Do you have any thoughts on where we are headed?"
20:02 < Maydla> To Alderic: "This is a calming tea that I blend myself. *takes a sip* I feel that we are on an adventure. Adventures are what you make them."
20:02 < Alderic> ::Nods and sips the tea::
20:03  * Alianna looks up from the chart and looks east, the direction the airship is heading.  Her face darkens into a frown.
20:03 < Alianna> "Heads up, you lot.  Looks like weather coming our way, or we're heading its way."
20:03  * Maydla raises an eyebrow in Alianna's direction.
20:05 <~bynw> ::Audric comes from the bow looking behind him at the darkening distant sky::
20:05 < Alderic> ::To Alianna and Audric:: "Can we rise high enough to get above the weather?"
20:06  * Maydla listens intently to the conversation nearby, hoping that they are not in for some nasty wind and rain.
20:06 < Alianna> "Um, I'm still new at this. Lord Audric, can we?"
20:06 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Depends on how high the storm is actually. If we can't clear it then we will be still in it. And the higher we go the colder it gets. Ice can form on the rigging."
20:07  * Maydla shivers at the mention of ice and rigging.
20:08 <~bynw> ::Audric watches the storm:: "We could try to jump through it. But if it is a wide storm. We could end up in the middle of it someplace. Or we can go around it."
20:08 < Alianna> "I think going around it is probably the best option."
20:09 < Alianna> "I've been through a storm or two in my time at sea, but I'm not sure I want to deal with that one on my first air voyage."
20:10 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Plot your course there, towards it's edge" ::he says pointing in the direction:: "You may have to adjust several times. If it is heading west and we are heading east. Then we could meet in the middle soon."
20:10 <~bynw> *the winds are begining to pick up and the sails fill quickly, the other crewmen head for the rigging*
20:11 <~bynw> ::Audric heads back to the bow of the ship, all the way up to the rail::
20:12 <~bynw> ::he runs his hand through his hair::
20:13 < Alderic> ::Looks to Maydia:: "We are headed for some rough flying and you may find that your stomach isn't agreeable. I maybe able to help if I may?"
20:13  * Alianna plots the course and sets the ship toward the edge of the storm.
20:15  * Maydla nods in agreement to Alderic. "Yes, you may. I have no desire to taste my tea a second time."
20:15 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Alderic. I need your talents here!" ::he calls out from the bow::
20:15  * Alianna sips her tea and studies the chart again, but looks up when Audric calls for Alderic.
20:16 < Alderic> ::Looks to Audric with a frown, then back to Maydla:: "If you feel uneasy find me and I can help." ::Moves off towards Audric at a trot::
20:16  * Maydla nods.
20:17 < Alderic> "Master Audric. What can I do to help?"
20:17 <~bynw> *as the ship moves closer to the storm, the clouds within it can be seen to roll with flashes of lightening*
20:17  * Maydla downs the rest of her tea and promptly sits upon her rear.
20:18 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "How for can you sense magic? We aren't supposed to have any storms today."
20:20 < Alderic> ::Raises an eyebrow at Audric then looks to the storm with concentration:: "Let's find out...." ::breathes deeply and begins chanting arcane words and drawing patterns in the air with his fingers::
20:23 < Alderic> !df 4
20:23 <@ChanServ> Result: (-)(+)(+)(-)
20:27 <~bynw> *on the ships current course, the ship will still enter the storm and another adjust needs to be made to the heading ... the crew are having difficulties with the rigging due to the increasing winds*
20:28  * Alianna adjusts the ship's bearing again, trying to avoid the storm.
20:28  * Maydla grips my tea mug a little tighter, still sitting cross-legged.
20:30 < Alderic> ::To Audric, but loud enough to be heard on the deck:: "It's a Magically created storm. Very powerful." ::looks to Alianna:: "It will move to try to catch us and hold us inside it. It will be no ordinary storm either. It is several times nastier."
20:31 < Alianna> "Oh shit."
20:32  * Maydla clears my throat and addresses Alderic, "About that assistance you mentioned earlier..."
20:32 <~bynw> ::Audric to Alianna:: "Keep on your course, adjust as necessary." ::to the creman at the trim controls:: "Take us down"
20:33  * Alianna nods, tensing.
20:33 <~bynw> ::the crewman begins adjusting the trim of the airship. taking it down gradually::
20:34 < Alderic> "No!"
20:35 < Alianna> "What is it, Alderic?"
20:35 < Alderic> "Lightning. The closer to the ground the easier we are to hit.
20:35 < Alderic> "
20:37 < Alderic> "The mage will no doubt try to burn us with lightning strikes. I will have to throw everything I have at protecting the ship. Stay out of the clouds and away from the ground. And whatever you do DO NOT drop anchor."
20:37  * Maydla gulps audibly.
20:38  * Alianna repeats, "Oh shit."
20:38 < Alderic> ::Runs to Maydia's side and places his hand on her forehead:: "Just try to relax...." ::Mutters a word of power::
20:39 < Alderic> !df 4
20:39 <@ChanServ> Result: (-)(+)(+)(+)
20:40  * Maydla sighs quietly.
20:40 < Maydla> "Thank you, Alderic..."
20:40 < Alderic> ::Nods::
20:42 < Alderic> ::Runs to the main-mast and puts his back to it:: "Audric, can you lash me to the mast please."
20:44 <~bynw> ::Audric runs over to Alderic speaking in mid sentence:: "... have anything onboard to counter a spell this powerful" ::he nods at Alderic and lashes him to the main-mast::
20:47 <~bynw> *the ship rocks as the storm winds toss it*
20:47  * Alianna holds firmly to a rail near the helm, appearing far calmer than she actually is from years of practice.
20:48 < Alianna> !df 4
20:48 <@ChanServ> Result: (+)(-)( )(-)
20:48 <~bynw> !df 4 (audric)
20:48 <@ChanServ> Result: (-)( )(+)(-)
20:49 <~bynw> !df 4 (trim crewman)
20:49 <@ChanServ> Result: (-)( )(-)( )
20:49 < Maydla> !df 4
20:49 <@ChanServ> Result: (+)(+)( )(+)
20:49 <~bynw> !df 4 (rigging crewman 1)
20:49 <@ChanServ> Result: (+)( )( )(+)
20:49 <~bynw> !df 4 (rigging crewman 2)
20:49 <@ChanServ> Result: (-)( )( )(+)
20:53 <~bynw> :: Maydla, since she is sitting, is unaffected by the rocking of the ship and the winds of the storm::
20:54 <~bynw> ::The two crewmen up in the rigging. Hang on to the ropes and continue tying down the sails and loose ropes::
20:56 <~bynw> ::Audric is knocked to the deck as the trimsman is also knocked from his station, inadvertantly changing the trim of the ship in a bad way, sending it upward at a high rate of climb::
20:57 < Alianna> "Oh, SHIT!!"
20:57 < Alderic> ::Clasps his hand before him almost as if praying and begins chanting, his eyes closed and head bowed::
20:57  * Alianna rocks unsteadily toward the helm to attempt to correct the trim.
20:57 < Alderic> !df 4
20:57 <@ChanServ> Result: (-)(+)( )(+)
20:58  * Maydla swears under her breath and hopes they don't get struck by lightning.
20:59  * Alianna mutters under her breath as she works on correcting the trim.  "Damn it, we don't need to be in the clouds.  Shit shit shit!"
20:59 <~bynw> ::the winds quiet abit about the rigging and sails, but still rush around the ship as it begins to fly in a surreal 'eye of the storm'::
21:02 < Alianna> !df 4
21:02 <@ChanServ> Result: ( )( )(+)(+)
21:02 < Alderic> ::Continues chanting, head bowed, eyes closed, and hand clasped::
21:09 <~bynw> ::Audric picks himself up looks around as the storm engulfs the ship:: "We would be torn apart if it wasn't for Alderic's magic. That's not an option. Test it if you can." ::he says while heading towards the down trimsman::
21:11 < Alianna> ::to Audric::  "Who the hell are you talking to?"
21:11 <~bynw> ::Audric helps the trimsman to his feet as the ship levels out once again:: "You did good." ::he says to Alianna::
21:11  * Alianna nods in acknowledgement, but is concentrating most of her attention to steering the ship.
21:13 <~bynw> ::Audric looks up at the sails and rigging:: "Looks like we have some damage, Alderic's spell has enabled us to get through this storm ... but why is it here now."
21:14 < Alianna> "No idea."
21:14 < Maydla> "Odd."
21:17 <~bynw> "Turn us back east if you don't mind Captain." ::Audric says to Alianna:: "We aren't going to go around this storm since we are already in it."
21:18  * Alianna nods.  "Makes sense, since it's going to chase us no matter where we go."
21:18  * Alianna adjusts the ship's course to head due east.
21:23 <~bynw> *after several hours the storm dies out leaving a the 'Aerie' and her crew shaken and definately delying their arrival*
21:23  * Alianna looks at the trimsman.  "Can you handle the helm?  I want to make sure Alderic is okay after that."
21:24  * Maydla sits for a little while, trying to settle again and lets her eyes follow Alianna
21:25 < Alianna> ::to the trimsman:: "You're not injured or anything, are you?"
21:26 <~bynw> ::trimsman:: "I'm alright Captain."
21:27 < Alianna> "All right, I'm going to go check on Alderic."
21:27  * Alianna walks over to the mainmast where Alderic is still lashed.  "Hey, you all right?"
21:28 < Alianna> "You want me to untie you now?"
21:29 < Alderic> ::His eye lids droop and with a yawn:: "yes please. I'll be fine, ready for.." ::yawn:: "...action Captain."
21:30 < Alianna> "What you're ready for is some rack time."
21:30  * Alianna deftly unties the line around Alderic and immediately sends him below decks.  "You need to sleep a while.  That took a lot out of you."
21:31 < Alianna> "We appreciate it, don't get me wrong at all, but you need rest."
21:33 < Alderic> ::Smiles:: "Aye aye Captain. I will be below if anyone needs me."
21:33 < Alderic> ::Heads below to his bunk::
21:33 <~bynw> :Audric climbs up into the rigging to help the other 2 crewmen with repairs::
21:33  * Alianna goes back to the helm and studies the chart, trying to figure out how far off course the storm blew the Aerie.
21:34  * Maydla stands then walks over to Alianna, "Anything I can do?"
21:35 < Alianna> "Yes, please.  Go make sure Alderic makes it to his bunk.  The last thing we need is a collapsed magician."
21:35 < Alianna> "Then, once he's in his bunk and asleep, come on back up here, if you like."
21:35  * Maydla nods then heads belowdecks to check on Alderic.
21:36  * Alianna looks over the rail for landmarks, still trying to figure out how far off course they are.
21:37 <~bynw> *with the high winds and course corrections, it will take a day to course correct without using the ship's own magic*
21:38 < Alianna> "Damn.  That was a hell of a storm."
21:39  * Maydla makes more tea after checking on Alderic in the bunk and heads back up to Alianna.
21:39  * Maydla to Alianna: "More tea?"
21:39 < Alianna> "Sure, thanks."
21:39  * Maydla gives her a mug then sips her own. "how far off course are we?"
21:40 < Alianna> "A good day's worth of sky sailing.  Maybe I can fix it faster, but right now it'll be a day's delay."
21:40  * Maydla nods.
21:40 < Alianna> "I'm going to let Lord Audric and the crew fix the ship before I try to jump us back to where we meant to be by now."
21:41 < Alianna> "We did take some damage, despite Alderic's work."
21:43 < Maydla> "Even the strongest magic has weaknesses, even dark magic."
21:43 < Alianna> "Indeed."
21:44 < Alianna> "At least we didn't take much damage.  Alderic really saved our arses with whatever he did."
21:44 < Maydla> "He did indeed. He did that and helped me. I plan to make him a very strong revival tea when he awakens."
21:45 < Alianna> "Let him sleep for now.  I think natural sleep is the best thing for him right this moment."
21:45 < Alianna> "But when he wakes up, I'm sure he'll appreciate a nice bracing cup of tea."
21:45  * Alianna smiles at Maydla.
21:45 < Maydla> "I agree, I just want to help speed him along after his body does the dirty work, so to speak."
21:45  * Alianna laughs and nods in agreement.
21:46  * Maydla quietly sips her tea.
21:48 <~bynw> ::the trimsman resumes his post manning the trim while Alianna has the wheel. the other 2 crewmen and Audric continue to work on the rigging above the deck::
21:49  * Alianna yells up to Audric.  "Hey, let me know when we're all fixed again."
21:54 <~bynw> ::Audric waves in acknowledgement:: "It wont be long. An hour or so ..."
21:54 <~bynw> *the door opens. it comes as shock, jolting the body of Alderic awake and fully recovered from his magical ordeal. it is noticed by the crewman to some degree as they face eastward and try to comprehend it. Audric feels it. so much that he almost falls from the rigging and joins the crew looking eastward.*
21:55 <~bynw> *the tidal wave hits the mind of Maydla first, washing over her and physically knocking her off her feet. but it is just in her head. a bright and blinding light that is Seen but not seen. a scream that is not-heard in the ears but is sensed none the less. and bombard her from every easterly angle. Alianna too experiences the same but to a slightly lesser extent*
21:55  * Alianna looks disoriented.  "What the hell?!"
21:57  * Maydla tries to comprehend what is happening and shakes her head slightly then sits up from falling on the deck.
21:58 <~bynw> *elsewhere and everywhere ... those of Deryni blood or likewise attuned feel it ... *
21:58 < Alderic> ::Jumps up and runs to the deck and then to the bow, looking East. An expression rarely ever seen is squarely on his face...fear::
21:58 < Maydla> to Alianna and Alderic: "What the hell is going on?"
21:59 <~bynw> ::Audric jumps down to the deck from the rigging, still staring off blindly towards the eastern horizon::
21:59 < Alianna> "I have no idea.  What the hell just happened?"
22:00  * Maydla scoots closer to Alianna and gently touches her leg, "I know you felt that. Alderic is... afraid."
22:00 < Alianna> "Yeah, and not much scares him."
22:00  * Alianna grips a rail to keep her balance.
22:01  * Maydla grips Alianna to she doesn't slide over the deck while still sitting. "SOrry, I'm not going to be moving unless you are. I'm soooo not okay with this anymore."
22:01 < Alianna> "So I'm scared kind of by analogy.  If this is something that can scare a man who just about never shows fear..."
22:02 <~bynw> *even though the tidal wave of thought has passed, just as standing on a beach you can still feel the surf as it covers your feet ... it is still felt in the background of your mind*
22:02 < Maydla> "Exactly. I'm not okay with this... this.. whatever the heck this is. It feels... WRONG."
22:02 < Alianna> "I'm with you."
22:03 < Alianna> "Alderic, do you know what's going on?"
22:03 <~bynw> ::Audric turns towards Alianna and Maydla:: "Only one answer" ::he says, sharing the look of fear::
22:03  * Alianna frowns at Audric.
22:03  * Maydla shivers involuntarily.
22:04 <~bynw> ::Audric looks back east:: "
22:05 < Alderic> ::Turns to the others, his voice cracks a bit:: "That was the Matrix under the mountain in Kirsh powering up."
22:05 <~bynw> Confirm it damn it. I know you felt it there ... I want confirmation."
22:05 <~bynw> ::Audric says to no one in particular::
22:05  * Alianna turns a look of alarm on Alderic.
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member