Teara Adan Adventures

Archived Boards => Bynw's Game Logs => The Winds of Change => Topic started by: Bynw on 30 November 2006, 20:11:05

Title: Episode 38
Post by: Bynw on 30 November 2006, 20:11:05
[19:27:28] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #Teara-Adan with 1300ms delay
[19:27:29] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:27:31] <.Bynw> |
[19:27:32] <.Bynw> |   The Winds of Change - Episode 38
[19:27:33] <.Bynw> |
[19:27:34] <.Bynw> |      Beginning Adventure Recap
[19:27:36] <.Bynw> |
[19:27:37] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:27:38] <.Bynw> |
[19:27:40] <.Bynw> | Lord Seth has convened a council of
[19:27:41] <.Bynw> | war in the absence of the Queen to deal
[19:27:42] <.Bynw> | with the attack on Warp Wood's territory.
[19:27:44] <.Bynw> |
[19:27:45] <.Bynw> | He has appointed Marshal Sprax and Major
[19:27:46] <.Bynw> | Kohel to the War Council with full voting
[19:27:48] <.Bynw> | powers to get the job done since they
[19:27:49] <.Bynw> | have military and combat backgrounds.
[19:27:50] <.Bynw> |
[19:27:52] <.Bynw> | The other Lords are on the council by
[19:27:53] <.Bynw> | by default as is General Ryethon.
[19:27:54] <.Bynw> |
[19:27:55] <.Bynw> | The War Council is in session by afternoon.
[19:27:57] <.Bynw> |
[19:27:58] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:27:59] <.Bynw> |
[19:28:01] <.Bynw> | Today's Game Date: 10 Novembre 463 NE
[19:28:02] <.Bynw> |          Game Time: Afternoon
[19:28:03] <.Bynw> |
[19:28:05] <.Bynw> |        End of Adventure Recap
[19:28:06] <.Bynw> |
[19:28:07] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:28:07] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[19:28:45] <.Bynw> *Marshal Sprax calls the War Council to Order and announces that Lord Seth is delayed and was ordered to start without him
[19:30:01] <+Ryethon> "Allright people as you know, we have been invaded, it sofar has been just a couple of raiding parties, but it is foolish to think that our defenses weren't being probed."
[19:30:06] * +Coch heads to the Great Hall
[19:30:43] * +Coch enters and takes a seat
[19:31:58] <.Bynw> *Sprax* "I have Lord Seth's plans here. And I am in favor of the plan to send Kevin on recon mission to assess the enemy's strength and if the opportunity presents itself. To eliminate their command."
[19:34:31] <.Bynw> (( i have to run out for a quick errand .. bb in about 5-10 ))
[19:34:35] <+Ryethon> "We should take into account that our enemy is battle hardened, and will likely try to beseige us. Yes thank you Master Sprax, The idea is sound. Preparations to fend off this opposing army should begin imediately also."
[19:35:23] * Willow has left #Teara-Adan
[19:40:47] <.Bynw> (( bak ))
[19:41:16] * Kagi has joined #Teara-Adan
[19:41:16] * Kagi sets mode: +v Kagi
[19:41:37] <.Bynw> *Sprax nodes to Kevin who gets up and departs from the chamber*
[19:43:11] * Kagi is now known as Seth
[19:43:29] <.Bynw> *Sprax continues* "Of course General. How stand your troops?"
[19:43:52] <+Ryethon> "Prepared, but they are not seasoned."
[19:44:16] * +Seth walks into the war council's chamber looking slightly hung over and holding a cup of something hot
[19:44:56] <+Seth> "Please excuse my tardiness, I was tied up."
[19:45:31] <+Ryethon> "Kindly leave the details of your love life out of this meeting Lord Seth."
[19:46:47] <+Seth> ::Takes a sip of his tea to hide a sly smile at the General's joke::
[19:46:57] * +Charissa snickers as she overhears the last remark walking into the Great Hall
[19:47:14] * +Jack enters behind the Queen.
[19:47:18] <.Bynw> *Sprax nods to Seth* "My Lord. You have chamber."
[19:47:58] <+Seth> ::Sets his mug down and walks to the center of the room, noding to Jack and giving a bow to Charissa::
[19:48:46] <+Seth> "I do not know if the assembled lords here have been informed of the details of this raid. I have investigated the matter myself..."
[19:50:21] <+Charissa> "Seth:  What have you learned?"
[19:50:49] <+Seth> "I must confess that I was shocked. This...raid of our neighbors could re-write the text book on brutality. This was not just some minor looting. I can not in good company even mention the full details of what was done. It turns my stomach, and that is no easy task."
[19:51:24] <+Ryethon> "I was afraid of such."
[19:51:39] <+Seth> "Decent, good men could never participate of order done what I have seen."
[19:52:27] <+Seth> "We are dealing with an enemy that shows no mercy. Absolutly ruthless and savage. Evil does not cover it."
[19:53:23] <+Ryethon> "Seth, if I may interupt for a moment. What is the possibility that troops could be transported by magical means into the heart of our stronghold?"
[19:53:31] <+Seth> "I stress again that we must deal with this attack swift and sure. I could not stomach seeing another village under my protection sacked like this."
[19:54:22] <+Charissa> "how many of our new army can we send to show that we won't stand for this and are not as impotent as they thought we were?"
[19:56:15] <.Bynw> *Major Kohel* "Your Majesty. Your troops are still green, but well trained. We could gather a force of 50 men and have them at the boarder with a forced march in 3 days time."
[19:56:25] <+Seth> "My plan in broad strokes is to use what little troops we have to distract the bulk of our enemies army and enter THEIR stronghold. By magical means if possible. We the lords of Warp wood and our very best men. Once inside, we kill the leaders and declare ourselves in command."
[19:56:30] <+Charissa> "do it then, Major."
[19:57:50] <+Ryethon> "May I add Major, please do remind the men to remember their training and to fight with their minds as well as their bodies."
[19:59:02] <+Seth> "If we use fear, we maybe able to gather a few of their nobels to our side and strengthen our claim. Again fear will be our ally in this. We must show them that we will not tolerate this kind of savage evil. I think the general of the army may need to be convinced to lay down arms. I can negotiate with him and convince him I know I can."
[19:59:42] <+Ryethon> "Kill him
[19:59:44] <+Ryethon> ."
[20:00:09] <+Seth> "But we must lure the army away. I rely on General Ryethon and his unconventional tactics to do this." ::looks to Ryethon::
[20:00:43] <+Seth> "If I must, but I think he will be much better persuaded to come to our side."
[20:00:52] <+Charissa> "I will readily admit I don't know alot of war and its strategies, so do what you all decide is best.  You have my agreement on whatever course you all decide on together."
[20:01:16] <+Ryethon> "My counterpart on the other side there, is not a man of honor to command such a band of theives and murders."
[20:02:02] <+Seth> "General, even the children where abused before they where put down. I have seen dogs with more honor."
[20:03:38] <+Ryethon> "Lord Seth, I will state this once, see that he is put to death, or I shall put him to death myself. Even at the cost of my own life."
[20:04:28] <+Ryethon> "As for drawing the attention of his army, we will take small parties of 3-4 men and set fire to their camps, and draw the men into traps."
[20:06:38] <+Ryethon> "Sounds simpler than it is, but small groups of fighters look like easy pickings to such large group, untill they run into pitfall traps, or clearings where we can mow them down with gunfire."
[20:06:45] <+Seth> "Keep in mind General, our enemy must be sure that our full force is commited too the field. They must not suspect an attack on the capital. If they don't commit the full army to hunt you down or if they leave defenses at the capital we are lost,"
[20:06:54] <.Bynw> *Bishop Nidar enters the hall, with Father Pele and Chadwick behind him* "It seems my summons to this War Council was not made. I am member of the Council by my rank. Please try to remember that." *the Bishop takes his seat while the other 2 remain quiet but glaring at one another.*
[20:08:26] <+Ryethon> "Seth, they must know that our army is small, but to face them head on is suicde."
[20:09:18] <+Seth> "I'm sorry your Grace. I didn't think this concerned the church. Religion is not at the heart of this. But I welcome you, and our ally Master Druid Chadwick, to our council."
[20:10:13] <+Ryethon> "It's good to see you again Master Chadwick."
[20:10:30] <+Seth> "Yes I do General. You are expected to take casualties. Many if needed. You need not win, just distract. But without your distraction we cannot win."
[20:10:34] <+Charissa> "Aye, Your Grace, Master Chadwick, welcome.  I just got here myself"
[20:10:38] <.Bynw> *Chadwick nods at Seth*
[20:11:36] <+Seth> ::Seth bows at the neck to the Bishop and Chadwick, ignoring Pele as a lesser rank in the room::
[20:13:07] <.Bynw> *Bishop Nidar* "We shall see to the spiritual well being of the troops. And to make certain all villiages have an Ordained priest within them."
[20:14:55] <+Seth> ::continuing as if uninterupted:: "General. Your part in this is key. You must pull the full army and you must do so in a way that lulls our enemy into a false sense of confidence. I expect this task sounds easier then it is and you will most likely take substantial casualties, but it must be done for our plan to work. Do you think you can do it?"
[20:17:20] <+Ryethon> "It can be done. What preparations are to be done for our capital?
[20:21:43] <+Seth> "I have spent hours devining magically. It is of course more an art then a science, but all signs show that we will catch them off guard if we strike quickly. We must rely on our men and women here in the capital. We are so short of men we must gamble on surprise. Thus the divinations have told me, is our only hope."
[20:22:00] <+Seth> @4df
[20:22:00] <+SnakeEyes> Seth Rolled [ ][ ][ ][ ]
[20:25:28] <.Bynw> *Chadwick* "I will see to the protection of the capital. If its truely a need."
[20:25:52] <+Ryethon> "You have my thanks Master Chadwick."
[20:25:53] <+Seth> "Your task is difficult as is General. You'll need all the men you can muster. We can take the time to cover our portal to the capital. That will keep them from entering without a fight."
[20:26:29] <.Bynw> *Chadwick* "I shall see to it that no army can reach us by land or by sea."
[20:26:53] * +Seth nods with satisfaction
[20:26:58] <+Ryethon> "That is the most reassuring thing i have heard all day."
[20:26:58] <+Charissa> "I can strengthen the defenses around this palace"
[20:27:17] <+Jack> "You have my trust, Master Chadwick."
[20:27:37] <+Charissa> "And mine"
[20:28:36] <+Seth> "Your majesty. I think even you will be needed when we assault the enemies capital. It would do the people good I think to know you risked life and limb for them." ::he smiles a kind of that seems like sunshine::
[20:29:50] <+Charissa> "I will be there, but I can still strengthen our defenses here"
[20:29:54] <+Charissa> "before I go"
[20:30:48] <+Coch> "When do we leave Seth?
[20:33:14] <+Seth> "My plan is to disguise ourselves as a travelling merchant caravan and enter the capital on pretense of doing business. We could leave as soon as our disguise in place. The General can come with us if he likes and move the army in secret. Then split when he makes his attack."
[20:35:41] <+Ryethon> "I think that 100 men in the caravan would be somewhat suspicious."
[20:36:31] <+Coch> "Several smaller ones maybe in order?"
[20:36:57] <+Seth> "Yes, true General. But if the men broke into small groups and moved to the boarder and reassembled at a chosen local, you could travel with us."
[20:37:28] <+Jack> @5df
[20:37:28] <+SnakeEyes> Jack Rolled [ ]