Teara Adan Adventures

Archived Boards => Bynw's Game Logs => Rise of the Alliance => Topic started by: Bynw on 22 July 2010, 22:31:29

Title: Episode 18
Post by: Bynw on 22 July 2010, 22:31:29

[19:45] <Bynw> ** RECAP (just the last bit of lines from the last session)
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:23:36 <Bynw> *alien* "You say you are from the Alliance?"
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:29:25 <Raith> ::Looks surprised:: "Uh, well..Oh yeah. I mean yes we are. An Alliance of planets and cultures working together in peace. We where sent by the Alliance to make contact with new races and explore the galaxy."
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:32:20 <Bynw> *alien* "Your homeworld is called Aris ... " *he says and points in its general direction* "Many lightyears in that direction"
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:33:24 <Raith> ::Looks confused:: "Say what?"
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:34:40 <Raith> "Uhh, yes. Yes it is. You know of the Alliance?"
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:35:46 <Bynw> *alien* "I am called Aerv D'Valdelan ... Yes." * you can see it nod in agreement* "You are welcomed here at last. He said others would come some day."
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:37:58 <Raith> "Uh he? Who is 'He'?"
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:39:16 <Raith> ::Waves all the others over to join him::
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:39:34 * Sathara stays close to Raith, still just behind and to the right.
[19:46] <Bynw> Jul 08 22:39:47 <Bynw> *Aerv* "Raith he called himself. The one who taught me to speak your language. Many years ago."
[19:46] <Bynw> ** END RECAP
[19:48] <Raith> ::Completely shocked:: "I uh, excuse me. Raith you said?"
[19:48] * Dr_Cross looks at the alien in puzzlement
[19:48] * Ken moves towards the group
[19:49] <Bynw> *Aerv* "Yes, do you know him?"
[19:50] * Dr_Cross nudges Raith and mouths a silent "No"
[19:51] <Raith> ::Leans down peeking under Aerv's hood quickly, he clamps his hands together and laughs nervously:: "Um. I uh...no."
[19:52] * Ken looks at Raith in shock
[19:53] <Raith> "Can you see me from under those hoods? Because I have to be honest Aerv it's, uh kinda creepy to us." ::chuckles nervously::
[19:53] * Ken leans over to Dr Dross and whispers "Why is Raith nervous?"
[19:55] * Dr_Cross shrugs, whispers "I'm getting nervous too"
[19:56] <Bynw> *Aerv* "Apologies" *he says* "It is only to keep the chill off." *he removes the hood revealing a handsome face. Sharp angular features and high cheekbones. No facial hair of any kind. But dark hair on his head cut short, very much like a military style. His ears are pointed, like that of elves from folklore.*
[19:57] <Bynw> *Aerv* "Please come aboard our ship or may we come aboard yours whichever you prefer."
[19:58] * Ken looks up with interest at mention of going inside an alien ship
[19:58] <Raith> "Well Aerv I don't...think...I know the Raith your talking about." ::Shifts his weight nervously:: "But...uh hehe I technically could....do you have a photo of this Raith?"
[20:00] <Bynw> *Aerv* "I can provide images of him on board. He is considered with honor by my people."
[20:02] <Raith> ::Motions towards Aerv's ship:: "Please lead the way Aerv."
[20:03] <Bynw> *Aerv heads back to his ship and he is rejoined by the others that came down the ramp with him. Allowing Raith's men to take up the rear.
[20:04] <Raith> ::Follows Aerv closely, biting his nails. He seems to be silently holding some kind of internal dialogue with himself as well::
[20:05] <Bynw> *the ship itself is comfortable, a higher temperature than the outside and set higher than any Alliance ship would set it. Once inside the others remove their hoods and Aerv takes that to what appears to be a lounge area. Dismissing anyone who is currently in it. So only himself and Raith's people are there.*
[20:07] <Raith> ::Seems to be ignoring his surroundings for once, he is focused solely on Aerv and appears nervous::
[20:07] * Dr_Cross looks at Aerv with interest, noting his alien features
[20:08] * Ken looks around at the ship with interest and wanders around the lounge looking at everything
[20:08] <Raith> "Well. Hehe. You said you had a picture of this other Raith fellow?"
[20:08] <Bynw> *Aerv motions for everyone to have a seat around the table* "Please have a seat" *he sets down himself flipping over a control panel*
[20:08] <Raith> ::Sits at the first avaliable seat::
[20:09] * Ken reluctantly sits down
[20:10] * Dr_Cross joins Ken... notes that Sathara has taken the seat closest to the exit
[20:13] <Raith> ::Sits biting his finger nails, a small amount of sweat beads his brow::
[20:15] <Bynw> *Aerv punches in some code on the control panel and a holographic image projects upward from the center of the table. it shows a ship ... an Alliance small scout ship, but an older one. and around it our several of Aerv's people and one human*
[20:16] * Dr_Cross discreetly points his medscanner at Raith, surprised at the high level of "agitation"
[20:16] <Raith> ::Leans forward peering hard at the human::
[20:16] * Ken looks with interest at the holoprojection
[20:21] <Bynw> *the human is in civilian dress, not an alliance uniform. Aerv focuses in more on the projected image. Seeing less of the ship and more of the people hanging in and around it. One of the aliens coming out of the ship looks almost to be a dead ringer for Aerv himself. Barely any noticeable age differences. The human as he is zoomed in on.
[20:22] <Bynw> *Looks similar in size and build to Raith. But older. Maybe his father ....*
[20:24] * Ken looks from Raith to the projection and back again.
[20:24] <Raith> ::Lets loose a loud laugh laced with panic, his eyes go wide and he pops up and out of his seat:: "Yeah, yep. YEah well that makes sense. Yep!"
[20:25] <Ken> "Cap?"
[20:25] * Dr_Cross is startled with Raith's reaction "Are you okay, Captain?"
[20:25] <Bynw> *Aerv* "You must be related to him. By blood ... you have similar features." *he says to Raith*
[20:26] <Raith> ::Begins pacing the lounge, his hand to his head and muttering to himself:: "Oh yeah. Calm down Eugene, calm down. It's close but not perfect."
[20:27] <Ken> "Doc?"
[20:27] <Raith> ::Stops and looks around the room as if noticing he's not alone for the first time, he hesitates::
[20:27] * Dr_Cross stands up
[20:28] <Dr_Cross> ... stimpack ready
[20:28] <Raith> "Okay. Uhh. Related. Um yeah. Kinda."
[20:28] * Ken raises both eyebrows
[20:29] * Dr_Cross repeats his question , approaching Raith "Are you ok, Cap?"
[20:29] <Raith> ::Chuckles nervously again:: "Yeah. I'm a clone." ::throws up his hands and smiles tightly as if saying 'surprise'::
[20:29] * Ken mouths the words 'Kinda"
[20:30] <Raith> ::Crosses his arms and waits for that to settle in with everyone::
[20:30] <Ken> "A clone?"
[20:31] <Raith> ::Nods exaggeratedly to Ken:: "Yeah."
[20:31] <Bynw> *Aerv just sits there looking at Raith, barely blinking*
[20:32] * Dr_Cross glances at Aerv, a little embarrased, turns back to Raith "Cap, do you need a sedative or something - to calm you down?"
[20:32] * Ken loks at Doc in question
[20:33] <Raith> "Doc I need a drink like a virgin on prom night needs to get laid."
[20:34] * Dr_Cross takes out a canister from his bandoleer, opens it, and lifts out a test tube... hands it over to Raith
[20:34] <Dr_Cross> "As you ordered, Captain"
[20:35] <Raith> ::Takes the tube and drinks it without a word, then continues:: "Thanks Doc. My growth tube was found on the edge of alliance space by accident by an alliance deep space scout team."
[20:36] <Raith> "I was roughly 18 at the time. I don't remember anything before they woke me and the facility was abandoned. Only thing they do know is the name on the tube. Eugene Raith. Me."
[20:37] * Ken gesturing at the holo "Are there any records of that 'Raith'?"
[20:41] <Ken> "Was it an Alliance growth tube?"
[20:44] <Raith> ::To Ken:: "No. Not that anyone knows. I looked into it. I really wasn't in a condition to scout the place and the scout team just packed me up in some blankets and took me with them. They figured I needed to be intterogated and the facility wasn't anything special. Wasn't interesting to them."
[20:46] * Dr_Cross whispers "Guys? Don't forget we're in a different ship? With an alien looking on"
[20:47] <Raith> "That's pretty much that. No ties, no answers. Until this." ::Motions to the holo projection::
[20:47] <Ken> "huh what?"
[20:47] * Ken goes back to looking at the holoprojection with some interest
[20:48] <Bynw> *the projection is just repeating the same image over again ... its on a loop*
[20:49] <Raith> ::Looks to Aerv obviously waiting for some kind of reaction::
[20:51] * Ken loks back to Aerv and then at the holo
[20:51] <Bynw> *Aerv motions again for Raith to have a seat* "Unless you prefer to stand of course"
[20:52] <Raith> ::Sighs and visible calms himself. He retakes his seat:: "Sorry you just caught me with one foot off the merry-go-round."
[20:53] <Bynw> *Aerv gets a puzzled look on his face. Not making the connection with that phrase*
[20:55] <Raith> ::Notices his puzzlement:: "uh it's a childrens ride it twirls around and around, it..." ::gives up trying to explain:: "Oh frak it."
[20:55] <Raith> "Doesn't matter."
[20:55] * Dr_Cross speaks to Aerv "Sorry, he meant he was just suprised"
[20:56] <Raith> ::Nods agreement with Dr. Cross::
[20:59] <Bynw> *Aerv* "Raith was here. And he is held in high honor among my people. We owe him much and will honor him forever."
[20:59] <Raith> "Why? What did I, I mean he do?"
[21:05] <Bynw> *Aerv say something in the language of his people* "You are not him. Even if you are a clone, you are not him. He saved our civilization from destruction. We had crashed on one moon. 4 ships and the survivors of them. No way to jump no way to get off the moon. And he came from out of the stars. We thought we were going to be enslaved or killed outright. But he was truly an alien who was honorable and noble. He gave us hope and helped us
[21:05] <Bynw> to rebuild and repair our damaged ships. He learned our language, taught us his. And told us tales of ancient sagas of his people."
[21:05] <TheDarkPowers`> Bynw: Error: No closing quotation
[21:08] <Bynw> "He stayed with us for many years and then one day left after telling us someone would come someday to offer us a place in the Alliance. Now you are here ..." *Aerv says*
[21:10] <Raith> "Uhh. Yes, yes we are."
[21:12] * Dr_Cross is dumbfounded
[21:12] * Ken looks at the holoprojector with interest
[21:13] <Raith> "I'm sorry about the...about my behavior. This is just, well it's a bit much to take in. Certainly not what I expected."
[21:14] * Dr_Cross elbows Ken, whispering "Stop looking at the holo. Think of the implications of what Aerv said"
[21:15] * Ken whispers back "I am.. new tech..."
[21:16] * Dr_Cross sighs, mutters "I can feel a headache coming"
[21:17] <Raith> ::chuckles at the dialogue between Cross and Ken, then returns his attention to Aerv:: "I'm surprised. This is all very different then I imagined it. Better then I could hope really Aerv."
[21:18] <Raith> "The Alliance would be honored to offer your people our friendship and a place in the Alliance."
[21:19] <Bynw> *Aerv touches the controls and the image winks out and another takes its place ... one of stellar cartography ... with 8 systems zoomed in on* "These are our worlds. Some 140 odd light years away from your homeworld of Aris."
[21:24] <Raith> ::Nods:: "We will be happy to share the star charts of Alliance space with you. Ken?" ::motions to the alien data pad::
[21:25] <Raith> "Would you mind if our Doctor did a quick scan of you Aerv?"
[21:25] <Bynw> *Aerv* "You may do so "
[21:25] <Ken> "This may not interface with their systems. But I can show them on it's screen."
[21:26] * Ken places the datapad face up so Aerv can see it after calling up the Alliance star system
[21:26] * Dr_Cross quickly stands up and begins circling the alien (at a respecful distance) with all sensors on
[21:28] <Raith> "Did your Raith ever show an aptitude for mental skills?"
[21:28] <Ken> "If I could examine your interface Aerv I may be able to rig a protocol bridge between the systems."
[21:29] <Bynw> *Aerv* "Mental skills?" *he asks before realizing what was meant* "Yes he took a great interest in the skills of our people that had such gifts as well."
[21:31] * Dr_Cross checks the read-outs
[21:31] <Raith> ::looks about the room::
[21:31] <Bynw> *Aerv gets up and opens up a panel on the wall* "You may see what you can do here."
[21:32] <Dr_Cross> "Hmm, he's not human"
[21:32] <Bynw> *the room is a lounge area. there are cups and other objects about it*
[21:32] <Dr_Cross> "... no pulse at all"
[21:33] * Ken gets up and moves to the panel, removing some tools from his belt as he goes
[21:33] <Dr_Cross> "... blood is not iron-based... It is nickel-based"
[21:34] <Raith> *roll 5dfv1
[21:34] <TheDarkPowers`> Raith: Great <2> (0, 0, 1, 1, 0) [5df, v1]
[21:36] <Raith> ::Several cups in the room lift into the air and begin to orbit around a central cup like a miniture solar system::
[21:36] * Ken examines the alien circuitry
[21:36] <Bynw> *Aerv looks at the floating cups and smiles.*
[21:37] <Bynw> *he touches some more controls on the panel in front of him*
[21:37] <Ken> "Aerv why are we taking off?"
[21:38] <Raith> ::They rotate for a few moments in perfect unison then their orbits begin to shift before and several cups collide and drop to the floor:: "Damn. Sorry, I'm not very good at this."
[21:38] * Dr_Cross shows the datapad of results to Raith "Not what I expected to see, Cap"
[21:39] * Dr_Cross hears Ken "What? we're taking off???"
[21:40] <Ken> "I can feel active thrusters."
[21:40] <Bynw> *the holo image again winks out and forms a new image ... this one showing the outside of a ship that fits this one's description and showing it passing through the atmosphere of a planetary body of some kind*
[21:40] <Raith> ::The rest of the cups drop as Cross breaks his already fragile concentration. he leans in and peers at the readings:: "Doc, let's pretend I have no idea what all that stuff amounts to, think you can put all this in non-doc terms?"
[21:41] * papaganoush (~papaganoush@OWIRCN-8ec41ed5.abhsia.telus.net) has joined #teara-adan
[21:42] * Dr_Cross points to the first sentence in the datapad "He is not human"
[21:42] <Raith> ::His attention shifts to the holo then to Aerv, surprise on his face::
[21:42] <Bynw> *the planetary body looks like the moon the Lady Luck landed on ... as it grows smaller and the ship stays at the center of the projection*
[21:43] <Raith> ::Glances at Cross:: "Brilliant." ::Looks back to Aerv waiting for an explination::
[21:44] <Bynw> *Aerv* "I am going to show you something since you are taking an interest." *he says to Raith*
[21:45] <Bynw> *Aerv touches some more controls and the room darkens. The holo projection fills the room so everyone can walk around it and see all the stars and planets that can be seen as if they were looking right at a 3 dimensional DRADIS image*
[21:46] * Ken stops and looks at the image in admiration.
[21:46] * *** Dr_Cross invited igor into the channel
[21:47] <Raith> ::Glances at Cross in concern. Looks about the room for a moment sizing up the lounge, then looks to the holo image::
[21:50] <Bynw> *Aerv gets up and walks around the image himself, no longer at the control panel. Then the image blinks for a moment and only the ship is there. After another few heartbeats the stars and planets realign themselves into a new configuration.*
[21:53] <Bynw> *Aerv* "There is what Raith found ... he had many long talks with us about it."
[21:53] * Ken looks at the indicated place
[21:54] <Raith> ::studies the image::
[21:55] * Dr_Cross looks on, curious and fearful at the same time
[21:55] <Bynw> *Aerv* "You don't see it yet." *he walks back to the control panel and has the image zoom out .. making the ship grow smaller and smaller until it cannot be seen. Until the original 8 star system map is shown ... this time centered on another system.* "We have jumped."
[21:56] * Ken nods
[21:58] <Bynw> *the doors to the lounge open and in walks 3 of the aliens. 2 of them are kinda holding the 3rd who looks tired and possibly injured*
[21:59] * Ken turns back to the panel and traces how the power flows now that the image is larger
[21:59] <Dr_Cross> looks at the 3, asking "What happended there?"
[21:59] <Raith> ::Smiles:: "I see."
[21:59] <Bynw> *Aerv* "This Mirh. He has not yet mastered your language. He is one of my jump adepts."
[22:00] <Raith> ::To Aerv:: "Do you even use computers to navigate?"
[22:00] * Dr_Cross approaches Mirh "What happened to him?"
[22:01] * Ken looks back over his shoulder at Aerv's comment
[22:02] * Dr_Cross begins scanning Mirh
[22:02] <Raith> "Doc. HE jumped us."
[22:03] <Bynw> *Aerv* "He just jumped this ship and is rather fatigued. He will need rest. And yes we do use them to navigate. We do have mechanical jump drives as well. Although we find them to be unreliable and not anywhere near as acurate."
[22:03] <Raith> ::He nods to the exhausted alien and smiles at him::
[22:04] <Dr_Cross> "I know that, Cap. But it took out a lot from him"
[22:07] * Dr_Cross snaps his scanner shut "Just making sure"
[22:07] * Ken continues with his work on examining the alien interface
[22:07] <Raith> ::To Aerv:: "Can you teach anyone how to jump like that?"
[22:08] * Dr_Cross listens intently
[22:09] <Bynw> *Aerv* "No. We are lucky we have anyone that can do it at all. Many of our adepts died during the catastrophe. But Raith was able to save 2 of them from the brink of death."
[22:13] <Bynw> *the holo is shut off and the lights returned to normal. the jump adept is take back out of the lounge*
[22:14] <Ken> "We are manuevering again, atmo maybe"
[22:14] <Raith> "That's incredible Aerv. What else can your people do?"
[22:16] <Bynw> *Aerv* "Telepathy is common."
[22:17] <Bynw> *Aerv* "You have a good sense about you." *he says to Ken* "We are landing again at the moon."
[22:18] <Dr_Cross> "Aerv, Is a jump Adept just fatigued? Or can he be injured or killed in the process?"
[22:21] <Ken> ::to Aerv while writing down some notes about power frequencies in the panel:: "Is your cloak also psionic? Or is it Technologically done?"
[22:21] <Bynw> *Aerv* "He can be injured or even die jumping or attempting to jump a ship."
[22:21] <Bynw> (gonna have to call it a night there ... time for bed)