Teara Adan Adventures

Archived Boards => Bynw's Game Logs => Rise of the Alliance => Topic started by: Bynw on 11 July 2010, 17:41:53

Title: Episode 5
Post by: Bynw on 11 July 2010, 17:41:53

[19:42]<Bynw> *raith sits in command of the stolen and now recovered freighter. it's cargo spilled into space in several large cargo pods ... 17 of them currently remaining floating in the black emptyness of space. Some distance way from him sits the pirate saucer shaped ship ... nearly the size of an Alliance battleship. raith's own current base of operations the ABS Xunil is still 10 minutes or so out from his position. And he sits in an unarmed, un
[19:42]<Bynw> armored ship*
[19:43]<Bynw> *the freighter's dradis is clean save for the pirate ship and the 17 cargo pods*
[19:45]<+Raith> ::hails the pirate ship:: "Is there something you want to add? Maybe it will help at your trial."
[19:47]<Bynw> *dradis indicates 3 more contacts have just jumped into the area near the cargo pods, small craft - roughly the size of Raith's own ship back at Storks Rest ... the same ships that took 3 of the cargo pods earlier and they are moving into positions near other cargo pods*
[19:47]<Bynw> *the ship-to-ship comms answer with nothing*
[19:50]<Bynw> *from the pirate ship* "If you attempt to stop us we will disable your vessel" *still in the computer generated voice*
[19:54]<Bynw> *from the pirate ship* "you may add something for your trial"
[19:54]<+Raith> ??At this rate will the Xunil get here before they recover the last of the cargo??
[19:55]<Bynw> !! at the rate it takes for the small ships to line up, dock, jump away and then jump back ... they might be able to get half of them before the Xunil arrives
[19:57]<+Raith> ::Scans the pirate ship for weapons::
[19:59]<Bynw> *since the freighter isnt a warship, its got limited sensors but even with them the pirate ship has a multitude of visible around it plus several ports that look like they could be missle launch tubes ... it is a designed to give the appearance of a warship
[20:01]<Bynw> !! if it is as it appears, it could have destroyed the freighter already
[20:01]<+Raith> ??any escape pods left??
[20:02]<Bynw> !! yes there is one pod left but no where for it to go ... they are short range pods ... you are not in orbit of any planet or moon currently just empty black space
[20:03]<Bynw> *the 3 ships jump away with 3 cargo pods ... now leaving 14 of the original 20 behind
[20:03]<Bynw> *comms* "What is your designation and function?"
[20:07]<+Raith> ::Over the comm:: "Why would I tell you anything?"
[20:09]<Bynw> *comms* "Why have you not left yet? To rescue the crew of the freighters?"
[20:10]<+Raith> ::Comm:: "I'm deciding weather I should ram your ships or the cargo, or not. Why didn't you kill me?"
[20:13]<Bynw> *comms* "We do not wish bloodshed"
[20:15]<+Raith> ::comm:: "How noble."
[20:19]<+Raith> ::Waits for the Xunil::
[20:21]<Bynw> *comms* "You are a soldier ... you did not flee, you attempted to ram a much larger vessel with a completely unarmed vessel. only a soldier would do such a thing. it is honorable and noble of you."
[20:25]<+Raith> ::Comm:: "Yeah that means a lot coming from a pirate that doesn't want bloodshed. How's that work? You a soldier too then?"
[20:25]<Bynw> !! the smaller ships should be jumping back in a few minutes
[20:29]<+Raith> "My name is Raith. You got a name or should I just call you numb nuts?"
[20:29]<Bynw> "we are the Klade"
[20:31]<+Raith> ::His brow furrows in thought and he sits for a moment before touching the comm button again:: "We? Are you organic?"
[20:31]<Bynw> *the 3 ships jump back into the area near the cargo pods*
[20:32]<Bynw> *the computer generated voice responds with an affermitive*
[20:34]<+Raith> ??anyway to scan for lifesigns on those smaller ships??
[20:37]<Bynw> !! yes
[20:37]<+Raith> ::Scan the smaller ships for lifesigns, then the larger one::
[20:38]<Bynw> !! you wont need to roll it at all
[20:39]<Bynw> *the smaller ships register as lifeless ... nothing living on them. the larger ship has lifeforms, the exact number and type is not determinable due to the sensor suite of the freighter*
[20:41]<+Raith> ??Anyway to tell if the smaller ships (drones i assume) are remote controlled and if so anyway to much up the signal??
[20:41]<+Raith> (muck up)
[20:41]<Bynw> *the smaller ships are almost in position and docking with the cargo pods*
[20:41]<Bynw> (( yes you would need to roll your communication skill for that one ))
[20:42]<+Raith> roll 5df-
[20:42]<+BoxCars> Raith rolls 5df- and gets (+)(-)(-)( )(-) Terrible
[20:42]<+Raith> (ouch)
[20:43]<Bynw> *your comm panel has shorted out ... it will take a few minutes to fix (another roll too)
[20:44]<Bynw> *the small ships jump away ... by the time they jump back, the Xunil will be here and may be here even by the time you fix your comm panel, but right now you cant communicate with anyone*
[20:48]<+Raith> "Crap! Damn mining ship! Piece of civilian vomit!" ::starts trying to fix the comm panel::
[20:48]<+Raith> roll 5df-
[20:48]<+BoxCars> Raith rolls 5df- and gets (-)(-)( )(-)(+) Terrible
[20:49]<+Raith> (wow, that's impressive in it's suck-i-tude)
[20:50]<Bynw> *as Raith continues to make his repairs to comms panel he discovers why it shorted out ... its a jury rigged piece of crap to begin with *
[20:51]<+Raith> ::holding up a mess of wires that still smoke gently from shorting out, a look of surprise on his face:: "You have to be kidding me..."
[20:52]<Bynw> *dradis contact alert ... another ship has jumped into the area ... in between the freighter and the cargo pods*
[20:57]<+Raith> ::flashes the landing beacons on the frieghter with morris code. sending 'SOS. Pirates.'::
[20:59]<Bynw> *the other ship that jumped in is the Xunil. it flashes its lights back at you. 'What is your situation Lt?'
[21:01]<Bynw> !! you can roll again on your comm repair
[21:01]<+Raith> roll 5df-
[21:01]<+BoxCars> Raith rolls 5df- and gets ( )( )(+)( )( ) Fair
[21:02]<Bynw> *comms are back online just as dradis reports 3 more contacts*
[21:03]<Bynw> *comms " ... Lt Raith can you read, this is Xunil over"
[21:04]* WarLord1 (~WarLord@48DFF2.199311.CA8536.6482F3) has left #Teara-Adan ("Leaving.")
[21:04]<+Raith> ::Comms to Xunil:: "I read you Xunil. Lt. Raith here. I'm fine. Do you have the pirate ship on dradis?"
[21:05]<Bynw> *Comms background as the message repeats* "3 more contact on Dradis sir ... and then the Xunil answers. Yes we have the a very large ship and now 3 more just jumped in near what look like your cargo pods ..what's going on?"
[21:07]<+Raith> ::Comms::"Xunil those ships are pirates stealing cargo. Take appropriate measures."
[21:08]<Bynw> *dradis confirms the 3 ships are stationary*
[21:09]<Bynw> *Xunil is launching its fighters and the 3 ships turn toward the large pirate ship and head for it ... dradis now has a lot of contacts*
[21:09]<+Raith> ::Comms:: "They have assaulted my ship and identified themselves as Klade, whatever that means. They have made no move to fire on me or harm me yet."
[21:10]<+Raith> ::Comm:: "Xunil the smaller ships are drones, jam their controls."
[21:10]<Bynw> *Xunil* "CAG do not pursue beyond the cargo pods. stay there and patrol them"
[21:11]<+Raith> ::Comm:: "Xunil CAG, we need those drones nav computers intact."
[21:11]<Bynw> *Xunil to Raith* "Unable to determine a control frequency but confirm no lifeforms on the smaller ships"
[21:12]<Bynw> *over the ship to ship comms, main frequency* "We will communicate with Raith."
[21:14]<Bynw> *Xunil responds* "This is the Alliance Battleship Xunil. You will provide us with the location of the stolen ore and all ship crews, alive or dead."
[21:14]<+Raith> ::Fires the manuvering thrusters and brings the freighter behind the Xunil and out of firing sight of the pirate vessels::
[21:15]<+Raith> ::Comm, main channel:: "This is Lt. Raith os the alliance navy. Got some more deductions for me smart ass?"
[21:16]<Bynw> *pirate* "We will negotiate with you Raith. Otherwise there will be bloodshed"
[21:17]<+Raith> ::Scoffs, says to himself off the comm:: "Quite the pair of ding-dongs on this one."
[21:18]<+Raith> ::Comm, main channel:: "Go ahead Klade, lets hear your BS."
[21:18]<Bynw> *pirate* "we will take the remaining cargo pods and then return your freighters and not destroy the mining of the moons you have setup the system you call Storks Rest"
[21:22]<Bynw> *pirate* "we are well aware of the mineral deposits located in the moons of that system. we will accept your presence there as a measure of peace and good will if you accept these terms"
[21:23]<+Raith> ::Comm, main channel:: "Let me get this straight. Your going to take all the stuff you want while we sit with our thumbs in our butts and in return you promise not to murder innocent civilians in cold blood? You trying to say your staking claim to those planets?"
[21:24]<+Raith> ??These comms got a video feed as well as an audio??
[21:26]<Bynw> !! these are audio only
[21:27]<Bynw> (( afk for a sec ))
[21:32]<Bynw> *pirates* "That is correct. We have mined the moons in that system for generations. Your payment to stay is this cargo."
[21:33]<+Raith> ::To himself:: "Generations..."
[21:35]<+Raith> ::Closed comm channel to Xunil only:: "Xunil can you give me a classification and manufacturer for those ships?"
[21:41]<Bynw> *xunil* "running now"
[21:45]<Bynw> *xunil* "no known ... these ships are new to our databases"
[21:48]<Bynw> *xunil* "the ship has several energy weapons as well"
[21:50]<+Raith> ::His jaw drops and he stares out the window at the ships for a moment:: "It can't be, no way. The guys in the CAG are going to laugh their asses off at me if I'm wrong..."
[21:53]<+Raith> ::Comm, main channel:: "Klade, are you claiming to be non-human?"
[21:57]<Bynw> *klade* "we are not of your people or your alliance. we are similar in appearance only."
[21:59]<+Raith> "You have got to be kidding me...."
[22:01]<+Raith> ::comm main channel:: "...that's a great story. In that case we should exchange ambassadors. Do you agree?"