Teara Adan Adventures

Archived Boards => Bynw's Game Logs => The Winds of Change => Topic started by: Bynw on 08 November 2006, 19:48:36

Title: Episode 31
Post by: Bynw on 08 November 2006, 19:48:36
 [19:15:57] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #Teara-Adan with 1300ms delay
[19:15:58] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:15:59] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:01] <.Bynw> |   The Winds of Change - Episode 31
[19:16:02] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:03] <.Bynw> | Beginning Adventure Recap
[19:16:05] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:06] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:16:07] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:09] <.Bynw> | A week has past since the Adanian Envoy
[19:16:10] <.Bynw> | vanished from Warp Wood. No official
[19:16:11] <.Bynw> | word has come from Adan or the Empire
[19:16:13] <.Bynw> | regarding anything about the Envoy or
[19:16:14] <.Bynw> | his diplomatic mission.
[19:16:15] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:17] <.Bynw> | Work has continued on rebuilding the 
[19:16:18] <.Bynw> | capital and other coastal towns of
[19:16:19] <.Bynw> | the nation. The druids have come out
[19:16:20] <.Bynw> | to help with some of the damaged
[19:16:22] <.Bynw> | croplands but take no other action 
[19:16:23] <.Bynw> | save to to say this is the only storm
[19:16:24] <.Bynw> | that will hit this season.
[19:16:26] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:27] <.Bynw> | The harbor and docks have been rebuilt
[19:16:28] <.Bynw> | but the harbor needs a good dredging.
[19:16:30] <.Bynw> | Ships have found the remains of the
[19:16:31] <.Bynw> | Adanian vessel, it was lost with all
[19:16:32] <.Bynw> | hands, save for the Envoy who teleported
[19:16:34] <.Bynw> | off before the ship was sunk in the storm.
[19:16:35] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:36] <.Bynw> | 
[19:16:38] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:16:39] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:40] <.Bynw> |   Today's Game Date: 7 Octobre 461 NE
[19:16:41] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:43] <.Bynw> |   End of Adventure Recap
[19:16:44] <.Bynw> |
[19:16:45] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:16:45] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[19:20:35] <.Bynw> *the weather is only slightly cooler than the summer months since autumn has begun in Warp Wood. But the jungles and swamps keep things warm year round*
[19:20:39] * +Charissa walks into the Great Hall to see if there are any town officials assembled there yet
[19:20:50] * +Ryethon walks into the kitchen seeking black bean tea, and a bit of tobacco
[19:21:07] * +Seth is taking his afternoon lunch in the great hall
[19:22:05] <+Seth> ::Rises and wipes his mouth with a napkin quickly as Charissa enters, then bows at the hip:: "Your Majesty."
[19:22:20] * +Kevin walks into the Great Hall in due time, after a long sleep from the work of the past week
[19:22:42] <+Charissa> "Hello Seth.  Any news on the dock progress?"
[19:23:48] <.Bynw> *the daily meetings with the nation's officials from various towns since the storm will not be held until later in the afternoon. Many are home assessing the rest of the damage that yet needs to be repaired
[19:23:51] * +Coch has returned from visiting the fishing village where his advisor resides
[19:25:32] * +Seth has been noticeably absent from the majority of the work of rebuilding. Though often drinking and carousing with the local populace in the tavern until late at night
[19:26:08] * +Jack is already at the harbor helping with the work.
[19:27:43] <+Seth> ::Looks confused for a moment, then smiles widely:: "Oh yes, the dock. It's going well your majesty. We have our best men on it."
[19:27:50] * +Ryethon finds his tea and tobacco, and wanders into the great hall tamping a pipe
[19:28:09] <+Charissa> ::nods:: "Good to hear Seth"
[19:28:30] <+Ryethon> "By "our best men" he of course means Jack."
[19:28:50] * +Kevin converses with a servant and asks whether Jack has left yet, and, pon getting an answer of "Yes" says to the other lords, "I am going to go help at the harbors with Jack."
[19:28:59] <+Charissa> "Of course.  I figured Seth wouldn't be up early enough to be of any use"
[19:29:11] <+Seth> ::Continues as Ryethon enters, throwing him a sour glance:: "Though I must say this storm has brought the royal treasury low."
[19:30:06] <+Charissa> "Well, Seth, you shall have to see to the increase in commerce so it can increase the coffers that pay for your needs"
[19:30:44] <+Seth> "Our trade road project will be delayed." ::Takes a drink of wine and eyes Charissa as she comments:: "Uh, well I have to be the face of the kingdom. Calming the peasents worries and assuring them that men like Jack will be helping."
[19:32:06] <+Ryethon> "And with the empire up to who knows what we are at a bit of a loss really."
[19:32:15] <+Charissa> "that is all well and good, but you are very well suited to opening up trade avenues that would increase the Kingdom's revenues...don't forget to do that while you are out and about"
[19:32:29] <+Seth> "Ah yes, commerce." ::he smiles like a cat that has spied a mouse:: "I'm glad you brought the subject up your majesty."
[19:33:04] <+Charissa> "I'm glad that pleases you"
[19:34:02] <+Seth> "General Ryethon had an idea to increase commerce the other day. I think it might do us well."
[19:34:36] <+Charissa> "Oh?"  ::turns to Ryethon::  "Would you care to elaborate on your plan, General?"
[19:34:42] <+Ryethon> "Yes, Coch and I have been drawing up plans for increasing out military might."
[19:35:19] <+Seth> "We have no real threat from outside invasion. No one wants to slug through the toilet that is our back yard to win this cursed land. I think training our men for mercenary work might do us well."
[19:35:59] <+Charissa> "interesting proposal.  I will have to think on it a bit and of course, everyone of the Lords will have to agree to it."
[19:36:06] <+Seth> "I thought perhaps we could use some of our very limited funds to hire some outside mercenaries and bring them in to teach our men."
[19:36:35] <+Seth> "I think I have just the men we may want. Though these types tend to be bought up quickly."
[19:36:38] <+Charissa> "We shall have to wait until the other Lords are back to discuss this"
[19:37:00] <+Ryethon> "Hmm, no, that would expose our defenses to the next person who hires those mercenaries/"
[19:37:56] <+Coch> 'Perhaps as an immediate fix we should offer a discount tax rate for the year if a person has the resources to pay in full now based on the previous years payment?"
[19:38:22] <+Seth> "We can train them in the country. Outside the Palace and bulwark the Mercenaries there."
[19:38:41] <+Charissa> "We need to wait until Jack is here to discuss this"
[19:38:50] <+Seth> "We need revenue not less taxes!"
[19:39:03] <+Ryethon> "That is a good thought Coch, Seth that might work."
[19:39:27] <+Coch> "If they pay immediately it is revenue and revenue we need now"
[19:40:15] <+Coch> "But just an idea I tossed out"
[19:40:24] <+Charissa> "that is a sound idea"
[19:42:53] <+Ryethon> "On that note, we should begin building facilities to house our troops."
[19:43:19] <+Charissa> "not yet.  We need to wait to hear the views of EVERY Lord on this matter"
[19:43:44] <+Ryethon> "Shall we send a messneger for Jack and Kevin?"
[19:43:47] <+Seth> "Our troops need exercise and unity, let them build their shelters."
[19:43:56] <+Charissa> "Aye.  Send a messenger"
[19:44:00] <+Seth> ::Takes another drink of his wine::
[19:44:07] <+Ryethon> "That was my idea Seth."
[19:44:30] * +Seth nods to Ryethon
[19:46:04] <+Coch> "Seth I agree with you on that point, they will be toughened up by sleeping in the elements until their living quarters are done"
[19:46:21] <+Ryethon> ditches...
[19:47:04] <+Ryethon> "Make them dig their barracks into the ground, easier to conseal that way."
[19:48:28] <+Ryethon> "Throw earth on top of the building and plant a field on it. Make them tend the field too."
[19:51:09] <+Ryethon> "Not that tending a field will be strange to most of them."
[19:54:37] * +Jack gets back, swings by the kitchen for some OJ, then heads for the great hall.
[19:55:02] * +Seth nods to jack as he enters and takes a drink of his wine
[19:55:26] * +Kevin follows Jack in, but heads straight to the Great Hall
[19:55:27] <+Charissa> "Jack, glad to see you've made it back."
[19:55:31] <+Jack> "Well, the work on the harbor is almost done."
[19:56:00] <+Jack> "Just one leeetle thing left to do."
[19:56:18] <+Charissa> "what may that be?"
[19:56:56] <+Jack> "Well, the harbor needs dredged big time.  Ships are refusing to dock in the shallow water and going elsewhere."
[19:57:22] <+Ryethon> "Yet another use for idle troops."
[19:57:28] <+Charissa> "ah..alright..I'm sure you've got ideas for it, so I'll leave that in your most capable hands"
[19:57:56] <.Bynw> *the chamberlain enters the great hall and bows for the queen and lords* "Your Majesty."
[19:58:24] <+Seth> "Well lets not give our troops the idea that they will be used for slave labor, we might have some problems gathering men for the job."
[19:58:27] <+Jack> "I talked to the harbor master and what we need is a dredge from Corasai.  But that's gonna be more money.  Just wanted the approval of the whole group before going ahead with it."
[19:59:13] <+Charissa> "I think we need to spend for the dredge.  What say you?" ::turns to the others::
[19:59:21] <+Ryethon> " Seth not slave labor, relief aid. Most will see that they are helping their very own families in situations like this."
[19:59:55] <+Ryethon> "I agree, we should definatly spend the money on a dredge."
[20:00:20] <+Kevin> "Aye."
[20:01:08] <+Seth> ::Smiles at Ryethon:: "I like how you think General."
[20:01:38] <+Seth> "I'd like to know what kind of budget we will have for our mercenaries if we spend on this Dredge?"
[20:02:33] <+Jack> "More than we have if we don't in the long run.  The harbor is losing business and that's loss of revenue right there."
[20:02:51] <+Charissa> "the dredge is a necessity.  Jack, Kevin, Seth and Ryethon think training the men as mercenaries might be a way of increasing our revenue--what say you?"
[20:03:38] <.Bynw> *the chamberlain coughs*
[20:03:51] <+Charissa> "yes?"
[20:04:36] * +Jack looks to the Chamberlain as he considers the mercenary proposal.
[20:05:10] * +Kevin sits down, and begins to think on the matter
[20:06:04] <.Bynw> *chamberlain* "Your Majesty. There is a Master Sloan of Halifax wishing to speak with you and the lords."
[20:06:19] <+Charissa> "send him in."
[20:06:36] <+Charissa> "we shall have to wait to discuss this.  Let's see what this Master Sloan has to say."
[20:06:38] <+Kevin> "I shall give my answer after this diversion."
[20:06:53] <+Jack> "Agreed."
[20:08:39] * +Seth nods in agreement
[20:08:43] <.Bynw> *the chamberlain opens the door and announces Master Sloan's arrival to the Lords. Sloan himself, is dressed as a typical merchant. He is an older man somewhere in his late 40s with short grey hair and green eyes. He bows as he enters*
[20:09:17] * +Ryethon strikes a flame, glares as it goes out, tries again and succeeds in lighting his pipe.
[20:10:26] * +Ryethon stands
[20:10:43] <+Ryethon> "Good day Master Sloan."
[20:11:05] <.Bynw> *Sloan* "Your Majesty. I am Master Sloan Seafort of Halifax." *he says with a bow, I've heard tale of some interesting proposals that you have here ..."
[20:11:06] * +Seth leans to a servant and asks that he fetch Master Adrian Sprax to him, immediately
[20:11:28] * +Ryethon returns to his seat
[20:13:18] <+Jack> "Indeed have you, Master Sloan?"
[20:14:06] <+Seth> ::he mutters into his cup as he takes a drink:: "It's like a ghostly hand of a traitor reaching out to de-man us..."
[20:14:09] <+Charissa> "go on, Master Sloan"
[20:15:17] <.Bynw> *Sloan* "I'm sure by now you have heard many proposals. So I will just get to the point. Your ideas of a trade road in the Territories is grand idea and we can help make it a reality"
[20:16:52] <+Ryethon> "So we keep hearing. And what would you price be?"
[20:17:00] <+Charissa> "Well, if you've noticed, we have a lot of storm damage at the moment.  We are going to be working to fix that first before any trade route proposals are even considered."
[20:17:44] <.Bynw> "I had noticed the harbor most certainly when my ship docked." *he says*
[20:18:15] <+Jack> "Yes, we're working on the harbor.  I'm planning to hire a dredge in Corasai."
[20:20:34] <.Bynw> "We will have it dredged. No cost to you at all. A gesture of good will and faith. However, we will supply the materials needed to build and maintain the trade road. That will be a 25% cut fo
[20:20:45] <.Bynw> (( ack ))
[20:21:17] <.Bynw> "That will be a 25% cut of any profit made through its use."
[20:21:27] <+Charissa> "that's rather steep"
[20:21:31] <+Ryethon> "As for the road, I can take you on a tour of the land where it will run, but I hope you broght more boots, and like leaches."
[20:22:24] <+Jack> "Yeah, you really should see the territory.  If you still think it's feasible after that, we can talk."
[20:22:39] <+Seth> "How?" ::he speaks loudly::
[20:23:22] <.Bynw> *he nodes to Ryethon* "We scryed its location already so we know the kind of territory it would run through. That," *he turns to the queen* "is why it is 'rather steep'."
[20:23:57] <+Charissa> "hmmn...we shall have to think long and hard on this"
[20:24:30] <+Coch> "Master Sloan who is involved in the "we" you speak about?"
[20:25:18] <+Seth> ::he mutters about being ingnored and again speaks up:: "How would go about building it, Master Sloan?" ::he puts emphasis on the last two words::
[20:25:40] <.Bynw> "Very well. However we will dredge your harbor. Seafort Mercantile Holdings of course. Our family owned shipping business."
[20:26:17] <+Coch> "Thank you Master Sloan and my apologies for interrupting Lord Seth"
[20:26:34] * +Kevin stays quiet, and listens to the conversation
[20:26:49] <+Ryethon> "And if you default on your agreement? A contractural agreement would need to cover this possible outcome."
[20:26:56] <.Bynw> *adrian slips into the great hall and comes up to Seth*
[20:28:01] <.Bynw> "A full contract would be drawn up to insure that both parties would up hold their side of the charter" *he says*
[20:28:51] <+Seth> ::Leans into whisper with Adrian:: "Another blasted vulture come to haunt us from the late great General. You know anything about a Seafort shipping?"
[20:30:26] <.Bynw> *Adrian's eyebrow raises. Seafort? I know the name. Very wealthy and powerful merchant family from the Great Lake area. Doing most of the business of rebuilding Quiette Castle in Einar. Along with the Rochelle's, their counterparts in Einar itself." *he whispers back to Seth*
[20:33:22] <.Bynw> *Sloan looks back and forth to the various lords and the queen*
[20:33:37] <+Seth> ::He nods and whispers back:: "An independant merchant then? But, not someone who would be opposed to our business?"
[20:34:32] <.Bynw> *Adrian whispers back to Seth* "I'm sure he is motivated by profit."
[20:35:08] <+Coch> "Master Sloan may I offer you a drink?"
[20:35:11] <+Seth> ::He again leans back to the table and quickly cover a smile with a stone poker face::
[20:35:34] <.Bynw> *sloan nods to Coch*
[20:36:06] * +Coch signals a servant to get wine for Master Sloan
[20:36:53] <.Bynw> *Sloan takes a drink of the wine offered to him* "A local vintage." *he shrugs* "Not bad at all."
[20:37:45] <+Jack> In fact, Master Sloan, unless we have other questions now, I'd propose we take time to consider your proposal, then let you know our decision over dinner, and finalize the deal if we decide to go with your proposal."
[20:38:12] <+Seth> ::Motions to the servant:: "Go to my chaimbers and bring me a selection of my personal stock for Master Sloan." ::Stands now to make sure he has attentions, though his wine cup comes with him:: "Master Sloan, How would you build this road if I may inquire? I only ask because we are far from Halifax and 
[20:38:36] <+Seth> That is a long distance from here."
[20:39:16] <+Seth> "Our own projections say we couldn't expect the road to be complete before ten years."
[20:41:07] <.Bynw> "Very good." *he sets the goblet down* "Make sure you clear the harbor of any ships before sunset....You're projections do not include magical means or very limited magical means. Our family has its own cadre of wizards who will assist on it."
[20:42:15] * +Jack calls a servant. "Tell the harbor master to clear the harbor by sunset. Tell him someone is coming to dredge it."
[20:42:39] <+Seth> ::He raises an eyebrow:: "Spectrals, Master Sloan?"
[20:43:51] <.Bynw> *Sloan* "The Spectrals cost money to work their magic for others, even if they gain some benefit out of it. We would use family."
[20:47:16] <+Seth> ::Nods, but keeps his stone face:: "We can only provide you a road as far inland as our boarders. Do you have plans to extend it farther?"
[20:48:00] <.Bynw> "That would depend on the political situation when we reach the boarders. This is the territories after all. Boarders change here."
[20:49:50] <+Jack> "That's a point, of course . . . "
[20:50:36] <.Bynw> *he nods* "I shall take my leave and allow you to discuss it. I shall be staying at the inn since my ship will be out to sea tonight. Good day"
[20:51:13] <+Jack> "Good to meet you, Master Sloan.  See you at supper, then?"
[20:51:44] <+Charissa> "Aye.  Good to meet you"
[20:52:08] <.Bynw> "Yes I shall return to sup with you all."
[20:52:18] <+Seth> ::Bows to Sloan as he exits::
[20:52:21] <.Bynw> *master sloan is escorted out by the chamberlain*
[20:52:41] <+Seth> ::Takes his seat again and smiles now::
[20:52:43] <+Ryethon> "What did that damn fool tell them that we had?"
[20:53:03] <+Ryethon> "Or what is it we have that we don't know about?"
[20:53:14] <+Charissa> "aye...that's more like it Ryethon"
[20:54:27] <+Jack> "Well, on the surface, I'm for it.  Private merchants, interested in profit, not politics.  But I'm still open to your opinions."
[20:54:57] <+Ryethon> "There is something afoot here... and I for one would love to know what it is."
[20:55:19] <+Jack> "Whatever it is, we would get a cut of it."
[20:55:26] <.Bynw> *Master Adrian* "My Lords, if you forgive the interruption. What Warp Wood possesses is alot of resources in the swamps and jungles."
[20:55:57] <+Jack> "Interrupt away, Master Sprax.  We need good information."
[20:57:11] <+Seth> ::Nods as if he has already heard this, but allows Marshal Sprax to continue::
[20:58:34] <.Bynw> *he nods to Jack* "The jungles and swamps are full of things that cannot be found in the Empire or the Southlands. We are the middle. Some of our woods have long been used in shipbuilding and is sought after still. That is what we have that makes such a venture worth the risk."
[20:59:27] <+Ryethon> "I can't help but feel that there is more to it than that."
[21:01:24] <.Bynw> "You know the swamps. You know the value of what grows and lives in them. That's why the Druids and the Maxim are at odds. The Maxium wants the resources of the swamps and jungles and takes them."
[21:02:19] <+Kevin> "I bet there is more undiscovered resources out there as well."
[21:02:26] <+Coch> "I think we may have no choice, however, I think we should require one of Master Sloan's siblings or offspring to live here in our town for Warp Wood's safety and secondly, none of his goods should be counted towards the 25% cut, I can't see him being paid for making money"
[21:02:38] <+Seth> "He's right Ryethon. Your not a mage so you may not understand, but Warp Wood is full of very sought after elements if you know what to look for."
[21:03:22] <+Ryethon> "Good ideas there Coch."
[21:03:33] <+Seth> "Yes Coch and we should retain the right to tax his goods still."
[21:03:46] <+Charissa> "agreed"
[21:04:38] <+Seth> "We'll have to negotiate for it though and we may not get just what we want. But 75% is more than 0% which is what we'd see in the coming ten years without help."
[21:05:20] <+Jack> Yeah, and we need money.
[21:05:21] <+Kevin> "But, unless we do something to break the charter, in the extreme large run w would lose drastic amounts of money."
[21:05:54] <+Charissa> "we can have it limited to 10 or 20 years after they are finished building it"
[21:06:08] <+Kevin> "I would rather pay someone to do it, in yearly payments."
[21:06:54] <+Ryethon> "They say they will maintain it. That by its self is a huge investement."
[21:07:15] <.Bynw> *Adrian* "You don't want someone to come in and just build this road and then leave. The maintenance of the road due to the swamps will be a nightmare."
[21:09:21] <.Bynw> *Adrian* "Lord Kevin. As a merchant. I would gladly accept the terms of a contract whereby I would be paid yearly a certain fixed sum." *he says while gesturing to himself* "I win no mater what the outcome would be. If its a bad year for you. You would still own me the annual duty."
[21:09:54] <+Seth> "I think Adrian is right."
[21:10:08] <+Kevin> "I am not learned in the arts of merchantry, so I am giving a neutral perspective."
[21:10:20] <+Seth> "We can carefully word this contract though..."
[21:11:36] <+Kevin> "I htink we should make the contract for so many years, and make it renewable under certain terms. That way, if something can go horribly wrong or too good for 25%, we can change it."
[21:11:43] <+Seth> "He did not specify that he wanted 25% of the roads profits. If we specify 25% of the harbors profits we can extend the road later and make a tidy sum without paying the tax."
[21:13:57] <.Bynw> (( we will continute next week ))
[21:14:03] <+Seth> "If the Seafort shipping company is to maintain the road they will want a continuous percentage of the profits."