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Session 2

Started by Bynw, 14 March 2013, 19:13:44

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20:06 <~bynw> ***************************************
20:06 <~bynw> ***          previoulsy ...         ***
20:06 <~bynw> ******      Imperial Dreams      ******
20:06 <~bynw> ***  Tolsin, Abronn, Adanac Empire  ***
20:06 <~bynw> ***************************************
20:06 <~bynw> During the day long celebration of the
20:06 <~bynw> Liberation Day. The Captain-Mistress,
20:06 <~bynw> Alianna Rudhira, of the privateer
20:06 <~bynw> schooner Aenor has come to Tolsin.
20:06 <~bynw> .
20:06 <~bynw> Like many, she and her crew come for
20:06 <~bynw> the celebration. Free ale in the
20:06 <~bynw> taverns and the general festives for a
20:06 <~bynw> little R & R. But she is also here to
20:06 <~bynw> find replacement crewmen for her ship.
20:06 <~bynw> .
20:06 <~bynw> A chance meeting with someone
20:06 <~bynw> teleporting into the harbor and missing
20:06 <~bynw> the docks. Lead her to a discussion
20:06 <~bynw> on adventures with the stranger who calls
20:06 <~bynw> himself Alderic Gibran.
20:06 <~bynw> ***************************************
20:06 <~bynw> ***************************************
20:07 <~bynw> *the tavern is full during the afternoon. people coming in and out for the ale. singing songs and generally having a good time.*
20:08 < Alderic> "Your ship?
20:08 < Alderic> "
20:09 < Alianna> "You understand, not only do I sail because I love it, I also have a certain obligation to my ship and my crew.  Any half-decent captain would feel the same."
20:23 < Alderic> "Never found much use for sailing. Why not give up your boat for a bit? I'm sure someone else could captain her for a bit."
20:25 < Alianna> "You sure you wouldn't want the transport capabilities?  She's agile and quick."
20:27 < Alderic> ::Drinks from his ale:: "I can travel from one side of Adan to another in the blink of an eye. How's that for agile and quick."
20:27  * Alianna quirks an eyebrow at Alderic.
20:28 < Alianna> "Accurately?"
20:29 < Alderic> "Give up the ship, and be my guide and when we are done I'll fit your ship anyway you like. Silk sails? Captain quarters of mahogany?"
20:30 <~bynw> ::one of the serving ladys comes around to refill any empty or low cups::
20:30 < Alderic> ::holds out his mug for a refill::
20:32 <~bynw> ::it gets filled to the top with a smile::
20:32  * Alianna slips the serving girl a couple of coins.
20:33 < Alianna> "The captain's quarters are already pretty luxurious, and good sturdy canvas tears less easily than silk."  She smiles.  "But tell me what you're looking for in a guide."
20:36 -!- Knaight [~K@OWIRCN-50a2a28d.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #teara-adan
20:42 < Alderic> ::Sighs and sips his ale:: "I'm not from around here. in case you missed that part."
20:43  * Alianna grins.  "Yeah, I figured that out."
20:45 < Alderic> "Are you aware of the problems the realm has been having with portals?"
20:45 < Alianna> "Vaguely.  I can operate a Portal, but I'd honestly rather either sail or walk."
20:49 < Alderic> ::Sputters and chokes a bit on his ale, he wipes the back of his mouth with his hand:: "Walk!? Rather then use a portal? Seriously?"
20:59  * Alianna grins again.  "It makes my stomach queasy.  I never get seasick, never have, but Portal travel makes me feel weird."
21:01 < Alderic> ::Laughs heartily::
21:01  * Alianna laughs along.
21:06 < Alderic> ::Settles in and leans in close to alianna, his golden, slitted eyes, hold the candle light and seem to hold a wicked gleam:: "I'm here in Adan to see if I can cure the problem with the portals. If someone doesn't it will spread, who knows how many deryni will die. Many of the Anadari already have, the order is on the verge of collapse."
21:10 < Alderic> "I believe I can help, but I don't know Adan well, not like a well travelled, well heeled ships captain who's been in every ports on the coast. I'm asking for your help. Help in saving Deryni across the face of Adan and possibly the order of Anadari itself."
21:10  * Alianna looks alarmed.  "Seriously?  I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was THAT bad."
21:11  * Alianna sits back and sips her ale, taking a moment to think.
21:12  * Alianna regards Alderic with discernment in her emerald eyes.  "And you've already said you'd make it worth my while.  What exactly do you need to do?"
21:17 < Kagi> "For the moment. Travel to Polaris. Do you know it?"
21:21 -!- Kagi is now known as Aldaric
21:24 < Alianna> "Not really.  I've heard of it, but I know I couldn't get a ship there."
21:27 < Aldaric> ::Nods and sips his ale:: "Right. After that I'm not sure where I'll go. To the Spectrals maybe, maybe not. I need answers."
21:27 < Alianna> "Is that where you were trying to go when you teleported quite literally into the harbour?"
21:31 < Aldaric> ::Chuckles:: "Yep."
21:32 < Alianna> "That's part of why
21:32 < Alianna> "I don't like teleportation."
21:32  * Alianna grins again.
21:57 < Aldaric> ::Shrugs:: "You can't sail to Polaris."
21:59 < Aldaric> "My father suspects someone created this plague. Whoever did, has to be stopped. And we don't have time to sail everywhere I'm afraid."
22:01 < Alianna> "Understandable."
22:02 < Alianna> "If it's a port city, why can't you sail there?"
22:02 < Aldaric> ::Shrugs:: "You humans, A prince comes along and offers you a once in a lifetime chance to wisk across the face of Adan on an adventure more grand then your wildest imaginings, to see sights few ever even hear of much less see, and a chance to save the realm, maybe the world and you tremble at the thought of leaving the familiar life you live."
22:03 < Alianna> "Not at all.  Like any sailor, I thrive on the unknown.  I just like to see what's on the horizon, so to speak."
22:03 < Aldaric> "Polaris is warded, no ship can sail there without the masters willing it so."
22:04 < Alianna> "In any case, my first mate is a capable man.  I just need to speak with him about a few things in my absence."
22:05 < Aldaric> ::Chuckles to himself:: "Horizon. oh how many times I've heard that word I couldn't tell you."
22:05  * Alianna quirks an eyebrow at Aldaric.
22:07 < Aldaric> ::Looks questioningly back at Alianna:: "You're not well read on the Anadari are you?"
22:07 < Alianna> "Not really, no."
22:13 < Aldaric> ::Waves it off:: "Not important really."
22:14  * Alianna makes an odd face.
22:14 < Aldaric> ::Puts down his ale:: "I believe I'm ready to try again, when you are. You said something about talking to your first mate?
22:14 < Aldaric> "
22:15 < Alianna> "Yes.  Let me go back to the Aenor, find him and do what I need to do, and then we'll be off."
22:18  * Alianna finishes off her mug of ale and waves the serving girl over to give her a few more coins.
22:20 <~bynw> :;she happily takes the coins::
22:21  * Alianna stands and leaves the tavern, headed back toward the slip where the Aenor is anchored.
22:22 < Alianna> ::Once on the Aenor, she finds Tylan, her first mate, refreshes his memory on how to use the device to keep the ship safe, and tells him of her plans to go adventuring.  Tylan is skeptical but too well trained to question Alianna too closely.
22:24  * Alianna reassures Tylan that she will be fine and that it could well bring the ship and crew some nice booty.

Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member