Teara Adan Adventures

Archived Boards => Bynw's Game Logs => Rise of the Alliance => Topic started by: Bynw on 11 July 2010, 17:55:27

Title: Episode 14
Post by: Bynw on 11 July 2010, 17:55:27
Jun 10 19:46:06 <Bynw> *the Lady Luck has left the safety of the Waterloo and has kept it's diplomatic meeting with the Kalde. Following the Klade ship down and landing on the planet chosen by the Klade for this diplomatic meeting. The first alien species to be meet by the Alliance. A day of great historic importance*
Jun 10 19:48:28 * Sathara is now known as DR_away
Jun 10 19:49:52 <Raith> ::The lady luck's landing ramp lowers, at the top of it Major Raith stands in his military uniform, pressed and spotless. He looks decidedly uncomfortable::
Jun 10 19:50:00 <Bynw> *as the Klade ship lands and it's ramp lowered ... nearly a dozen Klade warriors come out and stand at attention flanking the bottom of the ramp.*
Jun 10 19:50:55 * Ken sets up a low grade sensor sweep of the area.
Jun 10 19:51:14 * DrCross discreetly starts scanning too
Jun 10 19:51:41 <Raith> ::Walks down the ramp and moves to the side, he looks about and takes stock of his surroundings::
Jun 10 19:52:45 <Bynw> *the complex itself is large and has many Alliance dignitaries. Senators, Generals and the like all looking at the Klade.
Jun 10 19:53:07 <Raith> roll 5df+ for investigation of the surroundings
Jun 10 19:54:24 <Raith> !roll 5df+
Jun 10 19:56:14 <Bynw> *From the ramp of the Klade ships walks down 3 more Klade. Still dressed in their customary manner. The lead Klade, is recognizable to Raith as the one who called himself Orsi*
Jun 10 19:56:30 <Bynw> !roll 5df
Jun 10 19:56:30 -GameServ/#teara-adan- (Bynw) 1 == 1
Jun 10 19:56:33 <Bynw> !roll df
Jun 10 19:56:33 -GameServ/#teara-adan- (Bynw) 1 == 1
Jun 10 19:56:38 <Bynw> !roll fd
Jun 10 19:56:38 -GameServ/#teara-adan- (Bynw) 1 == 1
Jun 10 19:57:10 <Bynw> !df
Jun 10 19:57:25 <Bynw> !roll df4
Jun 10 19:57:25 -GameServ/#teara-adan- (Bynw) 1 == 1
Jun 10 19:57:28 <Bynw> !roll 4df
Jun 10 19:57:29 -GameServ/#teara-adan- (Bynw) 1 == 1
Jun 10 19:57:40 <Bynw> ((testing, not working right yet))
Jun 10 20:05:28 * DR_away is now known as Sathara
Jun 10 20:07:40 <DrCross> hi DR / Sathara :)
Jun 10 20:08:30 <Bynw> *Orsi glances at Raith for a moment. Unnoticed by the most of the alliance dignitaries. Before he is greeted by one of the top Senators and Generals.*
Jun 10 20:09:43 <Raith> ::In Raith's hand is a bottle of aged single malt whiskey, Raith catches Orsi's gaze and nods once to him::
Jun 10 20:11:03 * Ken continues his sweep of the area before focusing on the Kalde ship
Jun 10 20:11:08 <Bynw> *3 of the guards stay at the Klade's ship while the others follow inside the building. a minor senator of the alliance comes over Raith* "Major Raith. Please come inside so we may begin. The Klade have expressed that they would not begin anything without you."
Jun 10 20:13:16 <Raith> "Lead the way Senator." ::Turns and motions for the crew to follow him before setting off with the senator::
Jun 10 20:14:08 * Ken notes the motion on his monitor and sighs
Jun 10 20:14:45 * Ken gets up, checking that his scanner is easily accessible but out of sight
Jun 10 20:14:56 * Ken exits the ship following Raith
Jun 10 20:15:43 <Bynw> *the senator leads Raith and his crew inside the building. it's a simple design. several outerrooms for private talks, food prep, and other necessities. and then one main room where there is a large table. the 3 klade are seated at it as well as several alliance senators and generals. some of them look rather upset that there is a place reserved for Raith. his crew will have to stand around the table as others are doing*
Jun 10 20:16:51 * Ken moves so that he is close enough for his scanner without being on the wrong side (if possible)
Jun 10 20:18:02 <Bynw> *everyone is free to move around the table at any point and any side of it*
Jun 10 20:20:18 <Bynw> *one of the senators looks like he is incharge, he hold a gavel in his hand and waits for everyone to be seated or quietly standing*
Jun 10 20:20:25 <Raith> ::Takes his seat, he places the bottle and two glasses on the table. Without a word he fills them both and slowly slides one over to Orsi; then raises his in toast:: "To the Klade."
Jun 10 20:20:52 <Raith> ::Intentionally ignores the Senators::
Jun 10 20:21:33 * Ken moves around the room looking at the room
Jun 10 20:23:18 <Bynw> ::Orsi takes the glass offered, with no show of any emotions, and raises it.:: "To the Alliance" ::he says before taking a drink::
Jun 10 20:23:59 * DrCross approaches Ken, whispering "Is it working?"
Jun 10 20:24:15 <Raith> ::Takes a drink and slides the bottle to the middle of the table::
Jun 10 20:24:38 * ambush (~ambush@OWIRCN-4cd123e3.client.mchsi.com) has joined #teara-adan
Jun 10 20:24:48 * Ken shrugs
Jun 10 20:25:40 * Ken moves to be near one of the Klade, watching the bottle antics apparently and swiches his scanner on covertly
Jun 10 20:26:48 * DrCross is now known as fudgebob
Jun 10 20:26:52 * ChanServ gives channel half-operator status to fudgebob
Jun 10 20:27:04 * fudgebob is now known as DrCross
Jun 10 20:27:27 * *** DrCross invited igor into the channel
Jun 10 20:27:57 * *** Bynw invited igor into the channel
Jun 10 20:28:41 * *** DrCross invited LadyLuck into the channel
Jun 10 20:28:42 * LadyLuck (~supybot@DCDEB4.F1C050.357E5D.C15A8B) has joined #teara-adan
Jun 10 20:29:24 <Bynw> *the senator looks at Raith rather unhappily and bangs the gavel on the table* "This meeting will come to order now. Some of you are aware and many of you are not. This meeting is a formality."
Jun 10 20:30:54 <Bynw> *he continues* "The Klade have contacted the Alliance High Command and their terms and ours have been agreed apon over the wireless. We are here to welcome the Klade, not as members of the Alliance, but as friends and allies."
Jun 10 20:31:36 <Bynw> *he bangs the gavel again* "The Klade have agreed to an open forum for all members present to discuss with them anything they wish to discuss."
Jun 10 20:33:26 <Raith> ::Waves Ken over:: "Ken. You had questions, didn't you?"
Jun 10 20:33:43 * Ken nods
Jun 10 20:33:58 <Raith> "Orsi, this is my engineer Ken."
Jun 10 20:34:06 * Ken looks at Orsi
Jun 10 20:35:24 <Ken> "I would like to examine your technology in some detail"
Jun 10 20:36:10 * DrCross butts in "I am Dr. Cross, Medical Officer of the Lady Luck... I'd like to examine you"
Jun 10 20:36:47 <Ken> "Is it possible to talk to..." ::trails poff::
Jun 10 20:37:18 <Bynw> ::Orsi:: "The technology of the Klade will be given to the Alliance in full. Although some of it will not be given right now."
Jun 10 20:37:56 <Raith> "Orsi, this is our ship's doctor. Mr. Cross." ::Waves to Dr. Cross::
Jun 10 20:39:33 <Raith> "Ken had a theory that the Klade can manipulate technology with your thoughts. Can you comment on that?"
Jun 10 20:40:08 <Bynw> :: Orsi is handed a datapad by one of the other Klade :: "We have constructed this datapad so it can be interfaced by your own computers. It contains the locations of other people who either already have jumpdrive or are close to obtaining it within 20,000 light years of your homeworld." :: he pauses :: "It is to be given to the Alliance today. And several crews are being outfitted as first-contact crews. Such as Major Raith's crew here
Jun 10 20:40:08 <Bynw> today."
Jun 10 20:41:03 <Bynw> :: Oris hands the datapad to Raith :: "I cannot comment on that. Although we are aware of the ability in some species."
Jun 10 20:42:54 * Ken raises his eyebrows
Jun 10 20:43:28 <Raith> ::Nods:: "Outfitted? I'm not sure I understand. How? With What?"
Jun 10 20:45:10 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "Why with the jump drives of the Klade that you reverse engineered. And the datapad is open to you to be used to improve your computer systems. There are details on it about memory usage and other systems."
Jun 10 20:47:00 <Raith> ::Nods again, he pours himself a drink as he talks:: "Dr. Cross found some cybertech inside you. Can you comment on that?"
Jun 10 20:47:15 <Raith> ::Offers to refill Orsi's glass::
Jun 10 20:47:59 <Ken> ::reaches for the pad:: "May I see that?"
Jun 10 20:48:21 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "Yes I can. Our cybernetic technology is very advanced. More so than your own. I suffered some damage during a war and I oped for cybernetic enhancements so I could continue to serve my people."
Jun 10 20:49:09 * DrCross looks at Orsi "Can I have a datapad too? Of your physiology and history?"
Jun 10 20:50:14 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "I don't have one prepared for that. But you may take any scans you wish."
Jun 10 20:51:24 <DrCross> "FInally!" *whips out his medscanner and starts walking around the Klade members
Jun 10 20:51:43 <Raith> ::Passes the whiskey over to Orsi's side of the table, and takes a sip of his drink::
Jun 10 20:52:24 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "It was quite a battle. My squad had boarded an enemy vessel and there was some very deadly fighting going on. They were actually quite good. They had forced us into a cargo bay and then flushed us out into space. I held on. Lost my arm when the doors closed as I was trying to keep it open."
Jun 10 20:52:43 * Ken smiles and pulls out his scanner and hands it to Dr Cross "Here use this as well"
Jun 10 20:53:37 <Raith> ::Smirks and nods at Orsi's story::
Jun 10 20:54:08 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "Stuck on the outside of a ship, with ones pressure suit damaged due to a missing arm. Causes some stress. So I climbed across their hull and found another airlock to re-enter the ship through."
Jun 10 20:55:09 <Raith> ::Looks visibly impressed, almost skeptical:: "I can see why your people have made you a leader."
Jun 10 20:55:45 <Raith> "I have a question of my own. Do the Klade practice psionics?"
Jun 10 20:57:22 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "No Klade has ever been known to have the ability. But we are certainly aware of it."
Jun 10 20:59:01 <Ken> "Do you use a form of cybernetic remote interfacing with your shipboard systems?"
Jun 10 21:02:00 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "Personally, I do. But I've been heavily augmented. Most of our people do not."
Jun 10 21:02:29 * Ken nods
Jun 10 21:04:53 * Ken looks over at Cross and taps his head at the location of the odd implant they noted on the Klade.
Jun 10 21:06:48 <DrCross> "Umm, Mr. Orsi, whats the implant on your head?"
Jun 10 21:07:08 * Sathara clears her throat from the other side of the room, almost invisible in a crowd of attendants upon a certain general.  "What about weapons?  You've got to have some pretty impressive weaponry to have done what you've done."
Jun 10 21:07:55 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "Under the terms of agreement between the Klade and the Alliance. We will be opening our worlds to homesteading settlements. Most of our worlds are designed for agriculture, not manufacturing."
Jun 10 21:08:37 <Sathara> "Well and so, you've got to eat, right?"
Jun 10 21:09:04 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "A small computer Mr Cross."
Jun 10 21:10:28 * DrCross looks at Ken, makes a "ewww" face
Jun 10 21:10:53 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "We have many weapons. Are standard weapon is a high energy pulse weapon. Generally it causes death is most organic material. And melts or cuts through inorganic material with ease."
Jun 10 21:10:56 <Raith> "Will you be making that kind of technology available?"
Jun 10 21:11:16 <Raith> "The cybertech I mean."
Jun 10 21:11:47 * Sathara raises thick black brows in a caramel colored face.  "Impressive.  Is that part of the technology you're sharing with us?"
Jun 10 21:13:03 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "All of our technology will be given to the Alliance. Just not all of it right away ... this is part of our treaty and terms. Your race is young. We do not wish to see you destroyed by our own lack of understanding."
Jun 10 21:13:26 * Sathara steps forward to be better seen.  She stands of slightly above average height, but her body is stocky and tightly muscled and she seems to have weapons of some sort sticking out in all directions from practically every place you could put a weapon.
Jun 10 21:14:01 * DrCross moves aside for Sathara
Jun 10 21:15:02 * Sathara nods.  "Understandable.  Just so's you don't use it on me, Mr. Orsi."
Jun 10 21:15:47 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "You would be dead if it was used against you."
Jun 10 21:16:08 * Sathara smiles, not very humorously.  "Precisely my point."
Jun 10 21:16:49 <Raith> ::His brow knit together and he stares a moment at the new comer::
Jun 10 21:18:02 <Bynw> "We have been at the edge of our space for nearly 700 years. Long before you left the orbit of your homeworld. The Klade are an ancient race. And we are dying out, nothing is going to stop it from happening. We have chosen you to be our heirs."
Jun 10 21:18:06 * Sathara is dressed in a gray outfit, almost a uniform, similar to what an ADF enlisted person would wear.
Jun 10 21:18:52 <Raith> ::To the new comer:: "I'm sorry, have we met?"
Jun 10 21:19:40 <Sathara> "No, sir, Major Raith.  My uncle, General Makshen, decided I needed to be here in his entourage.  I'm Sathara T'Reis; used to be with the ADF, but, well, if the name rings a bell, you know the story."
Jun 10 21:21:37 * Sathara motions toward a man of middle years in a general's uniform.  He has the same caramel skin tone as she and similarly cropped short curly black hair and thick black brows.
Jun 10 21:23:28 <Sathara> "I've picked up a fairish amount of weapons expertise since leaving the ADF; I'm guessing that's the reason I'm here."
Jun 10 21:23:46 <Bynw> :: Orsi takes another drink from the glass that was given to him by Raith ::
Jun 10 21:24:17 <Raith> "I'm sorry Mrs. T'Reis but I'm not familiar with your family's history."
Jun 10 21:24:35 * Sathara emits a short bark of laughter.
Jun 10 21:25:30 <Sathara> "There was a skirmish on one of the border worlds, maybe five years ago.  I was a corporal, and I told my lieutenant not to lead us into an ambush.  He wouldn't listen to me, so I called him a f***ing idiot and refused to let my team go any further."
Jun 10 21:26:09 <Sathara> "It got me out of the ADF for insubordination, but because I was right, and probably because of my family name, it wasn't a dishonorable discharge."
Jun 10 21:26:34 <Raith> ::Smiles:: "Interesting. Can you fire a ship's turrent?"
Jun 10 21:27:02 <Sathara> "Not to blow my own horn, sir, but I can fire just about anything with a trigger and hit what I'm shootin' at."
Jun 10 21:28:34 <Sathara> "I'm generally better with handhelds, but I can fire onboards too."
Jun 10 21:29:14 <Raith> ::Nods:: "Report to the Lady Luck after we're done here."
Jun 10 21:29:53 * Sathara looks at her uncle, who nods.  She turns back to Raith.  "Yes, sir."
Jun 10 21:32:21 <Bynw> :: Orsi :: "There are other datapads available for the agreed upon number of first contact mission teams that are going to go out. These are available at our ship. If there is nothing further right now. We will bid you a farewell."
Jun 10 21:32:55 <Raith> ::Drains his glass and stands up to bid the Klade farewell::
Jun 10 21:36:26 * Sathara collects a few belongings, preparing to follow Raith and his crew back to the Lady Luck.
Jun 10 21:37:30 * Ken examines the datapad, absorbed in the engineering specs
Jun 10 21:37:38 * DrCross hands over the almost-full scanner to Ken
Jun 10 21:38:44 <Bynw> *the datapad mainly contains stellar civiliations information .... just also contains information on recreating the datapad itself
Jun 10 21:40:02 * Ken takes the scanner back and shuts off the datapad with a thoughtful expression.
Jun 10 21:41:54 * sleepylilgenzilla is now known as genzilla
Jun 10 21:42:30 <Bynw> * a couple of the generals and senators follow the Klade out, most likely to collect their datapads which are identical to the one given to Raith*
Jun 10 21:42:38 <Raith> ::Nods to Orsi, turns and walks outside towards the Lady Luck. He leaves the rest of the bottle of whiskey::
Jun 10 21:43:44 * DrCross nods to a Klade who hands him a different datapad
Jun 10 21:44:25 <Raith> ::Waits at the bottom of the loading ramp for the others to board and Sathara to show::
Jun 10 21:46:30 * Sathara brings up the rear of the crew, a large seabag slung across her back and still looking like a tallish porcupine with various weapons sticking out from her body.
Jun 10 21:46:33 * Ken follows Raith quickly anxious to examine his readings and the schematics for the datapad at length
Jun 10 21:47:42 * Sathara salutes Raith.
Jun 10 21:49:07 <Sathara> "Major Raith, sir, I know I butted into to the conversation and got myself invited here, but I don't know anybody's name but yours."
Jun 10 21:51:40 <Raith> "First, never salute me again Sathara, and it's just Raith. Now, you'll have plenty of time for introductions. Get your gear stowed your going to have to share a room."
Jun 10 21:52:02 <Raith> "Captain if you feel the need."
Jun 10 21:52:44 <Sathara> "Aye, Cap
Jun 10 21:52:57 <Sathara> ::Correction.  "Aye, Cap'n"
Jun 10 21:54:12 <Raith> "Your our gun bunny, so I hope you can shoot because sooner or later we're going to need it."
Jun 10 21:54:28 <Sathara> "Cap'n, again, not to toot my own horn, I was born to shoot."
Jun 10 21:54:47 * alternate_name (~papaganoush@B4EC54.1C070C.6E5898.9F0C0E) has joined #teara-adan
Jun 10 21:56:49 <Raith> ::Nods:: "I hope so Sathara. Get yourself moved in and then get familiar with the weapon systems. Meanwhile stow those weapons. I don't someone getting shot because you tripped and fell down."
Jun 10 21:58:02 * Sathara stows her gear in the stateroom she'll share with Dyunt, stripping off most of the weapons except the handgun at her belt and the knives on her legs.
Jun 10 21:58:42 * Sathara laughs her brief, sharp laugh again.  "Cap'n, the safeties are on unless I'm drawing, but aye."
Jun 10 21:59:32 * DrCross makes the "ewww" face again, "Barbarians"
Jun 10 22:00:46 <Raith> ::Boards the Lady Luck after Sathara, closes the loading ramp and heads to the bridge::
Jun 10 22:01:50 * Sathara explores the ship to get her bearings and then shows up on the bridge to see what the weapons systems are like.
Jun 10 22:02:41 <Raith> ::Flicks on the internal ship's speakers:: "Ken get that data uploaded ASAP. We're headed back to the Waterloo for orders. I expect our visit will be short."
Jun 10 22:03:15 <Ken> ::over the comm:: "Aye Captain"
Jun 10 22:03:31 <Raith> ::Does a quick pre-flight check and then lifts off, setting a course for the Waterloo in orbit above the planet::