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Session 43

Started by Bynw, 25 September 2014, 19:10:45

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19:53 <bynw> |------------------------------------------------
19:53 <bynw> |          Session 43 - Imperial Dreams
19:53 <bynw> |------------------------------------------------
19:53 <bynw> |
19:53 <bynw> | The debate continues high in the clouds between
19:53 <bynw> | Elden and the crew of the Aeire. Elden is the
19:53 <bynw> | last of a long line of clones who have ruled
19:53 <bynw> | the flying city-state of Hemmelhold. He does
19:53 <bynw> | have the memories of his former selves and has
19:53 <bynw> | the base personality of the original. But each
19:53 <bynw> | clone has its own personality develop as it
19:53 <bynw> | grows and lives. And Elden is just coming into
19:53 <bynw> | his own way of doing things.
19:53 <bynw> |
19:53 <bynw> | Below are the mountains of Brennasharr. Rough
19:53 <bynw> | peaks rising high into the sky. Soon to be
19:53 <bynw> | covered in snow and ice once fall hits this
19:53 <bynw> | wilderness. A hard land to live in during the
19:53 <bynw> | winter seasons. And even harder to find and
19:53 <bynw> | reach the villiages that dot it's valleys and
19:53 <bynw> | peaks.
19:53 <bynw> |
19:53 <bynw> |
19:53 <bynw> |------------------------------------------------
20:00 <bynw> ::Elden:: "We should be able to make it SouthWind in about a week do a series of safe jumps. Like you did to get back to Hemmelhold a few days ago."
20:01 <Alianna> "I don't doubt that.  What I doubt is whether I can trust you."
20:04 * anlarye (bynw@OWIRCN-3569b5a3.client.mchsi.com) has joined #teara-adan
20:04 * ChanServ sets mode +q #teara-adan anlarye
20:04 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to anlarye
20:12 <bynw> ::Elden:: "You have the orb containing Chadwick's memories. That is the trust Audric gave to you knowing that he might not make it back." ::he sits down right on the deck:: "If you wish me to leave then I will leave. I would prefer to say and take the journey with you. But I must goto SouthWind."
20:13 * Alianna regards Elden for a few minutes, then takes a deep breath and looks over at Alderic.
20:14 <Alderic> ::purses his lips:: "I don't think anyone is saying to go. What I am saying is that your not Alderic, stop acting like we should just accept you as we did him. Look around you. To us, we just lost a friend."
20:17 * Alianna listens, then looks from Alderic to Elden and then to her first officer.
20:17 <Alderic> "As I see it, your somewhere between a close relative and Audric himself. I welcome you as such. I'm sorry if it's not the welcome you expected."
20:18 * Alianna nods, then barks out an order.  "Prepare for jump!"  The crew, who have been watching the discussion raptly, immediately begin securing for jump.  She nods to her first officer and the first officer begins barking secondary commands.
20:19 <bynw> ::Elden:: "In Hemmelhold we are accustomed to the change. I forget that I am with outsiders, despite the memories of friendships that I have here." ::he taps his head with his finger:: "My people have been in isolation too long and we have been forgotten by others of what we can do."
20:22 <Alderic> ::chuckles:: "You are on the run from Hemmelhold, at least for the moment. And it sounds like Hemmelhold will never be the same again. We are not the outsiders here Elden." ::smiles and extends his hand to Elden::
20:22 <bynw> ::he stands up:: "I am Elden Martin Schear, the former governor-general of the autonomous Arrin city-state of Hemmelhold." ::he says to Alderic while extending his hand:: "I know you need no introductions. As you are the grandson of Lord Temere, an old friend of mine."
20:23 * Alianna chuckles as well and walks over to the two men.  "As you should know, I am Alianna Rudhira, captain of the Aerie.  And you two should find a secure place, because we're about to jump."
20:24 <bynw> ::Elden walks to the mast and closes his eyes::
20:25 <Alderic> ::Walks to the rail and grips it, closes his eyes and takes a deep breath savoring the crisp mountain air::
20:26 * Alianna claps Elden on the back, walks toward the helmsman, and takes a firm grip on a rail near the wheel.
20:30 * Alianna grips the teleportation device and activates it, heading out of the mountains and in the general direction of South Wind.
20:35 <bynw> ::the Aerie drops in altitude like a falling rock as the jump concludes, the crewman manning the trim controls quickly recovers before any disaster can happen. But not all crewmen survive the vertigo with their innards intact.::
20:36 * Alianna is one of the unfortunate ones, succumbing to her tendency toward teleportation sickness.
20:38 <bynw> ::below the ship now are the flat plains and rolling hills of Halifax, level sailing on the winds without the need of constant trim adjustments like what is required in the peaks and valleys of mountains.::
20:39 * Alianna looks up after retching all over the deck, fortunately not hitting any clothing but her boots.  She looks to her first mate, who managed the jump without being sick, but who immediately yells for a very junior crew member to come swab the decks.
20:39 * Alianna takes a deep breath.  "I'm going below for a minute to clean up my boots and rinse my mouth out with some water and maybe some mint tea too."
20:41 <Alderic> ::nods, a bit pale but otherwise firm::
20:44 <Alderic> "It gets easier with practice is all i can say." ::burps and pales a bit more::
20:44 <Alderic> ::sighs deeply::
20:45 <bynw> ::Elden:: "Teleportation is very useful. Which is why these ships have it."
20:46 <Alderic> ::To Elden:: "So why aren't the Arrin teaching children in Montaire?"
20:50 <bynw> ::Elden:: "The Arrin are known for being warriors and mercenaries. We are also known for have great works in stone and metal and for clockwork mechanics. If you look hard enough you might find an Arrin in the universities of Montaire."
20:52 <bynw> "Arrin has great steam engines and we are unequaled in the production and design of firearms. Personal or military. Pistols to cannons."
20:54 * Alianna returns to the upper deck, still slightly green about the gills but in control of her stomach and with clean boots.
20:59 <bynw> ::Elden:: "There will always be those who cannot teleport. Best for them to teleport in their sleep."
21:00 <Alianna> "I can do it.  Just not without getting a bit sick."  She manages a slight smile.
21:06 <bynw> ::Elden:: "You would probably be sick in the Astral as well Captain. It is like being in the nothingness of teleportation but for a much longer period. No up or down either."
21:07 * Alianna grimaces.  "Yeah, no thanks."
21:08 <bynw> ::Elden:: "But to combat Leopold. All of those things will be needed. His Anadari, the undisputed masters of the Astral"
21:09 <bynw> (His = he is)
21:10 <Alianna> "Oh great."
21:13 <Alderic> "if all of Adan can come together....."::shrugs::
21:14 <bynw> ::Elden:: "The Empire is together. With the orb of Chadwick's memories, the Empire can be shown the true evil of Leopold, at least in his dealings with Chadwick."
21:18 <Alderic> "if you change a little everytime you reincarnate, why has Chadwick never changed after all of his? Or is the change that minor?"
21:21 <bynw> "It's a different process for him than it was for us." ::Elden says:: "He might of personality shifts to a slight degree. Probably pushing him more towards hatred with every new incarnation."
21:23 <bynw> "Audric didn't have time to examine all of Chadwick's life to verify that kind of detail."
21:24 <Alianna> "I don't know how much I care, as long as we can end him--and the power behind him--for good."
21:27 <bynw> ::Elden:: "Once we reach SouthWind. I will finish Audric's mission. I will make sure the orb of Chadwick's memories that is in the care of Alderic right now makes it to the Emperor. I will meet with Master Gibran to begin arrangements to have him obtain the body of Chadwick from Hemmelhold. Then I can go about doing anything I want to do."
21:28 <Alianna> "Freedom is a nice feeling."
21:33 <Alderic> ::nods:: "A man like yourself, with all that knowledge, could make a difference teaching science, magic, and medicine in the capital."
21:33 <bynw> ::travel over Halifax is smooth. No storms, natural or otherwise are encountered by the Aerie and its crew and passengers. Just a good strong wind that takes the ship straight on towards its destination cutting some time of the journey. Just one jump will be needed to get close to SouthWind where the ship can just glide into the city::
21:34 * Alianna attends to the running of the ship, occasionally calling out orders.
21:35 <bynw> ::Elden:: "What I know. The world is not ready for such knowledge yet. But it is passed down to every new generation in Hemmelhold."
21:42 <Alderic> "Just a suggestion."
21:47 <bynw> "But then Leopold is the biggest threat we have facing the Empire. Even more dangerous than the Mohadine."
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member