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Session 36

Started by Bynw, 02 July 2014, 18:07:19

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20:12 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
20:12 <~bynw> |          Session 36 - Imperial Dreams
20:12 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
20:12 <~bynw> |
20:12 <~bynw> | Nym Gibran has left to go meet with his allies.
20:12 <~bynw> | Leaving his son, the pirate, the anadari
20:12 <~bynw> | apprentice and the mercenary on their own.
20:12 <~bynw> |
20:12 <~bynw> | Audric has reveiled that he is a centuries old
20:12 <~bynw> | clone. And he is also capable of blocking
20:12 <~bynw> | psionic ability around him or even blocking an
20:12 <~bynw> | entire city. Something that could proof useful
20:12 <~bynw> | when dealing with Leopold.
20:12 <~bynw> |
20:12 <~bynw> | Audric has also brought news that Chadick is
20:12 <~bynw> | reforming his pod that will rejuvinate his
20:12 <~bynw> | damaged body and give rise to his rebirth.
20:12 <~bynw> |
20:12 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
20:16 <~bynw> ::Audric moves to get out of the Senate building and back to the streets of South Wind::
20:16  * Alianna follows hard on Audric's heels.
20:16 < Alderic> ::Follows::
20:17  * Maydla wishes to breathe fresh air again thus she follows everyone outside
20:19 <~bynw> ::outside the city is in constant motion. hard to believe it's only been five years since this part of the city was rubble from the Mohadine attack::
20:20 < Alderic> "Anyone have an idea how we're getting back?"
20:21 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Getting back where?"
20:22 < Alderic> "To Hemmelhold."
20:23 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Well if we need to go back there, we do have Captain Alianna's airship."
20:24  * Alianna smiles.
20:25 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "I would think all the action is going to take place at Kirsh then at Hemmelhold."
20:27 < Alderic> "I thought we where on our way to question your prisoner?"
20:30 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Our adepts will just mind-see him after he revives and then we will put him back in statis for Master Gibran to deal with instead."
20:33 < Alianna> "So what ARE we going to do now?"
20:34 < Maydla> "I'm with Alianna; what are we doing in the meantime?"
20:35 <~bynw> "Besides, it will be several days probably before Chadwick is alive again." ::Audric says:: "How about getting a crew. I know where to find one, but they will need some airship training."
20:36 < Alianna> "All right, that sounds like a plan for the time being."
20:36 < Alianna> "I hope I'm not the one who has to train them; I'm still new at airship piloting myself."
20:38 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "No Captain. Myself and the 3 men I brought with me, who are still on your airship, will train them. A shakedown 2-3 day cruise in the skys as we head back to Hemmelhold"
20:38  * Alianna laughs.  "Sounds good."
20:39 <~bynw> "Master Sorceror, if you could provide us transport back to the ship that would be great." ::Audric says to Alderic::
20:42 < Alderic> "My pleasure."
20:43 < Alderic> ::Closes his eyes and begins chanting under his breath. A moment later the bolts of lightning again form a disk at his feet::
20:44 < Alderic> "Step aboard and we'll be off."
20:45 <~bynw> ::Audric steps onto the disk:: "I'm going to use this idea for all of our airships. Since it was your idea Master Sorceror. How would you like to be compensated?"
20:45  * Maydla steps onto the disk with Alderic.
20:47 < Alderic> "I'm flattered Master Audric. Perhaps you have an extra set of those bracelets I could have?"
20:48 <~bynw> "Perhaps, something. Just like your father. He has something of Hemmelhold as well."
20:48  * Alianna laughs.
20:48 < Alderic> "He does? He never mentioned it."
20:49 <~bynw> "He does indeed. You should ask him about it sometime. He, borrowed it though. Caused us to make a change." ::Audric says on the way up::
20:50 < Alderic> ::As soon as Alianna steps on the disk lifts slowly from the ground and picks up speed slowly until it moves at the speed of a horse at a gallop roughly 15ft above the ground::
20:51 < Alderic> "A change?" ::raises an eyebrow at Audric::
20:54 <~bynw> "When Nym visited our city. And aquired some of our specialized equipment, anyone who got it could use it. Now we have them all sealed so that only the owner can use them. The reason why Hagen's gun didn't fire for anyone else."
21:00 < Alderic> "You make it sound as if he stole it?" ::smiles as he guides the disk towards the ship::
21:01 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "He did."
21:01  * Alianna laughs again, a harsh but mirthful sound.
21:04 < Alderic> ::Chuckles:: "Interesting. He's told me the story of his trip to Hemmelhold, but never mentioned this."
21:06 < Alderic> ::To Alianna:: "Isn't that the way though. The stories they tell are always a sanitized version of the truth. Is that how you see yourself a year ago Captain? The stories of that life being unlike the real thing?"
21:07  * Alianna laughs again.  "Yep."
21:12 < Alderic> "Well I'm glad you accepted to leave with me." ::Smiles as the disk comes to rest on the deck of the Airship::
21:13 < Alianna> "It has certainly not been boring."
21:15 <~bynw> ::the crew greet the Captain:: "The repairs from the storm are almost complete. But we are able to fly without difficulty."
21:19 <~bynw> ::Audric as he steps off the disk onto the deck:: "It's training time. We have a 2-3 day shakedown training cruise. And we are getting pretty much a full crew as well. Your jobs are to train them in that time period. Help the Captain with setting the jump coordinates."
21:20 < Alderic> ::The disk sinks into the deck and disappears::
21:21 <~bynw> ::Audric watches the disk disappear:: "I don't know why we didn't think of it before ..."
21:24 < Alderic> ::Smiles:: "The very best magic, isn't the most powerful spells. It's the simple ones used creatively."
21:24  * Alianna smiles.
21:24 < Alderic> "And the very best Magicians are the ones that master that concept."
21:24 <~bynw> ::the lead crewman:: "Yes m'Lord" ::and turns to Alianna and smiles while guestering to the quaterdeck helm::
21:26  * Alianna takes the helm.  "Wait a minute, where are we getting new crew members from?"
21:26 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Set the jump to Sweetwater Harbor"
21:30  * Alianna sets the coordinates and proceeds to jump.
21:30 < Alderic> ::To Audric:: "How do you plan on using that spell for an Airship Master Audric?"
21:33 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "It wont be that particular spell exactly. But some kind of controlled floating disk that can go up and down from the ship. Be controlled and summond by an item, so that person doesn't have to have any magical talents"
21:33  * Maydla settles once again, upon the upper step near the railing on the upper deck.
21:35 <~bynw> ::the lead crewman again gives any guidence needed for Alianna to set the coordinates on the compass chart to make the magical jump from South Wind to Sweetwater Harbor in Flora::
21:38  * Alianna makes the jump to Sweetwater Harbour.
21:40 < Alderic> ::continues unfazed by the jump:: "A slightly larger version could be used to load cargo into the hold if you modified the undercarriage of the ship to open."
21:41 <~bynw> ::Audric also continuing:: A lot of differ applications could be used, depending on the nature of the ship itself"
21:42 <~bynw> ::Sweetwater Harbor, the largest port in Flora, overlooking the great Americ Ocean. the view from the airship is spectactular with the ocean streaching forever in the distance::
21:44 <~bynw> ::Audric comes up to the quaterdeck and picks up one of the spyglasses kept there, and looks over the railings of the airship towards the harbor below:: "Ah ..." ::a bit of a sigh escapes:: "Master Alderic we will need your skills again to bring the crew aboard"
21:45 <~bynw> ::Audric hands the spyglass to Alianna and tells her where to look::
21:48  * Alianna follows where Audric leads.
21:50 < Alianna> "MOTHER OF GOD!"
21:50 < Alderic> ::looks to Alianna::
21:51 < Alderic> "What is it?"
21:52 < Alianna> "It's the Aenor, and she's fucked."
21:54 < Alderic> ::Looks to Audric:: "Is that the 'crew' you had in mind?"
21:55 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Yes. They are already able sailors. And the Captain is familier with them already."
21:56  * Maydla smiles at Alianna
21:58 < Alderic> "What's the plan Capatin?"
21:59  * Alianna turns on Audric.  "How the hell did you know the Aenor was so messed up and that my crew would need someplace to go?"
22:00 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "You've been away for nearly 2 1/2 months. Every since you meet with Hagen, my agents have been looking for the Aenor."
22:02 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "they found it yesterday"
22:06 < Maydla> "Whoa."
22:07  * Alianna visibly calms down from what had been pretty clearly a state of significant agitation.
22:09  * Alianna takes a deep breath.  "Let me go talk to Tylan, my old first mate, and see what he and the crew want to do."
22:09 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "I didn't want to tell you then, we were a bit pre-occupied with other issues at the time."
22:10  * Alianna looks at Audric with an indecipherable expression on her face, and then sighs again.  "I understand.  I'm just upset to see my girl so messed up."
22:11 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Please go down and talk to your crew. See if what they want to do ... I'm staying up here until you get back."
22:11  * Alianna turns to Alderic.  "Can you put me down there?"
22:12 < Alderic> ::Nods and begins chanting under his breath and drawing sigils on the deck with his finger::
22:14 < Alderic> ::A moment later lightning shoots in all directions from his feet in a roughly 6ft diameter and then coalesces into the now familiar disk::
22:16 < Alderic> "I will take you down near the ship and wait for your return while you talk to your crew." ::Extends his hand to help Alianna onto the disk::
22:21 < Alderic> ::Once Alianna is aboard the disk slowy lifts from the deck and builds speed as it drifts into it's decent. A few moments later It comes to rest on the edge of the docks a hundred or so yards away from the ship::
22:22 < Alderic> "I'll wait here."
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member