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Session 34

Started by Bynw, 11 June 2014, 18:29:03

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19:55 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
19:55 <~bynw> |          Session 34 - Imperial Dreams
19:55 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
19:55 <~bynw> |
19:55 <~bynw> | The Emperor has decided the fate of Chadwick.
19:55 <~bynw> | The rogue druid who is believed to be a follower
19:55 <~bynw> | of Leopold. Chadwick is to be mind-ripped, since
19:55 <~bynw> | he will not willingly betray his Lord. The other
19:55 <~bynw> | two kings are in agreement with the Emperor,
19:55 <~bynw> | however Master Nym Gibran of the Anadari is
19:55 <~bynw> | firmly against such action.
19:55 <~bynw> |
19:55 <~bynw> | Nym plans on meeting with his allies to discuss
19:55 <~bynw> | a battle plan against Kirsh and then meet-up
19:55 <~bynw> | with the Spectral Magicians.
19:55 <~bynw> |
19:55 <~bynw> | However, during the private meeting with the
19:55 <~bynw> | Emperor. Nym has warded the chamber. Yet some
19:55 <~bynw> | kind of contact is able to penetrate the wards
19:55 <~bynw> | in both directions. Nym has located its source
19:55 <~bynw> | to be in the vicinity of Audric Schear.
19:55 <~bynw> |
19:55 <~bynw> |------------------------------------------------
19:57 < Alderic> "Audric, didn't you say someone scried your city. That it was near impossible to do that?"
19:58 < Alderic> "When we first set out."
19:59 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Nearly impossible. We have warding in place on our city to prevent scrying."
20:01 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "We are dealing with someone who has a Matrix. Probably Kirsh. Stopping him or her from scrying will be next to impossible, if they want to force the issue."
20:02 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "I used my Matrix to ward this room."
20:03 < Alderic> "Are you wearing something now that you did then? Jewely perhaps?"
20:03 <~bynw> ::the 3 kings look at one another until the Emperor speaks:: "To have such matter of State easily breached is most grave. They must be stopped. Or any plans we make will be known."
20:05 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "I carry several items at all times. I assure you though nothing of mine is tainted."
20:08 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "The scrying, if that is what it is, isn't constant. It last only a moment and then is gone. And it originates from near you Master Audric. Like a beacon.
20:08 < Alderic> "
20:12 <~bynw> ::Audric shifts positions in the room:: "Let's see if it still happens."
20:12 <~bynw> ::he stands next to Maydla::
20:17 <~bynw> ::King of Adan:: "Do what you are going to do Lord Tennes. The Emperor has requested the Anadari to service. As thier leader, you decided who is sent and who is not. Anything else you choose to do is up to you."
20:17  * Maydla shifts her feet a little further apart to settle more comfortably.
20:18  * Alianna looks over at Maydla and Audric.
20:21  * Maydla glances at Audric uneasily.
20:22 <~bynw> ::Emperor:: "How long do you need before the Anadari join with the Spectrals Master Gibran?"
20:24 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "I just need to know who to talk to your majesty."
20:25 <~bynw> ::The Emperor looks to the Adanian King who speaks:: "The Order is making their choices of who is to go now. We will know in a couple of days."
20:28 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "I should be able to meet back here in a couple of days with those available."
20:28 <~bynw> ::Emperor::
20:29 <~bynw> "Very well then. We are ajourned. I have an Empire to run."
20:35 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::raises an eyebrow at the Emperor, but says nothing::
20:37 <~bynw> ::Emperor:: "Since you warded this chamber. Please release your warding Master Gibran."
20:39 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::nods:: "You may exit when you like your Majesty."
20:41 <~bynw> ::Audric heads for the door::
20:43  * Maydla turns to watch Audric leave, feeling uneasy once again.
20:43 -!- Alderic [~Nameless@OWIRCN-456e11c3.ma.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
20:43  * Alianna picks up on Maydla's uneasiness and watches Audric leaving, watching Nym's behavior and reactions as well.
20:44 <~bynw> ::The King of Mariabronn bows at the neck to the Emperor:: "I shall take my leave now m'lord"
20:50 -!- Kagi [~Nameless@OWIRCN-456e11c3.ma.charter.com] has joined #teara-adan
20:54 -!- Kagi is now known as Alderic
20:54 < Alderic> "We have work to do as well."
20:54 < Alderic> "Where is Audric going?"
20:55 < Alderic> "Master Audric?" ::looks to Audric::
20:55 <~bynw> ::Audric opens the door and the Mariabronn King is almost right behind him::
20:55 <~bynw> ::Audric pauses and lets the king pass:: "Back to the ship."
20:56 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "And we are to ignore the energy I sensed?"
20:56 < Alianna> "Master Nym, did you sense it when Audric moved over by Maydla?"
20:57  * Maydla mindspeaks to Alianna and Alderic: "Audric is giving me some weird vibes..."
20:57  * Alianna mindspeaks back to Maydla and Alderic.  "Yeah, I got that from you.  Can you quantify what is wrong?"
20:58 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "I am. The Anadari are overly sensitive anyway, everyone knows it."
20:58 < Maydla> To Alianna: "He seems to be in awful hurry to get away from me now. Something is off, but I cannot figure out if it is him or something on his person."
20:58  * Alianna raises her eyebrow at Audric's statement.
20:59  * Alianna mindspeaks to Maydla.  "Well, let's see what Master Nym does with him and then we'll see if we can figure it out."
20:59 <~bynw> ::Audric turns and exits out of the Emperor's private chamber::
21:00  * Maydla raises an eyebrow and shifts her body to better face Audric.
21:00 -!- Alderic [~Nameless@OWIRCN-456e11c3.ma.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
21:05 -!- Kagi [~Nameless@OWIRCN-456e11c3.ma.charter.com] has joined #teara-adan
21:12 -!- Kagi [~Nameless@OWIRCN-456e11c3.ma.charter.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]
21:13 -!- Kagi [~Nameless@OWIRCN-456e11c3.ma.charter.com] has joined #teara-adan
21:13 -!- Kagi is now known as Alderic
21:15 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::moves through the door and after Audric with speed::
21:15 < Maydla> Whoa.
21:16 <~bynw> ::Audric is in the atrium of the Imperial Senate, lots of people mingling about::
21:17  * Alianna follows Nym.
21:17  * Maydla quickly follows Alianna and Nym.
21:18 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::seeing Audric through the crowd he flicks a finger in his direction::
21:18 <~bynw> ::Audric rises up and the crowd moves away from him::
21:19 <~bynw> ::as he rises several feet into the air::
21:20 <~bynw> ::he's attempting to balance himself, and others are looking around to attempt to determine who is resposible for it::
21:22 -!- Maydla [Mibbit@OWIRCN-d2e22558.dyn.centurytel.net] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
21:22 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::strides forward making no attempt to hide that he is responsible::
21:22 -!- Sarah [Mibbit@OWIRCN-d2e22558.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #teara-adan
21:23 -!- Sarah is now known as Maydla
21:26 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Put me down. You are making a scene."
21:27 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::Ignores Audric::
21:27 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::Watches Audric like a fish in a bowl::
21:30 <~bynw> ::Audric finds his balance point and looks at Nym::
21:38 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "You will want to drop your shields Master Audric. I promise you I will not take advantage of your trust."
21:39  * Alianna watches the exchange with interest.
21:39  * Maydla takes a stand beside Alianna and nudges her gently.
21:40 < Maydla> to Alianna: "Care to bet on who wins this argument?"
21:40  * Alianna snickers.
21:40 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "For what reason?"
21:43 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "To exonerate you."
21:44 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "You may truth read me if you like."
21:45 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Put me down and we can discus this in private. Instead of the hall."
21:46 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::raises and eyebrow. Then again flicks his finger this time back towards the chambers they just exited::
21:47 <~bynw> ::the doors to the Emperor's chamber are shut and the guards are standing outside of it like before::
21:48 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::Walking towards the Guards and addressing them:: "We have need of the chambers for a moment longer. Please move aside."
21:49 <~bynw> ::Guards:: "The Emperor is in his chambers and is not to be disturbed. Find someplace else for your needs. There are plenty of private sitting rooms."
21:49 < Maydla> To Alianna: "This seems like the phrase, "Move along, nothing to see here," would be appropriate.
21:50  * Alianna starts to laugh out loud, and then muffles it to a snort.
21:50 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "Point me to one please."
21:51 <~bynw> ::the guards point him in the direction of an empty available room to use for private meetings::
21:54 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::Strides towards it, Audric floating just before him::
21:54 <~bynw> ::Audric is again not liking the forced movement without his control::
21:55  * Maydla smirks slightly at Audric's discomfort.
21:57  * Alianna looks over at Maydla's face and again has to muffle a laugh.
22:01 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::Audric floats into the room and once everyone is in, the door closes itself and Audric floats to the floor slowly::
22:02 <~bynw> ::Audric tests to make sure he can move freely::
22:02  * Maydla snickers, thinking Audric looks slightly ridiculous.
22:03 <~bynw> ::Audric drops his Shields back to a passive level that would allow Truth-Reading::
22:04 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Never do that again Gibran."
22:06 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "When you first mentioned the detection of something you didn't know about I said it was impressive. You must being using that Matrix in the southlands to augment your own skills and abilities. Almost limitless energy and apparently a very strong range."
22:07 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran  ::his normally open and stoic face takes on an edge of something primal that reminds you of a wolf.:: "I am not hedge wizard telling tales of the future in tea leaves and bones Master Audric. Don't make me."
22:08 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "I know the dangers of Leopold. And not from some dusty 1000 year old tome. In another life I was there. Just as in another life, I met you at my city."
22:10 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::simply stares at Audric, waiting for an explination::
22:11 <~bynw> "This is what you detected" ::Audric pauses:: "Yes?"
22:12 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::nods affirmative::
22:15 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Since it works on a level that is beyond warding. Warding can't block it. It is not harmfull and really cant be used for harm either. Only communication."
22:18 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "But communication can be dangerous depending on what is communicated to whom. I communicate with my city." ::he looks at the others:: "Like I did on the ship when Kirsh came back and lead us here."
22:20 < Alderic> "Master Audric, your compulsive need to to hoard and flaunt secrets maybe your death someday." ::shakes his head at Audric::
22:21 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "You aren't ready for the secrets I have, but then can be used to save us all against Leopold."
22:21 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "Master Audric has the right to keep his secrets as much as any of us Alderic. It's his choice." ::Looks to Audric:: "Though I find the distraction of unraveling them...time consuming." ::purses his lips::
22:22  * Alianna jumps in.  "If it can be used to defeat Leopold, then shouldn't we know about it?"
22:22 < Maydla> "Agreed."
22:22 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Let me show you something. A demonstration ... just as you demonstrate your power."
22:23 <~bynw> ::Audric rolls up the sleave on his left arm, where he has a simple leather bracer. much like many of the officials within Hemmelhold were wearing::
22:24 <~bynw> ::he presses on the bracer with his finger tip of this right hand. lightly, not hard apparently following a pattern::
22:25 <~bynw> "Ready or not. Here it comes." ::he says::
22:25 <~bynw> ::he touches a final spot::
22:26 <~bynw> ::anyone with any psi ability suddenly feels that connection gone. Shields are down, any rapport connection has been severed, and no powers can be brought to bear::
22:27  * Maydla shivers.
22:27  * Alianna jumps in alarm, almost instinctively reaching for her shortsword before stopping herself.  "What did you do?" she shouts at Audric.
22:28 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "I have a range of about 40 feet. A zone of anti-psi as it where."
22:28 < Alderic> ::Looks unimpressed:: "I'm waiting."
22:28  * Alianna looks markedly distressed.  "Okay, you showed what you can do.  Now put it back."
22:29 < Alderic> "Do what?"
22:29 < Alderic> "I didn't see anything."
22:29 <~bynw> ::He touches the bracer again and everything is normal:: "You Alderic are a special cause. Magic operates on a different level."
22:29 < Alianna> "My shields are gone to shit, and I had mindspeech going with Maydla and it's gone."
22:30  * Alianna breathes a sigh of relief as her shields pop back into their normal state.
22:30  * Maydla nods and nudges Alianna.
22:31  * Alianna looks at Maydla with a bit of alarm remaining in her expression.
22:31 < Alderic> ::shrugs:: "Like a dispel magic spell, but for psionics. Different, but not horribly clever. That is your al powerful Mojo Master Audric?"
22:31  * Alianna mindspeaks to Maydla.  "Gods, I'm glad that's over.  I wish to hell he hadn't done that."
22:31  * Maydla to Alianna via mindspeech: "I'm really beginning to dislike Audric. How bout you?"
22:32  * Alianna mindspeaks to Maydla.  "I'm not very happy in his direction right now, that's for damn sure."
22:32  * Alianna watches Audric's reaction to Alderic's comment.
22:33  * Maydla to Alianna, continuing the conversation; "I'd very much like to punch him."
22:33 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran ::to Alderic:: "No that's not all Alderic. Not even close." ::looks to Audric knowingly::
22:33  * Alianna to Maydla via mindspeech.  "I don't think that's a very good idea, but I wouldn't blame you."
22:34 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "I don't have the personal range to affect much. But it can be applied to a larger area"
22:34  * Maydla to Alianna: "Oh trust me, I'm not touching him, not even close. If he can mess with my abilities from 40 feet, I'm not going to touch him and give him a direct link."
22:35  * Alianna to Maydla.  "Good plan."
22:35  * Alianna regards Audric with some hostility.  "Don't bloody do that again without a warning!"
22:35 < Alderic> *Nym Gibran "do you have larger and more powerful versions?"
22:37 <~bynw> ::Audric:: "Yes we do. We can take out an entire city."
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member