Welcome to the World of Teara Adan, a game of Sixguns, Sorcery, and Psionics.

Teara Adan started more than 40 years ago by a group of high school students playing Dungeons and Dragons and wanting to create a world of their own instead of using what limited resources were available back in the mid 1980’s. Thus Teara Adan was born out of their collaborations.

The five students that founded Teara Adan are: Craig B., Russ C., Chris R., Kathi P., and Frank S.

In the 4+ decades that have followed the world has been used as the campaign setting for countless campaigns and adventures. It has also been used in a multitude of RPG rule systems as needed. These rules are the current Fudge Ruleset. We are experimenting with other systems and the possibility of creating our own going forward in time for our 45th year in 2028.