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Episode 56

Started by Bynw, 12 March 2009, 01:33:55

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[20:04]<Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:04]<Bynw> |      Horizon's Dawn - Episode 56
[20:04]<Bynw> |       Beginning Adventure Recap
[20:04]<Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:04]<Bynw> | They have reached the keep of Baron
[20:04]<Bynw> | Noyse as directed by Benedict's men.
[20:04]<Bynw> | The Baron explains that Benedict usually
[20:04]<Bynw> | sends any visitors to Kirsh to him
[20:04]<Bynw> | since the Earl does not like visitors.
[20:04]<Bynw> |
[20:04]<Bynw> | The Anadari spend the night as guests
[20:04]<Bynw> | within the keep of Ibon Baron Noyse.
[20:04]<Bynw> | They are somewhat worrysome of the Baron
[20:04]<Bynw> | but accept his hospitality.
[20:04]<Bynw> |
[20:04]<Bynw> | In the morning the Baron has promised
[20:04]<Bynw> | them a guide to take them through
[20:04]<Bynw> | the forest whereever they wish to go.
[20:04]<Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:04]<Bynw> |  Today's Game Date: Thursday the
[20:04]<Bynw> |           26 Juni 464 NE
[20:04]<Bynw> |         Game Time: Sunrise
[20:04]<Bynw> |  Location: Keep of Baron Noyse, Kirsh
[20:04]<Bynw> |       End of Adventure Recap
[20:04]<Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[20:05]<Bynw> *Michon is talking to Daine* "I will take back over the negotiations with our host. You have done well. While we are back in the forest. I want you to take up the rear guard."
[20:09]<Bynw> *Michon watches as the others begin to wake*
[20:10]* Regan sits up and dons his boots.
[20:11]* Regan looks over at Tara and just shakes his head.
[20:11]* Llanth opens one eye and looks at Regan and then closes the eye again.
[20:12]* Risira-AFK is now known as Risira
[20:13]* Llanth sits up, and reaches for his brush.
[20:13]<+Regan> :: To Tara :: "You snore."
[20:13]<+Llanth> "Risira, Are you awake?"
[20:14]* Risira sits up and rubs her eyes.   Smiling at Llanth, she says, "I am now."
[20:15]* Regan readies himself for the day.
[20:15]<Bynw> *Tara looks at Regan and she smiles* "Be fortunate I don't belch in my sleep"
[20:15]<+Llanth> "Ah, good. Can you help me here, I would like to braid my hair but it is a bit long for me to reach."
[20:16]* Regan smiles wide at Tara. "Yes, I would suppose so."
[20:19]<+Risira> "Have you a comb or brush and something to hold it with?"
[20:19]* Llanth holds up a brush.
[20:20]* Llanth produces a wide black silk ribbon from his pack.
[20:20]* Risira takes the brush and ribbon and proceeds to brush Llanth's hair and then fashion it into a secure and tidy braid.
[20:22]<+Regan> :: Whispers to Risira :: "Don't cut yourself on the ears, m'lady."
[20:22]<Bynw> *while the anadari are getting ready in the early dawn there is a knock on the door*
[20:23]* Regan takes his staff from under the table and walks to the door and waits for Michon to give his nod to open it.
[20:24]<Bynw> *Michon himself opens the door ...
[20:24]* Regan stands behind the open door.
[20:25]<Bynw> ... to find 2 servants bringing in a tray of breads, meats, fruit and cheese and a pitcher of wine followed by an elderly man*
[20:25]<+Llanth> "Well it looks as if we will break our fast here."
[20:27]<Bynw> *elderly man* "His Lordship gives you greetings this morning. And offers you his hospitality. He states he has found a suitable guide and will see you off in the courtyard stables when you are ready."
[20:29]* Regan leans against the wall nonchallantly.
[20:30]* Risira quickly combs and replaits her own hair, washes her face and hands, and smooths her dress.
[20:30]<Bynw> *Tara herself, is not in a dress, but in trousers made for riding*
[20:34]* Regan looks at Tara, then Risira. "Heh."
[20:38]<Bynw> *Michon* "We need to get moving."
[20:39]* Regan goes to the table and puts some cheese and meat in a small loaf of bread and stuffs it in his robes.
[20:42]* Risira pops a grape into her mouth, makes a small sandwich of meat and cheese, and pours herself a half goblet of wine.
[20:42]<+Regan> "I'm ready." :: Then looks at his hair on his shoulders, then at Llanth. Shakes his head. :: "Not long enough." ::Then mumbles :: "Thank the Light."
[20:43]<+Llanth> "Regan, take this."
[20:43]* Llanth holds out a wide black silk ribbon.
[20:43]* Regan crosses arms. "Um, why?"
[20:45]<+Llanth> "Because one day you may have a use for it, either for yourself or you might find some pretty girl to give it to."
[20:45]<Bynw> *Once everyone has gathered their belongings and a bite to eat Michon leads them out and then are met by the elderly man who takes them to the stables. Outside the keep the air is crisp and there is a think and heavy mist obscuring much of the country side even worse that it was at night*
[20:48]<Bynw> *thick
[20:49]<+Regan> :: Looks at the mist. :: "Cheerful place this be." :: Shrugs and tucks the silk ribbon in his robes and nods thanks to Llanth. ::
[20:50]<+Llanth> "It could be worse."
[20:51]<Bynw> *the fog and mist makes it impossible to see beyond just a couple of feet in any direction. yet the old man easily guides you to the stables and then walks away into the fog*
[20:51]* Regan waves to the man's shadow. "Pleasant fella."
[20:53]<Bynw> *The baron steps into view as the anadari are left to find their way, again his is not dressed in any richman's finery but in riding leathers as he was the night before* "Ah, I see my Chamberlain brought you here. I take it you rested well enough last night?"
[20:56]* Regan smiles in the affirmative.
[20:58]<Bynw> *Baron* "Good. Your guide is ready if you are."
[21:00]<Bynw> *Michon nods* "Then bring him. We have much work to do."
[21:00]* Regan raises an eyebrow thinking the baron is the guide.
[21:01]<Bynw> *the baron gives him a slight nod* "Your Tricons are over there" *he says pointing to spot just beyond vision* "You're guide will meet you"
[21:02]* Regan closes his eyes.
[21:02]* Risira goes to Bashira and pats her neck, whispering gentle words of friendship to the beautiful bay.
[21:03]<Bynw> *tricons to their companions* @@ "there is another" @@
[21:06]<+Llanth> @@Another?@@
[21:07]* Risira meets Bashira's eyes.  @@Can you tell me where?@@
[21:08]<Bynw> *Adhab answers* @@"Tricons of course. There is another tribe here"
[21:09]<Bynw> @@
[21:09]<+Llanth> @@ Have you spoken with them?@@
[21:10]* Regan pats Rais. "Hello friend." @@ Is this tribe freind or rival of your tribe? @@
[21:11]<Bynw> *Rais* @@ "There are no rival tribes ... one comes now" @@
[21:13]<+Regan> To group :: @@ One approaches. @@
[21:13]<Bynw> *a chestnut tricon mare appears inbetween the assembled Anadari ... it's rider is Ibon Baron Noyse*
[21:14]* Regan nods to himself.
[21:15]* Regan mounts Rais and places his staff between Rais and his thigh, longways.
[21:16]* Regan puts a hand down in offering to Tara.
[21:16]* Risira looks at the mare and her rider, then back to Bashira.  Touching Bashira's face to close the mind-speech link, she asks, @@Are they trustworthy?@@
[21:17]<Bynw> *on the baron's right side hangs a sword and on his mount hangs a case holding an unstrung bow and a large quiver of arrows*
[21:18]<Bynw> *Bashira* @@"as much as anyone, time will tell. tricon do not make war with tricon"@@
[21:19]* Regan counts the arrows in the quiver.
[21:19]* Risira nods.
[21:19]<Bynw> *Baron* "I will be your guide simply because I know this forest blindfolded."
[21:21]* Llanth  mounts Adhab with a single fluid motion.
[21:21]* Regan subtracts his own arrow allotment from the barons and whispers to himself "Ten"
[21:22]<Bynw> *Michon to Group* @@ "This is a training and this is also a mission for us. Regan will now take the point as our spokesman"@@
[21:24]* Regan smile dissapears from his face briefly.
[21:24]<Bynw> *Ibon* "So what is it that you seek. No one comes to Kirsh without seeking something. And Benedict is usually not forthcoming with any information."
[21:29]<+Regan> To Michon :: @@ I guess naming Chadwick would be a first step? @@
[21:30]<Bynw> *Michon* @@"Proceed as you wish to proceed"@@
[21:32]<+Regan> Coughs "We seek information on a number of issues. One being the slaughter of my village in Alaknar by Owlbears."
[21:34]<+Regan> * a village
[21:34]<Bynw> *Ibon leads his mount out of the stable areas and slowly down the hill towards the trails* "Owlbears that far south are unheard of, as they only exist here."
[21:36]* Regan raises an eyebrow. "Yes, hence here is where we come."
[21:39]<Bynw> *Ibon* "How long ago was this?"
[21:42]<+Regan> "A couple of months ago. Have you any knowledge as to these attacks, my lord?" :: Said with respect, knowing that Ibon would be aware of his truthreading. ::
[21:43]<Bynw> *Ibon* "None at all. The owlbears are not generally under anyone's commands. They roam the forest here freely. But respect some of the ancient druids."
[21:44]* Regan nods
[21:44]<+Regan> "Any druids in particular lately, m'lord?"
[21:47]<Bynw> *Ibon laughs a bit* "You probably already have an answer to that and have come here to find out what you can of it. You are Anadari and the Akasha will bring you to where you need to go even without my assistance. The druid clans are divided right now."
[21:47]<+Llanth> @@ :: To Regan:: What caused the division?@@
[21:48]<+Regan> "A division?"
[21:48]* Regan smiles at Ibon's candor.
[21:48]* Risira is a bit taken aback by Ibon's understanding of Anadari ways, especially because she herself is so new to the tradition.
[21:57]<Bynw> *Ibon* "Yes they are divided. The druids follow their Lord. A god-like figure. Generally its only been a mortal of course. A powerful adept or wizard. In ages past a member of the Spectral Magicians would have been their Lord."
[22:01]<+Regan> "I see. How many clans are there? Many?"
[22:03]<Bynw> "There are only 2" *Ibon says as the group continues to ride slowly into the mists*
[22:05]* Regan nods in thought. After a pause:: "And the names of the two lords, m'lor....err, baron?"
[22:09]<Bynw> *He looks at Regan* "I have managed to convince the druids that I am their Lord. The others follow the Givers of Gifts."
[22:09]<+Llanth> @@ :: To Regan :: Impressive @@
[22:10]<Bynw> *giver of gifts
[22:13]* Regan stares at Ibon stoicly for a moment, then nods. "And the Druid Chadwick would follow this Giver of Gifts, m'lord?" :: Regan's eyes go steel cold at the mention of Chadwick ::
[22:14]<Bynw> *Ibon stops and eyes Regan just the same way back*
[22:14]* Regan smiles
[22:15]* Regan smiles knowingly
[22:15]* Risira tenses and pets Bashira, more to calm herself than anything.
[22:16]<Bynw> *Ibon* "He is the giver's chief priest. That explains why there were owlbears in the southlands then"
[22:18]<+Regan> "Yes, it does doesn't it. I would say that is information you would find, err, interesting, m'lord?"
[22:21]<Bynw> *Ibon, still not going anywhere looks at the other Anadari* "What do any of you know of Chadwick?"
[22:22]<+Regan> "I know that I will kill him one day." said coldly.
[22:23]<+Llanth> "He spent quite some time meddling in the affairs of the Warp Wood in West Abronn."
[22:23]<Bynw> *Ibon* "He is immortal, a gift from his Lord"
[22:23]<+Risira> "Killing him is not the answer, Regan."
[22:24]<+Risira> ::to Regan:: @@I should think that our experience before the reactivation of the Matrix would have taught you that.@@
[22:25]* Regan looks at Risira. "You're right, I should have said kill him slowly one day." Turns back to Ibon. "Good, then I can kill him over and over again."
[22:26]<+Llanth> *Tut Tut, watch what you become my brother."
[22:27]<+Regan> To Ibon. "Does this Giver of Gifts have any other names, m'lord?"
[22:27]* Risira raises her delicate pale-blond eyebrows and tosses back her hip-length braid, but forbears further reply.
[22:30]<Bynw> *Ibon* "Yes. He has had many incarnations over the ages. The most recent one in memory was from nearly 8 centures ago. He was none other than Parshawl the Anlarye. His return was foretold in ancient tradition of the clan that follows him"
[22:32]* Regan raises an eyebrow.
[22:33]<Bynw> *Michon's face turns white*
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member