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Episode 39

Started by Bynw, 06 December 2006, 22:06:01

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[19:11:45] * Playing 'recap.txt' to #Teara-Adan with 1300ms delay
[19:11:46] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:11:48] <.Bynw> |
[19:11:49] <.Bynw> |   The Winds of Change - Episode 39
[19:11:50] <.Bynw> |
[19:11:52] <.Bynw> |      Beginning Adventure Recap
[19:11:53] <.Bynw> |
[19:11:54] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:11:56] <.Bynw> |
[19:11:57] <.Bynw> | Lord Seth and the other lords are in
[19:11:58] <.Bynw> | agreement on their plan of action. And
[19:12:00] <.Bynw> | have dismissed the council to make ready
[19:12:01] <.Bynw> | their plans.
[19:12:02] <.Bynw> |
[19:12:03] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:12:05] <.Bynw> |
[19:12:06] <.Bynw> | Today's Game Date: 10 Novembre 463 NE
[19:12:07] <.Bynw> |          Game Time: late evening
[19:12:09] <.Bynw> |
[19:12:10] <.Bynw> |        End of Adventure Recap
[19:12:11] <.Bynw> |
[19:12:13] <.Bynw> +---------------------------------------
[19:12:13] * Playback of 'recap.txt' complete
[19:14:33] * +Seth is hard at work in his laboratory preparing materials for the trip
[19:15:12] * +Ryethon finishes sharpening his knife, flips it twice in the air and slides it home to it's leg sheath soundlessly
[19:16:59] * +Ryethon mutters to himself "Now where is that Seth? Always holding up things... I'd better go find him."
[19:17:01] * +Charissa reinforces the Palace Wards just in case
[19:19:03] * +Seth is holding council in his labratory with Marshal Sprax
[19:21:41] * +Ryethon decides that he should head to the Labratory, by way of the kitchen to grab a pot of tea
[19:23:28] <.Bynw> "Of course my Lord" *Sprax says as General Ryethon enters the wizard's labratory*
[19:24:57] * +Seth nods to Marshal Sprax
[19:25:13] <+Ryethon> "I brought you tea, figgured you would need it."
[19:25:23] <+Seth> ::smiles at Ryethon:: "General, is it time already?"
[19:25:45] <+Ryethon> "Past time."
[19:25:52] <+Seth> ::Takes a cup of the offered tea:: "I've been preparing for the days ahead."
[19:26:07] <+Ryethon> "We have much to do, little time to do it in, and a dirty job at that."
[19:26:24] <+Seth> "Remaining sober and sharp, time enough for celebration after." ::grins::
[19:27:35] <+Seth> "Let's not keep the other then. You've instructed the army on what it needs too do General? I've made sure Marshal Sprax understands his part."
[19:31:35] <+Seth> ::Shuts off a few valves to convoluted glass mixing devices and begins walking towards the great hall waiting for Ryethon to catch up::
[19:32:14] * +Charissa is waiting in the great hall for the rest of the Lords
[19:32:21] <+Ryethon> "I Belive the men will make a good enough distraction, I only hope enough of them survive to celebrate afterwards
[19:33:59] <+Seth> ::Over his shoulder as he moves:: "The greater share of honor and glory, riding off into hopeless odds to save their families. What more could a warrior want?"
[19:34:25] <+Ryethon> "You have aparently never been a warrior."
[19:34:53] <+Ryethon> "All most warriors want is to go home and plant a garden."
[19:35:52] <+Seth> ::Chuckles:: "You are correct General, I have never been a warrior. We all have our part to play." ::he pushes the doors open to the great hall and enters::
[19:39:14] <.Bynw> *Marshal Sprax is behind his Lord*
[19:41:24] <.Bynw> *Coch rises at Seth and the others enter.*
[19:42:03] * +Charissa nods to the new entrants
[19:43:00] <+Seth> ::Bows at the shoulders:: "Your Majesty, Lords, is the trade caravan ready to move?"
[19:43:30] <+Charissa> "I believe so, Seth."
[19:47:14] <+Ryethon> "Allright, lets head out."
[19:47:30] <+Seth> ::Smiles:: "Marshal Sprax understands his part and will guide the army with the help of the Mercenaries. If everyone is ready I suggest we start out."
[19:48:31] <+Charissa> "agreed."
[19:48:42] <.Bynw> *Sprax bows and takes his leave to command his part of the armies*
[19:49:22] <+Seth> "Lead the way your majesty." ::he makes a bow to Charissa::
[19:51:32] <+Charissa> ::leads the Lords and assembled company out of the Great Hall and towards the waiting horses::
[19:51:46] <+Charissa> ??horses or to the portal??
[19:56:07] * Savar has joined #Teara-Adan
[20:00:28] <.Bynw> *the caravan is waiting. It has drivers and others and some mercantile goods donated by local merchants
[20:00:47] * +Charissa takes her place in the caravan
[20:02:55] * +Jack joins the caravan.
[20:03:52] <+Seth> ::Mounts a horse and brings it to stand next to the wagon::
[20:10:42] <+Seth> ::Stands in the saddle and raises his voice:: "Let's move out." ::throws his arms forward as a signal::
[20:11:19] <+Seth> ::Drops down and brings the horse to a trot::
[20:14:50] * +Ryethon rides ahead a small distance and blends with the night
[20:21:24] * +Charissa blends in with the caravan and follows Seth's horse
[20:24:41] <.Bynw> *the caravan rides out of Warp Wood's capital into the night following the road winding its way through the swamps. By day break they reach a village some miles away
[20:27:25] <+Seth> ::Pulls his horse up next to Charissa:: "What do you think, camp on the outskirts, trade a little and move on tomorrow?"
[20:28:28] * +Ryethon rides in close to Seth
[20:29:36] <+Ryethon> "Certainly it would appear that we are traders if we do infact trade."
[20:29:57] <+Charissa> "Sounds good to me Seth"
[20:34:42] <.Bynw> *as the caravan enters the village they are greated by various villagers waiting to find what is in the waggons. since many of the villagers havent seen their new lords personally they are not actually recognized
[20:40:08] * +Jack plays the trader role with relish, haggling and offering barters. He figures that if it walks like a trader and quacks like a trader, no one will question the assumption that it is, in fact, a trader.
[20:44:37] <+Seth> ::Dismounts and ties his horse to the back of the waggon. Once on the ground he reaches into his saddle bags and produces an fiddle and begins playing:: "Come one come all, the traders are in town. Bring your silver and your wit." ::continues crying out the many things the caravan has to offer in trade::
[20:58:39] <.Bynw> *the day passes quickly with trading for coin and local goods and the "merchants" do well
Bynw da GM
The World of Teara Adan
Founding Four Member